Pirate Flag 海盗旗

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年8月 人物: 史蒂夫·卡普斯、苏珊·凯尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 苹果精神、建筑、丽莎竞争、静修 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Mac 团队高举海盗旗 , 海盗旗 Pirate Flag

The Mac team went on a trip to Carmel in January 1983, right after they introduced the Lisa computer (see “A Little Appreciation”). Steve Jobs started the trip by saying three special phrases, called “Chairman’s Sayings”. These sayings were meant to encourage and guide the team during the meeting. The phrases were:

1983 年 1 月,Mac 团队在推出 Lisa 计算机后立即前往卡梅尔(参见“一点点欣赏”)。史蒂夫·乔布斯以三句特殊的短语开始了这次旅行,这三个短语被称为“董事长语录”。这些话的目的是在会议期间鼓励和指导团队。这些短语是:
  1. “Good artists finish their work.” (This is saying that successful artists are able to complete their projects.)
  2. “It’s better to be a rebel than follow the rules.” (This is saying that it’s more exciting and fulfilling to make your own way and take risks, rather than conforming to what others expect.)
  3. “Macintosh should be in every home by 1986.” (This is a prediction made by John Sculley, the CEO of Apple at the time, that the Macintosh computer would become widely popular and a common item in every household by the year 1986.)
3. “到 1986 年,Macintosh 应该进入每个家庭。”
(这是时任苹果公司首席执行官约翰·斯卡利(John Sculley)的预测,到 1986 年,麦金塔电脑将广泛流行并成为每个家庭的必备品。)

Some people on the team thought the Mac group was getting too big and organized, like a big organization. We started as a small and silly group, like Apple, and Steve wanted us to stay like that, even as we became more like a big, organized team.

团队中的一些人认为 Mac 团队变得太大、太有组织,就像一个大组织一样。我们一开始是一个小而愚蠢的团队,就像苹果公司一样,史蒂夫希望我们保持这样的状态,即使我们变得更像一个大的、有组织的团队。

We were growing quickly, so we needed a new place to move. In August 1983, we moved to a bigger building across the street. This building was called “Bandley 3”. I had been there before, in 1980, when Apple first built it for the original engineering team. Now, it would be the new home for the Macintosh Division, which had over 80 employees.

我们发展得很快,所以我们需要一个新的地方来搬家。 1983 年 8 月,我们搬到了街对面一栋更大的建筑。这座建筑被称为“班德利3号”。我以前去过那里,1980 年,当时苹果公司第一次为最初的工程团队建造它。现在,这里将成为拥有 80 多名员工的 Macintosh 部门的新总部。

The building looked like all Apple’s other buildings. We wanted to do something to make us feel like we fit in. Steve Capps, a very good programmer who just joined from the Lisa team, had an idea. He thought, “If we are like a pirate band, our building should have a pirate flag.”

这座大楼看起来和苹果公司的其他所有大楼没什么两样。我们想做一些事情让我们感觉自己融入其中。史蒂夫·卡普斯(Steve Capps)是一位非常优秀的程序员,刚刚从 Lisa 团队加入,他有一个想法。他想:“如果我们像海盗乐队,我们的大楼就应该有一面海盗旗。”

A few days before we moved into our new building, Capps bought black cloth and sewed a flag. He asked Susan Kare to draw a big skull and crossbones in white on the flag. To finish it, he added a big, colorful Apple logo as an eye-patch. We wanted to hang the flag over the building early Monday morning, the first day we were going to use the building. So, we planned to put it up late Sunday evening.


Capps went to the roof a few times over the weekend to look for guards. He thought it would be easy to put the flag on the roof, but it was hard to see because of the wind. So, he searched and found a thin metal stick from the leftover building materials that would work as a flagpole.


Finally, on Sunday night, around 10pm, it was time to put up the pirate flag, called the Jolly Roger. Capps climbed onto the roof while we watched from below. He wasn’t sure how to attach the flag, and he didn’t have many tools. He looked around the roof and found some long, rusty nails. He used these nails to stick the flag pole into a groove on the roof, so our friends from the Mac team could see it when they entered the new building the next morning.

最后,周日晚上 10 点左右,是时候升起海盗旗了,这面旗帜被称为“Jolly Roger”。卡普斯爬上屋顶,我们则在下面观看。他不知道如何贴上旗帜,而且他没有太多工具。他环视屋顶,发现了一些生锈的长钉子。他用这些钉子把旗杆钉在屋顶的凹槽里,这样我们Mac团队的朋友第二天早上进入新大楼时就能看到它。

We weren’t sure how people would react to the flag, especially Steve Jobs. But surprisingly, Steve and almost everyone else liked it. So, it became a permanent part of the building. Every morning, seeing the flag made me happy.


The flag was waving outside Bandley 3 for a little while, but it disappeared one morning in September or October. I found out that our friends from Lisa team took it. They probably sent a funny message saying they wanted money in exchange for it back. Some of us went to the Lisa building to get it back. We were able to get it, but one of the secretaries at Lisa was trying to hide it in her desk, so Capps had to gently take it away from her.

这面旗帜在班德利 3 号外飘扬了一会儿,但在 9 月或 10 月的一个早晨就消失了。我发现我们 Lisa 团队的朋友拿走了它。他们可能发送了一条有趣的消息,说他们想要钱来换回它。我们中的一些人去丽莎大楼取回它。我们拿到了它,但丽莎的一位秘书试图把它藏在她的办公桌里,所以卡普斯不得不轻轻地将它从她手中拿走。

The flag remained on the building called Bandley 3 for a very long time - more than a year. It was even taken pictures of by magazines when a new computer, called Mac, was introduced. But one day, the flag was gone, and nobody knows where it went. If it is ever found, it would be a valuable and interesting thing to add to a special museum called the Computer History Museum.

这面旗帜在班德利 3 号大楼上保留了很长一段时间——超过一年。当一款名为 Mac 的新电脑推出时,杂志甚至还拍到了它的照片。但有一天,这面旗帜不见了,没有人知道它去了哪里。如果它被发现,那么将其添加到一个名为计算机历史博物馆的特殊博物馆中将是一件有价值且有趣的事情。