Stolen From Apple 从苹果公司被盗

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、苏珊·凯尔、史蒂夫·卡普斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、史蒂夫·贾西克 主题: 软件设计 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们在ROM中放置了一个隐藏的图标 , 从苹果公司被盗 Stolen From Apple

In 1980, a company called Franklin Computer made a copy of the Apple computer called the Franklin Ace. They made the copy to do the same things as the Apple II and to run the same software. They even copied everything about the Apple II, including all the special programs and instructions, and sold it for a lower price. We found one place in the instructions where they forgot to change “Apple” to “Ace”! Apple was very upset and took Franklin to court. In the end, Apple won and made Franklin stop selling the Ace.

1980 年,一家名为富兰克林电脑 (Franklin Computer) 的公司仿制了苹果电脑,名为 Franklin Ace。他们制作的副本可以执行与 Apple II 相同的操作并运行相同的软件。
他们甚至复制了Apple II的所有内容,包括所有特殊程序和说明,并以较低的价格出售。
我们在说明书中发现有一处他们忘记将“Apple”更改为“Ace”!苹果公司非常不满,将富兰克林告上法庭。最终,苹果公司获胜并迫使富兰克林停止销售 Ace。

Even though Apple won the case, it was a close call. Apple wasn’t sure until the end of the case that they would win. The person, Franklin, said that Apple didn’t have the right to stop him from copying Apple’s computer code, because he needed it to make his own software work with Apple’s computer. We thought that someone else might try to do something similar with our new computer, the Macintosh. We worried that someone clever could hide their code so that it looked different from Apple’s. That’s why we decided to take extra precautions to protect our computer code.

因为他需要这些代码才能让自己的软件与苹果公司的计算机兼容。我们认为其他人可能会尝试用我们的新计算机 Macintosh 做类似的事情。我们担心聪明的人可能会隐藏他们的代码,

Steve thought that if another company copied the Mac computer’s ROM into their own machine, he wanted the ability to show a demonstration during the trial. He wanted to be able to quickly type some keys on the copied machine and have a big message saying “Stolen From Apple” appear on the screen. To do this, he needed to secretly add some special routines and data into the Mac ROM, so that the people copying the ROM wouldn’t be able to find or remove it.

史蒂夫认为,如果另一家公司将 Mac 计算机的 ROM 复制到自己的机器中,他希望能够在试用期间进行演示。他希望能够在复制的机器上快速键入一些按键,
并在屏幕上出现一条大消息“从苹果公司窃取”。为此,他需要秘密地将一些特殊的例程和数据添加到Mac ROM中,这样复制ROM的人就无法找到或删除它。

It was a challenging but fun project. Susan created an icon that said “Stolen from Apple” with a picture of prison bars. Steve Capps had an idea to make icons take up less space in the computer’s memory. We used his idea to make the icon take up even less space, and this made it harder to find. We also wrote a small program to show the icon on the screen, but we made it very small and hid it in some data, so it would be hard to find when someone looked at the computer’s code.

这是一个具有挑战性但有趣的项目。苏珊创建了一个图标,上面写着“从苹果公司偷来的”,并附有一张监狱酒吧的照片。史蒂夫·卡普斯(Steve Capps)

All you had to do to make it work was go into the debugger, type in a 6-digit number in hexadecimal format, and then add the letter “G” at the end. This made the computer execute the program at that address. We showed it to Steve and he liked it. We even hoped that someone would copy the computer’s memory so we could show how smart we were.

要使其工作,您所要做的就是进入调试器,输入十六进制格式的 6 位数字,然后在末尾添加字母“G”。这使得计算机执行该地址处的程序。我们把它拿给史蒂夫看,

So far, no one has taken the idea from our ROM and used it in a real project. That’s why we didn’t need to copy anyone else’s work. But it did raise some curiosity for a bit. We made it seem like there was a secret message hidden in the ROM that said “stolen from Apple”. We did this to make people think twice before trying to take our ideas. And it looks like at least one curious person became really interested in finding this supposed message.

到目前为止,还没有人从我们的 ROM 中汲取这一想法并将其用于实际项目中。这就是为什么我们不需要复制其他人的工作。但这确实引起了一些好奇心。我们让 
ROM 中隐藏着一条秘密信息,上面写着“从 Apple 窃取”。我们这样做是为了让人们在尝试接受我们的想法之前三思而后行。

Steve Jasik wrote a program called MacNosy that could help people understand how a computer’s memory worked. He discovered that the computer’s memory had a secret part that was copied from another company called Apple. Steve wanted to find out where this secret part was hidden. He lived in a city called Palo Alto, where I sometimes met him. He would ask me for help or tell me his new idea about how to find the hidden part, but usually his idea was wrong.

Steve Jasik 编写了一个名为 MacNosy 的程序,可以帮助人们了解计算机内存的工作原理。他发现计算机的内存有一个秘密部分,是从另一家名为苹果公司的公司复制的。

It took him about two or three years to figure it out. One day, I ran into him and he had a big smile on his face. He explained what was inside the program and how to get to a special part of the display routine. I was happy for him and congratulated him. But I wasn’t sure if he had figured it out on his own or if someone he knew had showed him how it was done, since they had access to the original code.


