Mister Macintosh 麦金塔先生

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年2月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、安迪·赫兹菲尔德、苏珊·凯尔、福伦 主题: 软件设计、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫对软件有独特的想法 , 麦金塔先生 Mister Macintosh

Steve Jobs would often visit Texaco Towers in the evening to see what we had been working on. We would usually show him the new things we had made. Sometimes he would be upset about something, but sometimes he would be very excited about a new idea.


One evening, I was alone in the office when he suddenly ran in and said he had an idea.


“Mr. Macintosh, we really need him!”


“I was thinking about who Mr. Macintosh is.”


“Mr. Macintosh is a quirky character who lives inside Macintosh computers. He sometimes appears unexpectedly, winks at you, and then disappears before you can be sure if you really saw him. We will mention Mr. Macintosh in the instructions, but it won’t be clear if he’s true or just a fun idea.”


I often imagine secretly making small changes to the software when I’m working on it. But the person in charge of the company, the co-founder and leader, had a crazy idea. I was very excited and asked him to tell me more about it. Where should Mr. Macintosh appear? How many times should he appear? What should happen when he comes into view?


“Sometimes, when you open a menu, you might see a person named Mr. Macintosh standing against the wall. He will wave at you and quickly go away. You might try to bring him back, but you won’t be able to.”


I really liked the idea of Mr. Macintosh and said I would make it happen, but not just yet because I had a lot of other important things to finish first. Steve told the idea to the people in charge of marketing, and later got a famous French artist named Folon to draw pictures of Mr. Macintosh. I also asked my old high school friend Susan Kare, who didn’t work at Apple yet, to try drawing some animated pictures of Mr. Macintosh.

我还请我的高中老朋友苏珊·卡雷(Susan Kare)尝试画一些麦金塔先生的动画图,她还没有在苹果公司工作。

Most of the Macintosh computer’s basic software had to be kept in a small area of memory that couldn’t be changed, called ROM. As we kept adding more features to the system, the ROM got filled up. It became clear that we wouldn’t be able to fit the pictures of the Macintosh computer’s face into the ROM. But I didn’t want to give up on the idea of using those pictures yet.

Macintosh 计算机的大多数基本软件必须保存在一个无法更改的小内存区域中,称为 ROM。随着我们不断向系统添加更多功能,ROM 被填满。
很明显,我们无法将 Macintosh 计算机的脸部图片放入 ROM 中。但我还不想放弃使用这些照片的想法。

I created software that checks a specific small area of memory called the “MrMacHook” to find the address of a special routine. If the routine is there, the software calls it with some extra information to help it draw something in a menu box. The routine then tells the software if it did anything. This way, an application or part of the operating system can create their own special menus if they want to, like a character named Mr. Macintosh or an evil version of him.


I don’t know if anyone has ever used Mr. Macintosh or the “MrMacHook” for something important.

我不知道是否有人曾经使用过 Macintosh 先生或“MrMacHook”来做一些重要的事情。