Make a Mess, Clean it Up! 弄乱了,清理干净!

作者: 唐·丹曼 日期: 1983年9月 人物: 伯勒尔·史密斯、唐·丹曼、安迪·赫茨菲尔德 主题: 个性、休闲 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 伯勒尔以独特的方式扮演后卫 , 弄乱了,清理干净! Make a Mess, Clean it Up!

Working very long hours, 90 hours a week, needs short regular breaks to stay focused. In our office, Bandley 3, we had a ping pong table, a good stereo system, and a video game called Defender. We played against each other during breaks and found it helped us feel more energized and focused when we went back to work. Playing also helped us learn more about our coworkers and how they work under pressure. While playing Defender one day, I learned something new about how Burrell improves his skills and learns quickly.

工作时间很长,每周 90 小时,需要定期短暂休息以保持专注。在我们的 Bandley 3 办公室里,我们有一张乒乓球桌、一套良好的音响系统和一款名为 Defender 的视频游戏。我们在休息时互相比赛,发现这让我们在回去工作时感到更加精力充沛、更加专注。玩耍还帮助我们更多地了解我们的同事以及他们如何在压力下工作。有一天,当我玩《后卫》时,我学到了一些关于伯勒尔如何提高技能和快速学习的新知识。

Andy, Burrell, and I had a fun competition playing on the same video game machine. We would take turns playing and try to beat each other’s scores. We were all about the same good at the game, so we could watch each other play and see who was ahead. This helped us get better at the game, learn each other’s tricks, and show off our skills.


The goal of Defender is to protect the humans on the ground from being taken away by mean green aliens. The aliens fall down from the top of the screen and might pick up a human. You control a spaceship and have to shoot the aliens before they take a human or while they are going up the screen. If an alien takes a human to the top, it becomes very aggressive and tries to hurt you. You start with 10 humans, and if they all die, the aliens will become very bad and attack you from all sides.

守护者的目标是保护地面上的人类不被卑鄙的绿色外星人带走。外星人从屏幕顶部掉下来,可能会接起一个人类。你控制一艘宇宙飞船,必须在外星人带走人类之前或在他们出现在屏幕上时向他们开枪。如果外星人将人类带到山顶,它会变得非常具有攻击性并试图伤害你。你一开始有 10 个人类,如果他们都死了,外星人就会变得非常糟糕,并从四面八方攻击你。

After a while, it was simple to get through the first few levels of a video game, unless you had been up all night trying to finish a programming task or something else. Playing Defender was a good way to test how tired you were. If you couldn’t even get past level 2, you probably needed to sleep. It was better to do badly at Defender than to make mistakes with your programming work or go down the wrong path with your hardware design.

过了一段时间,玩电子游戏的前几个关卡就很容易了,除非你整夜不眠试图完成编程任务或其他任务。玩后卫是测试你有多累的好方法。如果你连 2 级都过不了,你可能需要睡觉了。在 Defender 上表现不佳比在编程工作中犯错误或在硬件设计上走上错误的道路要好。

One day, Burrell started doing something unusual. Andy came to my office and said, “You have to see what Burrell is doing with Defender.” I thought, “How can you make changes to a video game?” I had seen Burrell and Andy come up with new ideas for many things, but I couldn’t understand how they could do something creative with a video game. The game was controlled by a machine and it had a set way of playing with set goals. How could they gain control in a situation like that?


We started a new game, and when it was Burrell’s turn, he did something that surprised me. He right away killed all our players! This was against the rules of the game. He didn’t even try to fight the aliens, and when he killed the last player, they all changed into monsters and attacked him from all sides. He looked at me with a big smile on his face and said “Make a mess, then clean it up!” and then started running away from the angry monsters chasing him. I thought to myself, “Burrell can’t win this game. He won’t be able to play for long if he’s surrounded by monsters!”


One single mutant alien can be deadly. It moves faster and differently than the others, so common ways to avoid it don’t work well. Mutants can travel short distances very quickly, making them seem like they are jumping out at you. Your spaceship is generally faster over a long distance, so you need to outrun the mutant, create some space, and only then can you safely turn and shoot at it.


When Burrell’s turn came up, I was surprised by how long his ship lasted. He had already figured out a way to fight a big group of mutants. He would fly around them in circles, and that would help gather them together in a tight bunch. Then, while flying around them, he would shoot at the whole group at once, not needing to aim at each individual mutant. He was doing very well, easily cutting through the group of mutants. Burrell was no longer fighting individual mutants, instead, he was treating the whole group as one big target.


Burrell might have lost some games at first, but soon he became very good at what he was doing. Instead of staying away from hard challenges, he would create them and learn how to fix them. Before long, he was able to handle anything that came his way.


I was starting to understand why Burrell is so good at everything he does. Like many people who achieve a lot, Burrell enjoys tackling new and difficult tasks. He often looks for problems to solve and makes sure he has a challenge to work on. This strategy makes sense in the long run. Burrell seems to deliberately create difficult situations for himself throughout his life. Then, when he faces a tough situation, he works hard and usually succeeds.


“Why make a mess on purpose? It’s like a special exercise. You do this so you can get really good at cleaning up later.”
