The End Of An Era 一个时代的终结

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1985年5月 人物: 鲍勃·贝尔维尔、乔安娜·霍夫曼、约翰·沃诺克、迈克·斯科特、巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、史蒂夫·卡普斯、比尔·阿特金森、伯勒尔·史密斯、迈克·默里、让-路易斯·加西、安迪·赫茨菲尔德 主题: 管理、性格、性格冲突、退出 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Mac 部门经历了不可思议的重组 , 一个时代的终结 The End Of An Era

The first Macintosh computer was very successful after its big launch in January 1984. Steve Jobs thought the computer was successful if it sold 50,000 units in the first 100 days. This was a high goal because the computer was new and didn’t have many apps. But Apple actually sold over 72,000 Macintosh computers by the end of April. They kept selling more and more, with over 60,000 units sold in just June 1984 alone.

第一台 Macintosh 电脑于 1984 年 1 月大规模推出后非常成功。史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 认为如果这款电脑在前 100 天内售出 50,000 台,那么它就是成功的。
这是一个很高的目标,因为计算机是新的并且没有很多应用程序。但截至 4 月底,苹果公司实际上售出了超过 72,000 台 Macintosh 电脑。他们的销量不断增加,仅 1984 年 6 月就售出了 60,000 多件。

I went to a big computer show in June 1984 with the Apple Mac team. I shared a hotel room with Burrell Smith, even though I wasn’t working at Apple at the time. Apple had invited a group of small computer program developers to show off their cool programs for the Macintosh. Steve Jobs was very happy and excited because he thought the many programs and good sales meant that the Macintosh was now successful. When I saw him at the show, he gave me a hug and said, “Look at all these programs! We did it! The Macintosh is a hit!”

1984 年 6 月,我和 Apple Mac 团队一起参观了一场大型电脑展。我与伯勒尔·史密斯 (Burrell Smith) 共用一个酒店房间,尽管我当时并不在苹果公司工作。

Many people were very happy because Apple was selling a lot of computers. However, this happy trend did not last. As summer turned into fall, Apple started selling fewer computers. For a little while, the University Consortium helped by selling many cheap Macs to students, but soon sales slowed down. Apple’s team predicted that they would sell a lot of computers during the holiday season, but actually they didn’t sell as many as they thought. In December 1984, Apple’s old computer, the Apple II, was still making most of the company’s money.

有一段时间,大学联盟通过向学生销售许多廉价 Mac 来提供帮助,但很快销售速度就放缓了。
苹果团队预计他们会在假期期间卖出大量电脑,但实际上他们的销量并没有想象的那么多。 1984 年 12 月,苹果的旧电脑 Apple II 仍在赚取公司的大部分利润。

When the new year started, Steve Jobs didn’t seem to notice that the Macintosh was selling less and less. He still acted like it was a huge hit. But the people who worked for him in the Macintosh division were worried. They had to handle the difference between what Steve wanted them to do and what was really happening with the sales. They had to deal with the bad news and try to make the best of it.


At the same time, the Macintosh team was not working well. The Mac computer needed a hard drive and a good way to connect to it, but there were no big improvements planned. The computer’s basic parts weren’t changing much, except for a little more memory, for a year. In the fall of 1984, Steve Jobs tried to gather the original Mac team together to work on a new project called “Turbo Mac”. This project would have a new computer board with special chips and fast connections to help the hard drive work well. However, the team’s designer, Burrell Smith, was very frustrated because the team’s leader, Bob Belleville, was making things difficult for him. Eventually, Burrell got so fed up that he quit the company in February 1985.

与此同时,麦金塔团队的运作并不顺利。 Mac 电脑需要一个硬盘驱动器和一个良好的连接方式,但没有计划进行重大改进。
一年来,除了内存增加了一点之外,计算机的基本部件没有太大变化。 1984 年秋天,史蒂夫·乔布斯试图将最初的 Mac 团队聚集在一起,共同开发一个名为“Turbo Mac”的新项目。
然而,球队的设计师伯勒尔·史密斯却非常沮丧,因为球队的领导者鲍勃·贝尔维尔一直在为难他。最终,伯勒尔对此感到厌倦,于 1985 年 2 月退出了公司。

The only new product coming soon was a special printer called LaserWriter. It used a special laser technology to print 300 tiny dots per inch. The computer part of the printer was designed by Burrell Smith, and the software was written by a new company called Adobe. Adobe was started by two friends who used to work at Xerox. Like the Macintosh computer, Adobe’s software was very advanced and could create beautiful pages. Unfortunately, the LaserWriter had a big problem: it was very expensive, costing over $7,000. That’s almost three times the cost of a Macintosh computer.

