Steve Icon 史蒂夫图标

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年2月 人物: 苏珊·卡雷、史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·阿特金森、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: MacPaint,个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 拥有自己的图标成为了身份的象征 , 史蒂夫图标 Steve Icon

In February 1983, I helped create a tool for Susan Kare to make icons for the Finder. This tool was inspired by a feature in MacPaint called “Fat Bits”. The tool had two windows. One window was big and showed a 32x32 grid of tiny squares, called pixels. Each pixel was big enough to see clearly. The other window showed the icon at its normal size. When you clicked on a pixel, it would change color. If you then dragged your mouse over other pixels, they would also change color.

1983 年 2 月,我帮助 Susan Kare 创建了一个为 Finder 制作图标的工具。该工具的灵感来自 MacPaint 中名为“Fat Bits”的功能。该工具有两个窗口。其中一个窗口很大,显示 32x32 的小方块网格,称为像素。每个像素都足够大,可以看得清楚。另一个窗口以正常大小显示图标。当你点击一个像素时,它会改变颜色。如果您随后将鼠标拖动到其他像素上,它们也会改变颜色。

Susan was drawing pictures for the computer program called the Finder. She also drew other pictures just to have fun or to get better at drawing. She liked to be funny and her pictures often showed that. One day, I went to her desk to see what she was working on, and I was surprised to see her making a very small drawing of Steve Jobs’ face.

苏珊正在为名为 Finder 的计算机程序画画。她还画了其他画,只是为了获得乐趣或提高绘画水平。她喜欢搞笑,她的照片也经常表现出这一点。有一天,我去她的办公桌前看她在做什么,我惊讶地发现她画了一幅史蒂夫·乔布斯脸部的小画。

The icons were very small, only 32 x 32 pixels. They were made up of just 1024 tiny dots. I didn’t think it would be possible to create a good portrait of someone in a space that small. But Susan was able to make an icon that looked like Steve, with a sneaky smile. It showed a lot of Steve’s personality. Everyone she showed it to liked it, even Steve himself.

图标非常小,只有 32 x 32 像素。它们仅由 1024 个小点组成。我认为不可能在这么小的空间里为某人创作一幅好的肖像。但苏珊能够制作一个看起来像史蒂夫的图标,带着鬼鬼祟祟的微笑。它充分展现了史蒂夫的个性。她展示给每个人都喜欢它,甚至包括史蒂夫本人。

Bill Atkinson liked Steve’s icon so much that he asked Susan to make an icon of him. But this time, it would be for the MacPaint program’s start-up screen. Bill sat with Susan for a bit, talking while she made the icon. It didn’t turn out exactly the same as Steve’s icon, but it still looked like him. And it did get used in MacPaint.

比尔·阿特金森非常喜欢史蒂夫的图标,以至于他要求苏珊为他制作一个图标。但这一次,它将用于 MacPaint 程序的启动屏幕。比尔和苏珊坐了一会儿,一边聊天,一边让她制作图标。它与史蒂夫的图标并不完全相同,但看起来仍然像他。它确实在 MacPaint 中得到了使用。

At that time, it was a good thing to be chosen by Susan to be turned into an icon by the Mac team. Bill was chosen as an icon, and soon Burrell Smith asked Susan to make an icon for himself too. He wanted one even though he didn’t really need it. Burrell tried to persuade Susan for a few days, promising to be her best friend. Finally, Susan agreed and asked Burrell to be photographed for his icon. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of Burrell’s icon to show you.

当时,Susan 被 Mac 团队选为偶像,是件好事。比尔被选为偶像,很快伯勒尔·史密斯就要求苏珊也为自己制作一个偶像。他想要一个,尽管他并不真正需要它。伯勒尔试图说服苏珊几天,并承诺成为她最好的朋友。最后,苏珊同意了,并要求伯勒尔为他的偶像拍照。不幸的是,我没有伯勒尔图标的图片可以给你看。

Susan made some more pictures of her team members using tiny dots. She would work on them in the late afternoon while talking to the person she was drawing and other team members would listen. I got to know some of my teammates better because of these painting sessions.


