US Festival 美国音乐节

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年9月 人物: 丹·科特克、杰里·马诺克、史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·巴奇、罗德·霍尔特、伯勒尔·史密斯、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、安迪·赫茨菲尔德 主题: 名人、个性、休闲 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们去参加沃兹的摇滚音乐节 , 美国音乐节 US Festival

When Steve Jobs started working on the Macintosh project in 1981, he brought back some important people who helped make the Apple II computer. These people included Rod Holt, Jerry Manock, Dan Kottke, Randy Wiggington, and Steve Wozniak, who was one of Apple’s founders.

1981 年,当史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 开始从事 Macintosh 项目时,他带回了一些帮助制造 Apple II 计算机的重要人员。这些人包括罗德·霍尔特 (Rod Holt)、杰里·马诺克 (Jerry Manock)、丹·科特克 (Dan Kottke)、兰迪·威金顿 (Randy Wiggington) 和苹果创始人之一史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 (Steve Wozniak)

Woz was very excited about the Macintosh computer. He started going to the team’s new office in Texaco Towers to look at the design and learn how to use the 68000 computer chip. He only worked on the project for a few weeks when he had a bad accident. He was flying his small plane near his home in Scott’s Valley when it crashed. He got a serious head injury and lost a couple of teeth.

沃兹对麦金塔计算机感到非常兴奋。他开始前往团队位于德士古大厦的新办公室查看设计并学习如何使用 68000 计算机芯片。他只在这个项目上工作了几个星期,就发生了一场严重的事故。当他驾驶小型飞机坠毁时,他正在斯科特谷的家附近驾驶。他头部严重受伤,并失去了几颗牙齿。

Woz was hurt in an accident and couldn’t do much for almost two months. While he was recovering, he had time to think about what was important to him. He decided he wanted to go back to college to finish his degree. He just needed to take one more year of classes. He didn’t want to go back to his old job at Apple. Woz went to the University of California, Berkeley, in the summer of 1981. He didn’t use his real name, Steve Wozniak. Instead, he used the name “Rocky Clark”. This was because his dog’s name was Rocky and his wife’s name was Candi Clark.

1981 年夏天,沃兹进入加州大学伯克利分校。他没有使用自己的真名史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克。相反,他使用了“洛基·克拉克”这个名字。这是因为他的狗的名字叫洛基,他妻子的名字叫坎迪·克拉克。

About two months after the accident, Woz was listening to his favorite radio station, KFAT. He got an idea to organize a music festival called “Woodstock West” with his favorite country music bands. He realized that he had enough money, but knew nothing about the music business. So, he put the idea away and told a few friends about it.

事故发生大约两个月后,沃兹开始收听他最喜欢的广播电台 KFAT。他产生了一个想法,与他最喜欢的乡村音乐乐队一起组织一个名为“伍德斯托克西部”的音乐节。他意识到自己有足够的钱,但对音乐行业一无所知。于是,他就打消了这个念头,并把这件事告诉了几个朋友。

Later that year, Woz met a businessman named Dr. Peter Ellis at college. Peter was a young man who had been involved in a big event at a university in the 1960s where they buried a Ford Pinto. Woz and Peter became friends, and Peter liked Woz’s idea for a festival called Woodstock West. Peter suggested a new name, “The US Festival”, to go with the idea of the “me” decade. He also had other ideas, such as having a technology fair and connecting with rock musicians in Moscow using a satellite. Woz gave Peter a lot of money to start a new company called Unuson (which means “Unite Nations Using Singing Over Network”). Peter would be in charge, and they would work together to create and host the US Festival.

那年晚些时候,沃兹在大学遇到了一位名叫彼得·埃利斯博士的商人。彼得是一位年轻人,他参与了 20 世纪 60 年代一所大学的一次重大活动,他们埋葬了一辆福特平托。沃兹和彼得成为了朋友,彼得喜欢沃兹关于举办名为西伍德斯托克音乐节的想法。彼得提出了一个新名称“美国节日”,以符合“我”十年的理念。他还有其他想法,例如举办技术博览会并使用卫星与莫斯科的摇滚音乐家联系。沃兹给了彼得很多钱,让他创办了一家名为 Unuson(意思是“通过网络唱歌的联合国”)的新公司。彼得将负责,他们将共同创建和主办美国艺术节。

Peter gathered a team and started making plans for a big music festival on Labor Day weekend at Glen Helen park in San Bernardino, not too far from Los Angeles. The company Unuson paid a lot of money to bring in the best rock promoter, Bill Graham, to book some really good bands. The festival will feature famous groups like the Police, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Santana, and many more.