唯一即将推出的新产品是一款名为 LaserWriter 的特殊打印机。它使用特殊的激光技术每英寸打印 300 个微小点。
打印机的计算机部分由 Burrell Smith 设计,软件由一家名为 Adob​​e 的新公司编写。 Adobe 是由两个曾经在 Xerox 工作的朋友创立的。
不幸的是,LaserWriter 有一个大问题:它非常昂贵,花费超过 7,000 美元。这几乎是麦金塔电脑成本的三倍。

Joanna Hoffman was the Mac team’s marketing person. She went back to the main product marketing team in 1985 to help with a big problem. At her first meeting with the sales team, she was surprised. The sales team said they would sell many computers in the next few months, but that was not as many as they were selling now. Everyone knew this, but nobody wanted to tell Steve (who was in charge) because they were scared. Joanna fixed the wrong numbers and people were happy.

Joanna Hoffman 是 Mac 团队的营销人员。 1985年,她回到主要产品营销团队,帮助解决一个大问题。当她第一次与销售团队会面时,她感到很惊讶。

Steve Jobs and John Sculley were getting along well when Apple was successful. But now, in 1985, the company was having trouble selling computers. This was causing problems between Steve and John, as they had never dealt with such difficulties before. Steve didn’t like it when people gave him advice on how to make Macintosh sell better. He sometimes got angry and felt like people were attacking him personally. John was trying to help Steve fix the Macintosh problems, but Steve didn’t take it well. This was making their relationship worse.

当苹果公司取得成功时,史蒂夫·乔布斯和约翰·斯卡利相处得很好。但现在,在 1985 年,该公司在销售电脑方面遇到了困难。
史蒂夫不喜欢人们向他提出如何让 Macintosh 卖得更好的建议。他有时会生气,觉得人们在对他进行人身攻击。

Steve Jobs didn’t like it when people didn’t agree with him, and when things got tough, he became even more hard to work with. Many employees, including some who directly reported to him, started talking to John about the problems they had with Steve’s way of behaving. One big problem was that Steve didn’t want to make Apple’s computers work well with IBM computers, which John thought was important. John started to think that Steve was the main reason why Apple was having trouble, and the people in charge of the company were telling John to do something about it.


Steve often said he likes to work with small teams to make new products. He also said he doesn’t want to be in charge of a big company with many employees. Apple’s leaders thought Steve should stop being in charge of the Macintosh team and go back to being good at coming up with new ideas for products.


Steve met a man named Steve Kitchen, who was introduced to him by Steve Capps. Steve Kitchen was a very friendly and excited businessman who had created some successful video games for Atari. He said he had just invented a new technology that lets you see pictures on a flat screen, like a TV. This would help make computers small and portable. Steve Jobs thought this was a great idea and wanted Apple to buy this technology and start a team to work on it. But sometimes he was very excited about the idea and wanted to start the team, and sometimes he seemed to want to prove that he could handle a big project like this on his own.

史蒂夫遇到了一个名叫史蒂夫·基钦的人,他是由史蒂夫·卡普斯介绍给他的。史蒂夫·基钦 (Steve Kitchen) 是一位非常友好且热情的商人,他为雅达利 (Atari) 制作了一些成功的视频游戏。他说他刚刚发明了一项新技术,可以让你在平面屏幕上看到图片,就像电视一样。

The big problem came up at a meeting on April 10th. The people in charge of Apple thought they could convince Steve to stop managing the company and instead focus on new ideas. But Steve did the opposite and asked for the person in charge, John Sculley, to be removed. The people in charge talked to both Steve and John for a long time, and they even continued the meeting into the next day. After thinking about it, they decided to make John in charge of the Macintosh team, and took away all of Steve’s power. Steve would still be in charge of Apple, but for now, he wouldn’t have any other job.

这个大问题是在 4 月 10 日的一次会议上提出的。苹果公司的负责人认为他们可以说服史蒂夫停止管理公司,转而专注于新想法。但史蒂夫却反其道而行之,要求将负责人约翰·斯卡利撤职。

John didn’t want to make big changes right away because he was still trying to make peace with Steve and get him to agree with the changes. He thought this would make the transition smoother. However, Steve started trying to hurt John’s efforts and undermine him in secret. In the end, John had to make the decision to remove Steve from his job at the Macintosh division. Apple announced this decision, along with their first-ever loss and many layoffs, on a Friday in May 1985. This was a very difficult time for Apple.

1985 年 5 月的一个星期五,苹果公司宣布了这一决定,并宣布了他们有史以来的第一次亏损和多次裁员。对于苹果公司来说,这是一个非常困难的时期。

I was surprised when my friend from Apple told me the news over the phone. I quickly drove to Cupertino to see what was happening and to talk to my friends about it. I knew that Macintosh was having some trouble selling computers, but still, I couldn’t believe that the company would get rid of Steve Jobs, who was the center of Apple and had a strong personality. It was hard to imagine Steve not being in charge of the Macintosh team. I thought maybe I wasn’t hearing the whole story, and that something would happen to make more sense of it all.


I went to the Apple office right after John Sculley talked to his team about big changes and let some people go. It was like when Steve Jobs suddenly got rid of a lot of people four years earlier. This time, some people who didn’t like Steve’s attitude towards them were happy about the changes, and a few others saw it as a chance to move up. But most Apple employees were feeling sad and worried about what would happen next.

