MacPaint Gallery MacPaint 画廊

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年10月 人物: 苏珊·凯尔、比尔·阿特金森、拉里·凯尼恩、杰罗姆·库南、史蒂夫·乔布斯、帕蒂·金 主题: 社交生活、测试、MacPaint、营销 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Susan Kare 1983 年的 MacPaint 艺术画廊 , MacPaint 画廊 MacPaint Gallery

Bill Atkinson started working on MacPaint in February 1983. At the same time, Susan Kare joined the Mac team to design pictures for letters and icons. Susan was one of the first people to use MacPaint and she tried out all its new features as they became available. She also used it for many everyday tasks.

Bill Atkinson 于 1983 年 2 月开始从事 MacPaint 工作。与此同时,Susan Kare 加入了 Mac 团队,为字母和图标设计图片。 Susan 是最早使用 MacPaint 的人之一,她尝试了所有可用的新功能。她还用它来完成许多日常任务。

Susan kept a special book of the pictures she drew using MacPaint as the team worked hard to finish the Macintosh computer in 1983. These pictures give us a peek into the daily life of the Mac team during that time. I’m happy to share these pictures here as part of Macintosh stories.

1983 年,当团队努力完成 Macintosh 计算机时,Susan 专门保存了一本她使用 MacPaint 绘制的图片。这些图片让我们一睹 Mac 团队那段时间的日常生活。我很高兴在这里分享这些图片,作为 Macintosh 故事的一部分。

You can double-click on a picture to make it bigger. Use the “back” button to go back to the story.


The picture on the left shows a message about a party for seven people from the Mac team whose birthdays were in early April, including the writer who was worried about turning 30 at that time. As a birthday present, Susan made a special shirt for the writer with the number “1E” on it. This number is like a secret code that means 30 in a different way of counting.

左图是 Mac 团队 7 人生日在 4 月初的聚会的消息,其中包括当时担心 30 岁的作家。作为生日礼物,苏珊为作家做了一件特别的衬衫,上面写着数字“1E”。这个数字就像一个密码,以不同的计数方式意味着 30。

You can see a picture on the right. It’s from a picnic that happened in July. It was to celebrate the marriage of two people who work on computer software. Their names are Larry Kenyon and Patti King. They actually got married in June, and this picnic happened when they returned from their trip together after getting married.


Before we sent the new software, we did a lot of testing. We had special testing sessions and encouraged people in the company who were not part of the software team to work late and test the software. We would give them dinner as a way to say thank you. The pictures show an announcement about a testing event and a form that was used to report any bugs we found.


“You are invited to a party at Jerome Coonen’s house to celebrate a special milestone in the development of software. This isn’t the very last milestone, which happened in September, but it’s the start of a series of important steps that led to that final goal. We had a big celebration for the final milestone at Steve Wozniak’s house in Scotts Valley.”

“您被邀请参加杰罗姆·库宁 (Jerome Coonen) 家里举行的聚会,庆祝软件开发中的一个特殊里程碑。这不是 9 月份发生的最后一个里程碑,但它是导致这一目标的一系列重要步骤的开始。我们在史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克位于斯科茨谷的家中为最后一个里程碑举行了盛大的庆祝活动。”

The Mac team worked really hard, but Apple sometimes threw parties for us. The parties had different theme ideas. One party was called the “Punk Party” and we had to dress up in punk style. There was a band playing called “The Medflys”. The other party had a DJ playing music. Some people didn’t like the music, so they left the party and went to a nearby record store to buy some better music to play at the party.

Mac 团队工作非常努力,但苹果有时会为我们举办聚会。各方有不同的主题想法。有一个聚会被称为“朋克派对”,我们必须打扮得朋克风格。有一支名为“The Medflys”的乐队在演奏。对方有一位 DJ 正在播放音乐。有些人不喜欢这些音乐,所以他们离开聚会,去附近的唱片店买一些更好的音乐在聚会上播放。

Steve Jobs liked things that looked good and sounded good. He was more happy when people showed him things that looked nice and were made with good quality. Susan was asked by the people in charge of money (Finance team) to make a pretty cover for the financial reports. They wanted it to look nice and make the reports more attractive. Here are the covers Susan made for the financial reports in June and July 1983.

史蒂夫·乔布斯喜欢看起来不错、听起来也不错的东西。当人们向他展示看起来不错且质量上乘的东西时,他会更高兴。财务负责人(财务团队)要求苏珊为财务报告做一个漂亮的封面。他们希望它看起来漂亮并使报告更具吸引力。以下是苏珊为 1983 年 6 月和 7 月的财务报告制作的封面。

When we started getting ready to launch in the fall of 1983, Susan was asked to create artwork for many different marketing materials. She was showing what you could do with MacPaint. The picture of a frog on the left shows how you could use MacPaint in a biology class. Susan also liked making fun and playful designs, like the one on the right.

1983 年秋天,当我们开始准备推出产品时,Susan 被要求为许多不同的营销材料创作艺术品。她正在向您展示 MacPaint 的用途。左边的青蛙图片展示了如何在生物课上使用 MacPaint。苏珊还喜欢制作有趣好玩的设计,就像右边的设计一样。

Susan made some examples for marketing. The one on the left is well-known because it was in the original brochure. It started with a picture of a beautiful Japanese woodcut that Steve got. On the right, I think the detective agency letter was also used in an advertisement.


Sports were a way to relax after many hours of work. In 1983, we were lucky to get a basketball hoop installed in the back of our building, and we would play half-court basketball every afternoon. We also played co-ed softball games once a month, which sometimes got very competitive.

运动是长时间工作后放松的一种方式。 1983年,我们很幸运在大楼后面安装了一个篮球架,每天下午我们都会打半场篮球。我们还每月进行一次男女混合垒球比赛,有时竞争非常激烈。

Apple gave new computers to everyone on the team after the new computer was released. Each computer had a special paper that came with it. On the left is that paper. Apple also gave everyone a bottle of champagne to celebrate the new computer being released.
