Steve Capps Day 史蒂夫·卡普斯日

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年12月 人物: 杰罗姆·库南、史蒂夫·卡普斯、布鲁斯·霍恩、拉里·凯尼恩 主题: 个性、苹果精神 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们都盛装打扮以纪念史蒂夫·卡普斯 , 史蒂夫·卡普斯日 Steve Capps Day

The software for the Macintosh computer was almost finished in the fall of 1983. Most of the system software was stored in Read-Only Memory (ROM), and it was working okay. Larry Kenyon came up with a smart idea to fix problems in the ROM. He found a way to add a small piece of code that looked at the address of the part of the ROM that was causing the problem. This allowed us to fix the problem by adding a small piece of code, instead of replacing a big part of the ROM, which would have used up precious RAM.

Macintosh 计算机的软件在 1983 年秋天几乎完成。大部分系统软件都存储在只读存储器(ROM)中,并且运行良好。
Larry Kenyon 提出了一个解决 ROM 中问题的聪明主意。他找到了一种方法来添加一小段代码来查看导致问题的 ROM 部分的地址。
这使我们能够通过添加一小段代码来解决问题,而不是替换大部分 ROM,因为这会耗尽宝贵的 RAM。

By November 1983, MacPaint was almost ready to be released. Even though it sometimes ran out of memory when we made changes, it was close enough to be released. MacWrite had a lot of problems, but it could do its main job as long as we didn’t try to use too much memory. The only important program that might cause us to miss our deadline in January was the Finder. This program controls other programs and files and is very important.

到 1983 年 11 月,MacPaint 几乎已经准备好发布了。尽管当我们进行更改时有时会耗尽内存,但它已经足够接近可以被释放了。
MacWrite 有很多问题,但只要我们不尝试使用太多内存,它就可以完成其主要工作。
唯一可能导致我们错过一月份截止日期的重要程序是 Finder。该程序控制其他程序和文件,非常重要。

Bruce Horn was the only person working on the Finder, a program. He was having trouble because of many problems, especially when copying files when the computer didn’t have enough memory. The Finder was built on top of a management system made by Bruce, using features that weren’t finished yet when the computer’s operating system was made final. It would have been better if two people were working on it, but Bruce was very smart, very dedicated, and very proud. He thought he could do it himself and finish it on time.

布鲁斯·霍恩 (Bruce Horn) 是唯一参与 Finder 程序的人。他遇到了很多问题,尤其是在计算机内存不足的情况下复制文件时。
Finder 建立在 Bruce 制作的管理系统之上,使用了计算机操作系统最终确定时尚未完成的功能。

Jerome, the person in charge of Macintosh software, was worried that Bruce was not going to be able to finish his work. Jerome knew he needed to find someone else to help Bruce, but it was hard because Bruce was very particular and easily stressed when someone else helped. Luckily, Steve Capps was the right person to help Bruce.


Capps was a very good and creative computer programmer who came to work with the Mac team in 1983. He was really good at his job and gave us a lot of energy when we were feeling tired and stressed. Capps was a strong-built man with brown hair and a beard. He was one of the few people that Bruce respected and listened to. He was also very friendly and easy-going, which was a good match for Bruce who was always worried and intense.

Capps 是一位非常优秀且富有创造力的计算机程序员,于 1983 年加入 Mac 团队。

To reduce distractions, Jerome decided that Bruce and Capps should move to a small office that was a few blocks away. Bruce and Capps were going to help get the Finder project back on track. Capps took over some tasks from Bruce and worked hard. It wasn’t always easy, but by the end of December, it looked like the project was getting better.

Bruce 和 Capps 将帮助 Finder 项目重回正轨。卡普斯从布鲁斯手中接手了一些任务,努力工作。
这并不总是那么容易,但到 12 月底,项目似乎正在变得更好。

Jerome came up with a special way to thank Capps for his amazing work. Capps stands out because of his quirky style. He always wears a long-sleeved white shirt, cut-off jeans, white socks, and a specific kind of sneakers called Vans. He even gave each team member a pair of Vans as a Christmas gift. Jerome thought it would be fun to honor Capps by declaring a special “Steve Capps Day”. On that day, everyone would wear the same clothes as Capps, just like him.

他总是穿着长袖白衬衫、破洞牛仔裤、白袜子和一种叫做 Vans 的特殊运动鞋。

I went to Macy’s to buy a white shirt. But instead, I found a shirt that looked similar to what Capps wears. The next day, we all gathered in our office in Bandley 3. Everyone wore shirts like Capps’ because we wanted to have fun. Even the French and German visitors who were staying with us for a month joined in. But the funniest person was probably Patti Kenyon, who was 8 months pregnant and wore a big white shirt.

我去梅西百货买了一件白衬衫。但相反,我发现了一件看起来与卡普斯穿的相似的衬衫。第二天,我们都聚集在班德利 3 号的办公室。

Jerome went to get Capps and Bruce from their group, telling them they had to go to a very important meeting. We couldn’t help but laugh when Capps walked in, not knowing what was happening. Then we finally laughed so hard we couldn’t control ourselves, and we all clapped for him when he realized it was a joke.