在约翰·斯卡利 (John Sculley) 与他的团队谈论重大变革并裁掉一些人后,我立即前往苹果办公室。

Many people had different ideas about what had really happened. I thought Steve might be leaving AppleLabs and I might be able to go back to Apple to work on a small team again. I really wanted to talk to Steve and ask him what he thought, and I wasn’t the only one. Bill, Bud, Steve, and I planned to meet Steve at his home in Woodside for dinner on Sunday evening, two days after the big change was announced.

我想 Steve 可能会离开 AppleLabs,而我或许可以再次回到 Apple 在一个小团队中工作。我真的很想和史蒂夫谈谈,问问他的想法,而且我不是唯一一个。

I had never been to Steve’s house before. It was a very big, old house in Woodside. Steve had bought it a year ago. The house had 14 bedrooms and was 17,250 square feet big. It was built in 1926 in a Spanish style. We knocked on the door and waited a bit for Steve to come. When he did, he took us inside. The house was really, really big, but most of it was empty. Our footsteps sounded very loud because it was so quiet. Steve took us to a big room near the kitchen. There was a long table in this room, and it was one of the few rooms with furniture.

这所房子有 14 间卧室,面积 17,250 平方英尺。它建于1926年,具有西班牙风格。

We talked in the kitchen, while Steve made some food. Tina, Steve’s girlfriend, was there too. I had met her a few times before. She seemed to be very kind and smart. Bill started talking to Tina, and I finally got the chance to ask Steve some questions about the change they were making.


“I want to know what really happened at Apple”, I asked him, although I was a little nervous about asking. “Is the situation as bad as it seems?”

“我想知道苹果到底发生了什么”,我问他,尽管我问这个问题有点紧张。 “情况真的像看起来那么糟糕吗?”

“No, it’s even worse” Steve said, looking very unhappy. “It’s much, much worse than you can even think of.”

“不,情况更糟,”史蒂夫说道,看上去很不高兴。 “这比你想象的要糟糕得多。”

Steve was very certain that John Sculley was to blame for everything bad that happened. He felt John had betrayed him and didn’t think anyone, including Sculley, could run Apple without him. Steve said his job as chairman was just for show and gave him no real work to do. In fact, Apple had already moved his office to a small building across the street from the main building, which was mostly empty. This new office was far away from where important things happened, and people later started calling it “Siberia” because it was so isolated.


We had a nice dinner together, sitting around one end of a long table. We mostly talked about happy memories from when we helped make the Mac computer, but sometimes we talked about what might happen to Apple in the future. Steve arranged for special yummy vegetarian food to be brought to our house, and we drank good wine. For dessert, we ate handfuls of fresh cherries from Steve’s big wooden crate in the kitchen.

我们主要谈论的是我们帮助制造 Mac 电脑时的美好回忆,但有时我们也会谈论苹果未来可能发生的事情。

After dinner, we went to another room. It had a fancy music player and a big model of a house. Steve was planning to build this house to replace the one we were in. I brought Bob Dylan’s new album, “Empire Burlesque”, with me because I knew Steve liked Bob Dylan, just like me. But Steve thought Dylan hadn’t made any good music since 10 years ago. I put the album on a special turntable and played the last song, “Dark Eyes”. It was a slow and sad song. The words seemed to fit the mood at Apple, but Steve didn’t like the song and didn’t want to hear the rest of the album. He still didn’t like recent Dylan music.

但史蒂夫认为迪伦从十年前起就没有创作过任何好音乐了。我把专辑放在一个特殊的转盘上,播放了最后一首歌“Dark Eyes”。

Later, when it was time to go, we stayed outside under the nice summer sky. By then, we were all feeling emotional, especially Steve. I tried to tell him that returning wasn’t all bad, and I would be happy to work with him again at Apple. But Steve was very sad and depressed. As we left, I thought it was good that Tina was there to keep him company in their big house.


It took some time for me to understand the changes that happened after the reorganization. The good news for me was that my boss, Bob Belleville, left Apple because he had disagreed with Steve and hurt some relationships. Many of Steve’s friends stayed at Apple and worked for Jean-Louis Gassee, who became the boss of the part of the company that Steve used to lead. However, Mike Murray decided to leave soon after. Steve Jobs went on a trip for most of the summer, trying to figure out what to do next. He was still the leader of Apple, but he was very upset with the other leaders and it seemed unlikely that he would stay there much longer.

我花了一些时间才了解重组后发生的变化。 对我来说,好消息是我的老板鲍勃·贝尔维尔(Bob Belleville)离开了苹果公司,因为他与史蒂夫意见不合,并伤害了一些关系。
史蒂夫的许多朋友都留在了苹果公司,并为让·路易斯·加西 (Jean-Louis Gassee) 工作,后者成为了史蒂夫曾经领导的公司部门的老板。
然而,迈克·默里很快就决定离开。 史蒂夫·乔布斯整个夏天的大部分时间都在旅行,试图弄清楚下一步该做什么。