Swedish Campground 瑞典露营地

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 苏珊·凯尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 软件设计 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们如何获得用于菜单命令键的不寻常符号 , 瑞典露营地 Swedish Campground

We wanted users to be able to use the keyboard to access menu commands directly. So, we added a special key to the keyboard that allows users to select menu commands by pressing it along with another key. We named this key the “Apple key”. When you press the Apple key with another key, it chooses the corresponding menu command. We also added a small picture of an Apple logo next to each menu item with a keyboard shortcut, to help users remember the combination.

我们希望用户能够使用键盘直接访问菜单命令。因此,我们在键盘上添加了一个特殊的键,允许用户通过将其与另一个键一起按下来选择菜单命令。我们将此键命名为“Apple 键”。当您同时按下 Apple 键和另一个键时,它会选择相应的菜单命令。我们还在每个带有键盘快捷键的菜单项旁边添加了一个 Apple 徽标的小图片,以帮助用户记住该组合。

One day in the late afternoon, Steve Jobs suddenly went into the area where the software developers worked at Bandley III. He was very upset about something. This was normal for him. I think he had just seen a new program called MacDraw for the first time. It had more options on its menus than our other programs.

一天下午晚些时候,史蒂夫·乔布斯突然走进 Bandley III 的软件开发人员工作的区域。他对某事感到非常不安。这对他来说很正常。我想他刚刚第一次看到一个名为 MacDraw 的新程序。它的菜单上有比我们其他程序更多的选项。

“There are too many pictures of apples on the screen! It’s silly! We’re using the apple logo too much. We need to stop doing that!” (Note: I changed “in vain” to “too much” to make the language simpler, and also rephrased some of the sentences to make them easier to understand.)


We told him that when we write about items that need the “command key” symbol, we need to include that symbol. He said we should use a different symbol instead of the Apple logo. This change affected both the instructions and the physical keyboard. We had to come up with a new symbol in just a few days.


It was hard to find a small picture that means “command”. We didn’t come up with a good idea right away. Our artist, Susan Kare, has a big book of symbols from all around the world. She looked through it to find a symbol that is special, pretty, and somewhat related to the idea of a menu command.

很难找到一张表示“命令”的小图片。我们没有立即想出一个好主意。我们的艺术家苏珊·卡雷(Susan Kare)有一本包含来自世界各地的符号的大书。她仔细查看,发现一个特殊、漂亮且与菜单命令的概念有些相关的符号。

One day, she found a special picture of flowers that was used in Sweden to show interesting things in a campsite. She made a small picture (16 squares by 16 squares) of the symbol and showed it to the others on her team. Everyone liked it. Even 20 years later, the computers running Macintosh still have a little piece of that Swedish campsite in their design.

有一天,她发现了一张特殊的花朵图片,这张图片在瑞典被用来展示露营地里有趣的事物。她制作了该符号的小图片(16 个正方形 x 16 个正方形)并将其展示给团队中的其他人。每个人都喜欢它。即使 20 年后,运行 Macintosh 的计算机的设计中仍然保留着瑞典露营地的影子。