彼得召集了一个团队,开始计划在劳动节周末在距离洛杉矶不远的圣贝纳迪诺格伦海伦公园举办一场大型音乐节。 Unuson 公司花了很多钱请来了最好的摇滚推广人 Bill Graham,来预订一些非常优秀的乐队。该节日将有警察乐队、弗利特伍德麦克乐队、汤姆·佩蒂乐队、桑塔纳乐队等著名乐队参加。

Woz invited his Apple friends to come to the US Festival by giving us special gold passes that let us in for free and allowed us to stay backstage. Woz, Burrell Smith, and I rented a camper and drove together. We left on Friday morning to make it to the festival by the evening, so we could enjoy it from the start.


After a long drive, we parked our camper and walked a short distance to the festival. We joined the crowd and walked to the main stage just as the sun was going down. The first band, The Gang of Four, was already playing. When they finished, we walked to the stage to check if our special passes worked. We also looked for a person named Woz.


The guard at the special door controlled by the stage checked our special passes and let us in. However, he didn’t seem happy doing it. I had never been behind the stage at a rock concert before. There was a nice selection of food and drinks in front of some trailers that were being used as dressing rooms for the bands. Many people were walking around, including people who helped set up the equipment, people who were fans of the band, people who protected the band members, and even some famous rock stars.


I was surprised to hear a very loud noise. A big motorcycle was coming into the backstage area. At first, I thought it was a bikie, but it was actually a famous music promoter named Bill Graham. He was wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses and looked very serious as he told people what to do. Me and my friends didn’t feel very welcome. People kept asking to see our passes, and it seemed like the people in charge were not happy that Steve Wozniak’s friends were there.


We finally saw Woz and signaled to get his attention. He came to us, looking happy and excited.


“Do you want to help introduce a band? Which one would you like to introduce? I already made a deal with Bill Graham, so if you want, you can introduce the band you like the most. We still have some time left and plenty of opening slots.”

“你想帮忙介绍一个乐队吗?你想介绍哪一个?我已经和Bill Graham达成协议了,所以如果你愿意的话,你可以介绍你最喜欢的乐队。我们还有一些时间,还有很多时间。”开放插槽。”

I was curious because my favorite band, the Kinks, was playing on Saturday afternoon. But the idea of getting up in front of hundreds of thousands of people scared me a lot. I said no, but then I saw that Burrell’s eyes were shining and he was very happy.


“I’d really like to introduce Santana. That would be awesome…” Carlos Santana is one of Burrell’s favorite guitar players.


Woz took a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked at it. “Okay, Santana is still available,” he said to Burrell. “I have you on the list to introduce Santana. Meet me backstage tomorrow after Eddie Money finishes his show, and I’ll show you what to do.”

沃兹从口袋里掏出一张纸,看了看。 “好吧,桑塔纳仍然可用,”他对伯勒尔说。 “我把你列在介绍桑塔纳的名单上。明天埃迪·莫尼结束演出后到后台来见我,我会告诉你该怎么做。”

That night, after we got back to our camper, Burrell wrote a funny and short introduction to welcome Santana the next day. He practiced it by reading it out loud and couldn’t stop talking about it until we went to the backstage area the next morning. Burrell waited for Woz to arrive and then read his introduction to him. Woz really liked it!


Woz took Burrell onto the stage. He wanted to show him to Bill Graham and tell him about the upcoming Santana show. But many people wanted to talk to Woz, so he got caught up in conversation and forgot about Burrell. Burrell was left alone on stage for a short while, until Bill Graham appeared, looking as grumpy as usual.


Bill Graham looked at Burrell and didn’t like what he saw. “Who are you? Why are you on the stage?”

比尔·格雷厄姆看着伯勒尔,不喜欢他所看到的。 “你是谁?为什么会出现在台上?”

Burrell said that he was a friend of Woz’s and was standing on stage to introduce Santana. He got out the notes he was going to read from his pocket and showed them to Bill Graham.


“Really?” Bill Graham said, sounding excited but also a little annoyed. “I’m going to introduce Santana now, and you need to get off the stage immediately!” (Note: I tried to keep the tone and language simple while still conveying the original message. Let me know if you’d like me to make any changes!)

“真的吗?”比尔·格雷厄姆说道,听起来很兴奋,但也有点恼火。 “我现在要介绍桑塔纳,你赶紧下台!”

Burrell searched the room for Woz. He couldn’t find him. Burrell started to talk loudly, but then stopped when he saw how very angry Bill Graham’s face was.


Bill Graham told one of his security guards, a tall man with long hair and tattoos, “Please take this man out of here and make sure he doesn’t come back.” The guard picked up the man named Burrell by his shirt and carried him off the stage and out of the backstage area.


We didn’t see Burrell for six hours, and we wondered what happened to him. He came back just before the last show of the day. A mean man from Bill Graham took his special pass and wouldn’t let him back in. Burrell didn’t know what to do, but he asked a friend, Woz, for help. Woz was sorry for what happened and asked Burrell to try again on Sunday to introduce another band. But this time, Burrell didn’t want to take the chance. He was tired of the festival and asked Bill and me to leave early on Sunday morning and go home.
