Vault of Horror 恐怖地窖

作者: 卡罗琳·罗斯 日期: 1985年10月 人物: 卡罗琳·罗斯、比尔·道森、斯科特·纳斯特、克里斯·埃斯皮诺萨 主题: 文档 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 你从未见过的 Inside Mac 外壳 , 恐怖地窖 Vault of Horror

One of my friends, Scott Knaster, worked with Apple’s developer team when I was writing a book called Inside Macintosh. Scott likes to make people laugh and is a fan of comic books. So, it was not a surprise that he gave our team a special cover idea for our book. He based it on a old comic book called Vault of Horror. Scott gave the comic book to Bill Dawson and asked him to change it to fit our book. Bill did this by cutting and pasting the pictures with scissors and glue because we didn’t have any other way to do it back then. I’m sharing both the original and the changed picture with you so you can see the difference.

当我写一本名为《Inside Macintosh》的书时,我的一个朋友 Scott Knaster 与 Apple 的开发团队一起工作。

We laughed at the names Scott chose for the three scary-looking characters: the Control Manager, the Segment Loader, and the Trap Dispatcher. On the left, we saw a coffin with a vampire whose heart was being stabbed. It said “BIG BLUE” to show that Apple planned to defeat IBM with the Mac’s success. We noticed that the person being addressed by the man driving the stake was called “Ed”. This was because the group we were in was called “User Ed” (short for User Education). Some people might think the price Bill mentioned, $100, was a joke. But it was actually a well-informed guess of what the big and expensive book would cost. In the end, the book actually cost $79.95.

在左边,我们看到一口棺材,里面有一个心脏被刺伤的吸血鬼。上面写着“BIG BLUE”,表明苹果计划凭借Mac的成功击败IBM。
我们注意到,驾驶木桩的人所称呼的人被称为“Ed”。这是因为我们所在的小组被称为“User Ed”(User Education 的缩写)。
有些人可能认为比尔提到的价格 100 美元是个笑话。但这实际上是对这本大而昂贵的书的售价的明智猜测。最终,这本书实际售价为 79.95 美元。

A small change was made in the top left corner. The logo that said “Entertaining Comics” was changed to “Espinosa Comics”. This is because Chris Espinosa is now in charge of something called User Ed.

左上角做了一个小改动。 “娱乐漫画”的标志改为“埃斯皮诺萨漫画”。这是因为 Chris Espinosa 现在负责 User Ed 的工作。

Apple didn’t use this special cover, but six years later, when I was the editor of a magazine for Mac developers, I thought it would be fun to publish the cover in our magazine. I saw the original comic book on the back of the cover and found out it was made by William M. Gaines. I liked him because he was the publisher of a funny magazine called MAD. I grew up reading MAD and wanted to make our magazine fun and playful, too. So I called his office in New York and asked for permission to publish the changed cover. A few weeks later, I got a phone call from William Gaines himself! He agreed to let us use the cover, and I was really surprised and happy about it. Unfortunately, he didn’t live much longer (he died in June 1992).

苹果并没有使用这个特殊的封面,但六年后,当我担任 Mac 开发者杂志的编辑时,我认为在我们的杂志上发布这个封面会很有趣。
不幸的是,他没活多久(于 1992 年 6 月去世)。

It seems that some people at Apple didn’t want to publish a special cover on their development website. They thought it would be unkind to make fun of IBM by highlighting its weaknesses. I’m glad that now I can share this with a larger group of people.

看来苹果公司的一些人不想在他们的开发网站上发布特别的封面。他们认为通过强调 IBM 的弱点来取笑 IBM 是不友善的。我很高兴现在我可以与更多的人分享这一点。