Rosing's Rascals 罗辛的流氓

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年3月 人物: 比尔·阿特金森、韦恩·罗辛、丹·史密斯、弗兰克·鲁道夫、史蒂夫·乔布斯、布鲁斯·霍恩 主题: 软件设计,Lisa,用户界面,管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Lisa Filer 被彻底重新设计,没有多余的时间 , 罗辛的流氓 Rosing’s Rascals

By spring 1982, the way that the Lisa computer would work with humans (called the Lisa User Interface) was mostly fixed. The people who made the software were working very hard to get everything ready to send to stores by autumn. Many of the programs were almost done, but there were still many problems. Despite this, the team started to feel happy that they were getting close to the end of making all these changes.

到 1982 年春天,Lisa 计算机与人类合作的方式(称为 Lisa 用户界面)基本确定。

Dan Smith and Frank Ludolph were working on a special part of the Lisa computer, called the Lisa Filer. It helped with files and could open other programs too. They were making good progress, but Dan was not happy with how it looked.

丹·史密斯 (Dan Smith) 和弗兰克·卢道夫 (Frank Ludolph) 正在研究 Lisa 计算机的一个特殊部分,称为 Lisa Filer。

The Filer was a small window on the screen that asked the user questions. It would ask, “What document do you want?” and then “What do you want to do with it?” like “Open”, “Copy”, or “Don’t use it”. Based on the answer, it would ask more questions. Because of all these questions, people started calling it the “Twenty Questions Filer”. Dan thought it was not easy or fun to use, but there wasn’t enough time to make it better, so they had to use it.

Dan 认为它使用起来并不容易或有趣,但没有足够的时间来改进它,所以他们不得不使用它。

One day, Dan told Bill Atkinson, who designed the computer’s user interface, that he wasn’t happy with the design. Bill suggested they meet at his home in Los Gatos that evening to think together and come up with a new idea. Even though it might be too late to use it for the first release, they could still try.


Bill liked an idea that used pictures and icons to represent files. He wanted to make it easy to move these icons around using a mouse. He remembered seeing a special project at M.I.T. called Dataland, where data items could be placed in a big area. He took this idea and made it work on Lisa, allowing icons for files and folders to be moved around on a long, moving screen.

他采纳了这个想法并将其应用于 Lisa,允许文件和文件夹的图标在长长的移动屏幕上移动。

After trying a few ideas, Dan and Bill created a test version of something new. It had pictures of files and folders, and even a trash can with flies around it. The pictures were made with a design that allowed them to have different shapes and sizes, and they looked good on the gray background. They really liked how it looked and felt, so they started to get happier and more excited.


They were both excited and worried to show their ideas to the team. They didn’t want to say anything was wrong with the design, but they thought it could be improved. They were afraid that making changes would make them late, and time was already tight. They took a deep breath and talked to Wayne Rosing, the person in charge of the Lisa team. They explained their worries and concerns.


Wayne liked the idea of a new approach, but didn’t want to change the schedule. He thought maybe they could do both the new design and the current schedule if they worked really fast to make a good working model. Wayne made an offer: he let them work on the new design in secret for two weeks. If they made a stable and working prototype by then, he would agree with it. If they didn’t, Bill and Dan promised to stop working on the new design and finish the old one instead.


Wayne asked Bill for another promise: that Bill would not show the new design to Steve Jobs. Wayne knew that Steve would be very upset if he saw it too soon. Steve might even change the schedule and make it harder for them to finish. Wayne didn’t want that to happen until they had a chance to make it work.


Bill liked to show his latest ideas to the Mac team, and now he wanted to show them a new way to organize files. This was very important to him. Bruce had just joined the team and was already working on a file manager that Bill’s friend Bud had named “The Finder”. Bruce and I had an idea to organize files in a special way, and we made a small prototype called “Micro-Finder”. It worked like this: we put file names on small tabs that looked like they were on a diskette. Bill wanted us to try his new idea as soon as possible, so he gave us a copy, but told us not to show it to Steve (who was the boss).

Bill 喜欢向 Mac 团队展示他的最新想法,现在他想向他们展示一种组织文件的新方法。
这对他来说非常重要。 Bruce 刚刚加入团队,并且已经在开发一个文件管理器,Bill 的朋友 Bud 将其命名为“The Finder”。
Bruce 和我想到了以特殊方式组织文件的想法,我们制作了一个名为“Micro-Finder”的小型原型。

For a few weeks, we were very careful while testing the new idea. Every time we heard our boss Steve coming, we quickly stopped working on it. Finally, on the last day before the deadline, we almost got caught. Steve realized we were hiding something from him. We told him about the promise we made to someone else, but Steve still wanted to see it. So, we had to show it to him. When he saw it, he loved it and went to talk to the other two people, just like we were worried he would.


Good news! Wayne’s work on the new approach was going great for the past two weeks, and he was ready to tell the team all about it. He called a special meeting for everyone to attend, and he, Bill, Dan, and Frank wore new shirts with “Rosing’s Rascals” on them. Wayne explained to the team that they had worked secretly for two weeks to create this new feature. Bill got everything ready for a demonstration. Because of Rosing’s Rascals, the Lisa computer now had a file manager that was much easier to use, and it helped make Apple’s new user interface really popular.

由于 Rosing 的 Rascals,Lisa 电脑现在有了一个更容易使用的文件管理器,它帮助苹果的新用户界面真正流行起来。