Invasion of Texaco Towers 入侵德士古大厦

作者: 杰瑞·马诺克 日期: 1982年6月 人物: 杰里·马诺克、特里·奥山、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金 主题: 名人、工业设计、社交生活 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 保密的双重标准 , 入侵德士古大厦 Invasion of Texaco Towers

The team working on Macintosh was told to keep everything secret. We moved to an unimportant two-story office building on the top floor, near Apple’s main office. Our door didn’t have the team’s name on it. From our windows, we could see a Texaco gas station, so we started calling the building “Texaco Towers”. Steve Jobs would visit us many times a day to check on our progress. During these visits, he would be both encouraging and serious. He always showed his excitement, care for good design, and told us to keep our project a secret.

Macintosh 的开发团队被告知要对一切保密。我们搬到了顶层一栋不重要的两层办公楼,靠近苹果总部。

A long time ago, Jef Raskin had an idea for a computer with a screen that could be covered and protected by a keyboard. The keyboard would move up and down to hide and show the screen. But then Steve came in and said the idea had changed. Instead of making it easy to carry around, the goal was to make it take up as little space on a desk as possible. Steve had seen appliances at a mall and liked the idea of making computers look like those. Terry and I started drawing a new design. We put the screen above the computer’s internal parts, which made the computer smaller. We rounded the corners of the computer to make it look friendlier and not too boxy. We also wanted the back of the computer to look nice, not just the front. Most computers have a ugly back that people don’t see, but we wanted to make it look good too. We had gone to a big fair in Germany earlier and saw that our idea was different from what most computers looked like. We also thought about how to hide the wires underneath the computer, making it look neat and tidy instead of a mess.

很久以前,杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin) 萌生了一个想法,即设计一台屏幕可以被键盘覆盖和保护的电脑。键盘会上下移动以隐藏和显示屏幕。但后来史蒂夫进来说这个想法改变了。我们的目标不是让它易于携带,而是让它在桌子上占用的空间尽可能小。史蒂夫在商场里看到过电器,并且喜欢将计算机设计成这样的想法。

One afternoon, the project was almost finished. Steve suddenly came into the room, full of energy, with two guests: Joan Baez and her sister Mimi Farina. He had been to lunch with them nearby and couldn’t stop talking about computers. When Joan asked Steve for advice on which computer to buy for her son, Gabe, Steve told her about our new Macintosh computer that we were working on. He even showed them the Macintosh, which was a secret at the time. My friend and I were surprised that our secret project was shared with someone who wasn’t working with us, especially since it was a famous person! I hope Steve got them to promise not to say anything about it, but I didn’t see a special agreement.


This wasn’t the last time we saw Joan Baez. Steve invited her to a special Apple party at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. It was in February, not December, and it was a fancy party. I remember dancing with my wife between meals while the San Francisco Symphony played music. We bumped into Joan and Steve while we were dancing, and it was a lot of fun. Apple knows how to throw a great party!

我记得在旧金山交响乐团演奏音乐时,我和妻子在两餐之间跳舞。我们跳舞时遇到了琼和史蒂夫,这很有趣。 Apple 知道如何举办一场盛大的派对!