Reality Distortion Field 现实扭曲场

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年2月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、巴德·特里布尔 主题: 管理、个性、现实扭曲 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 巴德定义了史蒂夫的独特才能

I officially started on the Mac project on a Thursday afternoon, and Bud Tribble, my new manager and the only other software person on the project, was out of town. Bud was on leave of absence from an M.D.-Ph.D. program and he had to occasionally return to Seattle to keep up his standing in the program.

我在周四下午正式开始 Mac 项目,而我的新经理、该项目中唯一的其他软件人员 Bud Tribble 不在城里。

Bud usually didn’t come into work until after lunch, so I met with him for the first time the following Monday afternoon. We started talking about all the work that had to be done, which was pretty overwhelming. He showed me the official schedule for developing the software that had us shipping in about ten months, in early January 1982.

1982 年 1 月初,他向我展示了开发软件的官方时间表,我们在大约 10 个月内交付了该软件。

“Bud, that’s crazy!”, I told him. “We’ve hardly even started yet. There’s no way we can get it done by then.”

“巴德,这太疯狂了!”我告诉他。 “我们还没有开始。到那时我们不可能完成它。”

“I know,” he responded, in a low voice, almost a whisper.


“You know? If you know the schedule is off-base, why don’t you correct it?”


“Well, it’s Steve. Steve insists that we’re shipping in early 1982, and won’t accept answers to the contrary. The best way to describe the situation is a term from Star Trek. Steve has a reality distortion field.”

“嗯,是史蒂夫。史蒂夫坚持认为我们会在 1982 年初发货,并且不会接受相反的答案。
描述这种情况的最好方式是《星际迷航》中的一个术语。 史蒂夫有一个现实扭曲场。”

“A what?”


“A reality distortion field. In his presence, reality is malleable. He can convince anyone of practically anything. It wears off when he’s not around, but it makes it hard to have realistic schedules. And there’s a couple of other things you should know about working with Steve.”


“What else?”


“Well, just because he tells you that something is awful or great, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll feel that way tomorrow. You have to low-pass filter his input. And then, he’s really funny about ideas. If you tell him a new idea, he’ll usually tell you that he thinks it’s stupid. But then, if he actually likes it, exactly one week later, he’ll come back to you and propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.”

你必须对他的输入进行低通滤波。 然后,他对想法真的很有趣。
如果你告诉他一个新想法,他通常会告诉你他认为这很愚蠢。 但是,如果他真的喜欢,一周后,他就会回到你身边,向你提出你的想法,就好像他想到了一样。”

I thought Bud was surely exaggerating, until I observed Steve in action over the next few weeks. The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand. If one line of argument failed to persuade, he would deftly switch to another. Sometimes, he would throw you off balance by suddenly adopting your position as his own, without acknowledging that he ever thought differently.


Amazingly, the reality distortion field seemed to be effective even if you were acutely aware of it, although the effects would fade after Steve departed. We would often discuss potential techniques for grounding it (see Are You Gonna Do It?), but after a while most of us gave up, accepting it as a force of nature.
