I Still Remember Regions 我仍然记得地区

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年4月 人物: 比尔·阿特金森、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 软件设计、QuickDraw、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们差点在一场车祸中失去比尔 , 我仍然记得地区 I Still Remember Regions

The most important part of the original Macintosh computer was a special software called QuickDraw. It was made by a person named Bill Atkinson for a project called Lisa. QuickDraw was very fast at moving small dots (called pixels) around on the screen to create the Macintosh’s easy-to-use user interface. One of QuickDraw’s main jobs was to help programs draw words and pictures inside windows, even if those windows were partly covered by other windows. The program didn’t need to worry about whether the window was blocked because QuickDraw would take care of it. It would make sure the pixels stayed inside the correct window, without any problems.

最初的 Macintosh 计算机最重要的部分是一个名为 QuickDraw 的特殊软件。
QuickDraw 可以非常快速地在屏幕上移动小点(称为像素),从而创建 Macintosh 易于使用的用户界面。
QuickDraw 的主要工作之一是帮助程序在窗口内绘制文字和图片,即使这些窗口部分被其他窗口覆盖。
程序不需要担心窗口是否被阻挡,因为 QuickDraw 会处理它。

Windows that overlap can make complicated shapes, especially if their corners are rounded. In Apple’s QuickDraw, a special way to store information was called a “region”. This type of region was used to represent a part of the screen in a compact way. QuickDraw had special tools that allowed programmers to create regions using basic drawing techniques, and to do things with them like combine or take away parts. This was very important because all of the basic drawing tools in QuickDraw automatically ignored parts of the region that were covered by other windows. We thought that QuickDraw’s skill and speed at handling regions was the most valuable part of Apple’s technology.

QuickDraw 有特殊的工具,允许程序员使用基本绘图技术创建区域,并用它们执行诸如组合或删除零件之类的操作。
这非常重要,因为 QuickDraw 中的所有基本绘图工具都会自动忽略被其他窗口覆盖的区域部分。
我们认为 QuickDraw 处理区域的技巧和速度是 Apple 技术中最有价值的部分。

The region data structure was a list that held special points, called “inversion points”, where colors changed from black to white or from white to black. Most regions were mostly straight lines, so there weren’t many of these special points. That’s why regions didn’t take up too much space. But sometimes, there were many changes like in a circle, so the regions got bigger if needed.


Bill Atkinson wrote QuickDraw all by himself. In the spring of 1982, it was still being improved. He had just made the drawing program run much faster. He also added a new idea called “pictures”, which is a group of drawing actions that can be played back easily. However, this new idea was still being tested and was not yet settled. At this time, the applications for the Lisa computer were being put together, and Bill was changing QuickDraw to fit their needs.

比尔·阿特金森 (Bill Atkinson) 独自编写了 QuickDraw。 1982年春,仍在完善中。
此时,Lisa 计算机的应用程序正在组合在一起,Bill 正在更改 QuickDraw 以满足他们的需求。

One day, we were surprised to hear that Bill was in a bad car accident on his way to work. He didn’t see a truck parked on his way and hit it with his small car. The car’s roof was ripped off. Bill was knocked out and hurt, but he was still alive. The police officer who saw the wreck said it was a miracle that Bill didn’t get hurt too badly. This was a year and a half after Woz’s plane crashed, and it reminded us of that scary time.


When Steve Jobs heard about an accident that happened to Bill, he quickly got in his car and drove to the hospital where Bill was taken. When Steve got to the hospital, he found Bill in a bed. Bill had just woken up from being not awake anymore because he got hurt really bad, but luckily, he didn’t get severely hurt and just needed some stitches and a rest.


Steve went into the hospital room and was happy to see that Bill was awake again. “Are you okay?” Steve asked. “We were really worried about you.”

史蒂夫走进病房,很高兴看到比尔又醒了。 “你还好吗?”史蒂夫问道。 “我们真的很担心你。”

Bill looked at Steve and forced a sad smile. “Don’t worry, Steve, I still know about the different areas.”

比尔看着史蒂夫,挤出一个悲伤的微笑。 “别担心,史蒂夫,我仍然了解不同的领域。”