Software Wizard 软件向导

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年3月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、伯勒尔·史密斯、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 个性、苹果精神 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Mac 小组获得名片 , 软件向导 Software Wizard

By 1982, the Macintosh project at Apple was considered important. It was growing from a special little project into a big one. As the team got bigger, we needed to work better together and be more organized.

到 1982 年,苹果公司的 Macintosh 项目被认为很重要。

At first, our team didn’t have official job titles, but we needed them to get business cards. I used to have the title “Senior Member of Technical Staff” in the Apple II group, which I thought was boring. So, I told Peggy Alexio, the secretary of Rod Holt, who was ordering the business cards, that I didn’t want any because I didn’t like my title.

我曾经在Apple II小组中拥有“高级技术人员”的头衔,我认为这很无聊。

The next day, Steve came to see me. He said he heard that I didn’t want business cards. But he thought I should have them, and it didn’t matter what title I used. I could choose any title I liked. I thought about it for a bit, and then I decided on “Software Wizard”. I chose this title because it’s not clear where it fits in the company’s hierarchy. And it’s a good way to describe how software innovation can be like magic.


When I told Burrell about my new title, he quickly took “Hardware Wizard” for himself. I didn’t want him to, because it made my title less special. After that, many people on the Mac team started changing their job titles to make them sound more interesting. This trend kept going at Apple for a long time and even spread to other companies. From what I know, that’s how it all started.

此后,Mac 团队中的许多人开始更改自己的职位名称,以使它们听起来更有趣。