-2000 Lines Of Code 2000 行代码

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年2月 人物: 比尔·阿特金森 主题: 软件设计、管理、丽莎 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 很难通过代码行来衡量进度 , 2000 行代码 -2000 Lines Of Code

In the beginning of 1982, the team working on the Lisa software was trying to finish their job within the next six months. The leaders thought it would be a good idea to track how much work each person was doing. They made a form that everyone had to fill out every Friday. The form had a space for each person to write down how many lines of code they wrote that week.

1982 年初,Lisa 软件开发团队试图在接下来的六个月内完成他们的工作。

Bill Atkinson, the person who made the computer program Quickdraw and designed how it looks on the screen, was the most important person working on the Lisa project. He didn’t think it was a good idea to measure how much code a person writes. Instead, he wanted to make his program small and work quickly. He thought that measuring code lines made people write bad code that doesn’t work well.

比尔·阿特金森 (Bill Atkinson) 是计算机程序 Quickdraw 的开发者,并设计了它在屏幕上的显示效果,
他是 Lisa 项目中最重要的人物。他认为衡量一个人编写了多少代码不是一个好主意。相反,他想让他的程序变小并快速运行。

He recently worked on making something called Quickdraw better. He rewrote a part of it that calculates regions, and now uses a simpler and more general way to do it. After he tested it and made some changes, the way it works became almost six times faster. Also, by rewriting it, he was able to remove about 2,000 lines of code.

他最近致力于改进名为 Quickdraw 的东西。他重写了计算区域的部分内容,
它的工作方式几乎快了六倍。此外,通过重写,他删除了大约 2,000 行代码。

He was almost done with the work when it was time to fill out the management form for the first time. When he got to the part about writing code, he thought for a moment, then wrote the number -2000.


I’m not sure what the managers thought about it, but after a little while longer, they stopped asking Bill to fill out the form. Bill was happy to stop doing it.
