World Class Cities 世界级城市

作者: 苏珊·卡雷 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·阿特金森、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、苏珊·卡雷 主题: 软件设计、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们需要为我们的字体制定一个命名方案 , 世界级城市 World Class Cities

I was very lucky to get a job as a graphic designer with the Macintosh group, and one part of the job I liked was creating special letters for computer screens. I liked this part of the job because the Macintosh could show words in a proper size and shape, unlike those old computers that used to keep all letters the same width.

我非常幸运地在 Macintosh 团队找到了一份平面设计师的工作,我喜欢的工作之一就是为电脑屏幕创建特殊的字母。我喜欢这部分工作,因为麦金塔可以以适当的大小和形状显示单词,这与那些过去使所有字母保持相同宽度的旧计算机不同。

The first font for Macintosh was made to be strong and clear, with no rough edges. It was originally called “Elefont”. We wanted many more fonts, so we were looking for a group of nice and connected names. Andy Hertzfeld and I went to the same high school in a suburb of Philadelphia, so we started naming the other fonts after places on the local train route: Overbrook, Merion, Ardmore, and Rosemont. The only one that didn’t follow this rule was Ransom. It was a special font with letters that didn’t match, meant to look like a message cut out from letters by a kidnapper.

Macintosh 的第一个字体坚固而清晰,没有粗糙的边缘。它最初被称为“Elefont”。我们想要更多的字体,所以我们正在寻找一组漂亮且相互关联的名称。

One day, Steve Jobs went to visit the software team late in the day. He looked at the list of font names on a menu and wrinkled his face. “What are these names?”, he asked, and we told him about the Paoli Local font.

有一天,史蒂夫·乔布斯在晚些时候去拜访软件团队。他看着菜单上的字体名称列表,皱起了眉头。 “这些名字是什么?”他问道,我们告诉他有关 Paoli Local 字体的信息。

He said, “Cities are fine, but not small cities that no one knows about. They should be really important and famous cities!”


These are the stories of how the cities of Chicago, New York, Geneva, London, San Francisco, Toronto, and Venice got their names.


