Price Fight 价格战

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年10月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、伯勒尔·史密斯 主题: 营销,特威吉 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 出乎意料的高价让我们感觉被背叛了 , 价格战 Price Fight

The Macintosh was meant to be a cheap and popular computer. We wanted to keep the cost low so that ordinary people could buy it and Apple could sell many copies. At first, we thought the price would be around $500, which is much cheaper than other Apple computers at that time. However, the design team added up the cost of all the parts and the price increased to $1000.

Macintosh 原本是一款廉价且流行的计算机。我们希望保持较低的成本,以便普通人可以购买它,并且苹果可以出售很多副本。起初,我们认为价格会在 500 美元左右,比当时其他苹果电脑便宜很多。然而,设计团队将所有零件的成本加起来,价格增加到了 1000 美元。

In the beginning of 1981, Apple decided to change the computer’s brain to a more advanced chip called the 68000 and added more memory to 128,000 bytes. Because of this, Apple needed to raise the price to $1500 to make a good profit. This was about the same price as the first Apple II. We tried really hard to keep the price from going up even more and were able to keep it at $1500 for most of the time it took to create the product.

1981年初,苹果公司决定将计算机的大脑更换为更先进的芯片,称为68000,并将更多内存增加到128,000字节。正因为如此,苹果需要将价格提高到1500美元才能获得不错的利润。这与第一代 Apple II 的价格大致相同。我们非常努力地阻止价格进一步上涨,并在产品开发的大部分时间里将价格保持在 1500 美元。

It’s hard to decide how much to charge for a brand new computer because the price of parts depends on how many you buy. The more you buy, the cheaper each one becomes. But how can you know for sure how many computers people will want to buy? It’s like guessing. We didn’t have any clear answers, but Steve Jobs was good at making people believe we would sell a lot of Macintosh computers, so they agreed to sell us parts at a lower price initially, knowing they would make more money later. For example, Steve was able to convince Motorola to sell us the 68000 microprocessor for $9.00, which was much cheaper than their usual price at the time.

例如,史蒂夫能够说服摩托罗拉以 9 美元的价格向我们出售 68000 微处理器,这比他们当时的通常价格便宜得多。

By the summer of 1983, it was clear that the floppy disk drive we were using was not working well. If we didn’t fix the problem, it could hurt the Macintosh. We quickly found a new better floppy disk drive made by Sony, which worked well except it was $50 more expensive. Adding this extra cost to a few other costs we had recently made meant we had to raise the price of the Macintosh. We reluctantly agreed to sell it for $1995.

到 1983 年夏天,我们使用的软盘驱动器显然无法正常工作。如果我们不解决这个问题,它可能会损害 Macintosh。
我们很快找到了索尼制造的一款更好的新软盘驱动器,它运行良好,只是贵了 50 美元。
将这笔额外成本添加到我们最近产生的其他一些成本中意味着我们必须提高麦金塔电脑的价格。我们不情愿地同意以 1995 美元的价格出售它。

In April 1983, Apple got a new boss, John Sculley. He used to be in charge at Pepsi and is very good at making people want things. He invented the idea of the “Pepsi Generation” and came up with other successful plans. Apple brought him in because they wanted him to use his marketing skills to make their personal computers, including the Macintosh, popular. But using big marketing ideas costs a lot of money.

1983 年 4 月,苹果迎来了新老板约翰·斯卡利 (John Sculley)。他曾经是百事可乐的负责人,非常善于让人们想要东西。

In October 1983, we were working very hard to finish the software for the Macintosh computer. One evening, Steve Jobs came to where we were working and looked very upset. He said to us, “I don’t think you’ll like this. John Sculley wants us to charge $2495 for the Mac instead of the planned $1995. He thinks that people who buy new things first won’t care about the price. He also wants more money to protect sales of another computer Apple makes. But don’t worry, I’m going to stop him from doing this!” (Note: Sculley is the CEO of Apple, and Steve Jobs is one of the founders)

1983 年 10 月,我们非常努力地完成了 Macintosh 计算机的软件。一天晚上,史蒂夫·乔布斯来到我们工作的地方,看上去很沮丧。
他对我们说:“我认为你们不会喜欢这个。John Sculley 希望我们对 Mac 的定价为 2495 美元,而不是原计划的 1995 美元。他认为首先购买新东西的人不会关心价格。他还想要更多的钱来保护苹果生产的另一台电脑的销售,但别担心,我会阻止他这样做!”

The design team was very upset. We loved working on the Macintosh computer because we thought it would be something we would use ourselves and our families would use too. We wanted it to be affordable for regular people, not just rich ones. But when we heard the price would be $2500, we felt like all our hard work was ruined. We had worked hard to make it as cheap as possible, but now someone was making it more expensive for no good reason. We thought Steve would be able to talk to John and agree to keep the price lower.


After some time, we were surprised and unhappy to see that Steve agreed to a price of $2495 for the Mac computer. At first, people bought it quickly, but soon it didn’t sell as well. This was partly because there weren’t many software programs available, and partly because it was too expensive. Even when sales improved in 1986 with the arrival of the Mac Plus and the popularity of desktop publishing, Apple continued to charge too much for the Macintosh. They preferred to make big profits instead of selling more computers, which caused trouble for them in the 1990s.

一段时间后,我们惊讶又不高兴地看到史蒂夫同意以 2495 美元的价格购买这台 Mac 电脑。起初,人们买得很快,但很快就卖得不好。
即使 1986 年随着 Mac Plus 的推出和桌面出版的普及,销量有所改善,苹果公司仍然对 Macintosh 收取过高的价格。
他们更愿意赚取巨额利润,而不是销售更多的电脑,这在 20 世纪 90 年代给他们带来了麻烦。