I Invented Burrell 我发明了伯勒尔
作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年1月 人物: 伯勒尔·史密斯,杰夫·拉斯金 主题: 性格 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 伯勒尔模仿杰夫
Burrell had a great sense of humor, and he was capable of performing devastating impersonations of everybody else on the Mac team, especially the authority figures.
伯勒尔很有幽默感,他能够对 Mac 团队中的其他人,尤其是权威人物进行毁灭性的模仿。
Whatever idea that you came up with, Jef Raskin had a tendency to claim that he invented it at some earlier point. That trait was the basis of Burrell’s impersonation of Jef.
无论你想出什么想法,杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin)都倾向于声称他在早些时候发明了它。 这一特征是伯勒尔模仿杰夫的基础。
Jef had a slight stammer, which Burrell nailed perfectly. Burrell began by folding his fingers together like Jef and then exclaiming in a soft, Jef-like voice, “Why, why, why, I invented the Macintosh!”
杰夫有轻微的口吃,但伯勒尔完美地解决了这一点。 伯勒尔首先像杰夫一样将手指交叉在一起,然后用像杰夫一样柔和的声音喊道:“为什么,为什么,为什么,我发明了麦金塔!”
Then Burrell would shift to his radio announcer voice, playing the part of an imaginary interviewer. “No, I thought that Burrell invented the Macintosh”, the interviewer would object.
然后伯勒尔会转向他的广播播音员的声音,扮演一个想象中的采访者的角色。 “不,我以为伯勒尔发明了麦金塔”,采访者会反对。
He’d shift back to his Jef voice for the punch line.
“Why, why, why, I invented Burrell!”
{"title":"I Invented Burrell","story":"I_Invented_Burrell.html","author":"安迪·赫茨菲尔德","date":"1981年1月","characters":"伯勒尔·史密斯,杰夫·拉斯金","topics":"性格","subtitle":"伯勒尔模仿杰夫","rating":"4.61","comments":"8","coverageURL":"","imageURLs":[],"titleZh":"我发明了伯勒尔","paragraphs":[{"zh":"伯勒尔很有幽默感,他能够对 Mac 团队中的其他人,尤其是权威人物进行毁灭性的模仿。","en":"Burrell had a great sense of humor, and he was capable of performing devastating impersonations of everybody else on the Mac team, especially the authority figures."},{"zh":"无论你想出什么想法,杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin)都倾向于声称他在早些时候发明了它。 这一特征是伯勒尔模仿杰夫的基础。","en":"Whatever idea that you came up with, Jef Raskin had a tendency to claim that he invented it at some earlier point. That trait was the basis of Burrell's impersonation of Jef."},{"zh":"杰夫有轻微的口吃,但伯勒尔完美地解决了这一点。 伯勒尔首先像杰夫一样将手指交叉在一起,然后用像杰夫一样柔和的声音喊道:“为什么,为什么,为什么,我发明了麦金塔!”","en":"Jef had a slight stammer, which Burrell nailed perfectly. Burrell began by folding his fingers together like Jef and then exclaiming in a soft, Jef-like voice, \"Why, why, why, I invented the Macintosh!\""},{"zh":"然后伯勒尔会转向他的广播播音员的声音,扮演一个想象中的采访者的角色。 “不,我以为伯勒尔发明了麦金塔”,采访者会反对。","en":"Then Burrell would shift to his radio announcer voice, playing the part of an imaginary interviewer. \"No, I thought that Burrell invented the Macintosh\", the interviewer would object."},{"zh":"他会换回杰夫的声音来表达妙语。","en":"He'd shift back to his Jef voice for the punch line."},{"zh":"“为什么,为什么,为什么,我发明了伯勒尔!”","en":"\"Why, why, why, I invented Burrell!\""}],"paragraphs2d":[[{"zh":"伯勒尔很有幽默感,他能够对 Mac 团队中的其他人,尤其是权威人物进行毁灭性的模仿。","en":"Burrell had a great sense of humor, and he was capable of performing devastating impersonations of everybody else on the Mac team, especially the authority figures."}],[{"zh":"无论你想出什么想法,杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin)都倾向于声称他在早些时候发明了它。 这一特征是伯勒尔模仿杰夫的基础。","en":"Whatever idea that you came up with, Jef Raskin had a tendency to claim that he invented it at some earlier point. That trait was the basis of Burrell's impersonation of Jef."}],[{"zh":"杰夫有轻微的口吃,但伯勒尔完美地解决了这一点。 伯勒尔首先像杰夫一样将手指交叉在一起,然后用像杰夫一样柔和的声音喊道:“为什么,为什么,为什么,我发明了麦金塔!”","en":"Jef had a slight stammer, which Burrell nailed perfectly. Burrell began by folding his fingers together like Jef and then exclaiming in a soft, Jef-like voice, \"Why, why, why, I invented the Macintosh!\""}],[{"zh":"然后伯勒尔会转向他的广播播音员的声音,扮演一个想象中的采访者的角色。 “不,我以为伯勒尔发明了麦金塔”,采访者会反对。","en":"Then Burrell would shift to his radio announcer voice, playing the part of an imaginary interviewer. \"No, I thought that Burrell invented the Macintosh\", the interviewer would object."}],[{"zh":"他会换回杰夫的声音来表达妙语。","en":"He'd shift back to his Jef voice for the punch line."}],[{"zh":"“为什么,为什么,为什么,我发明了伯勒尔!”","en":"\"Why, why, why, I invented Burrell!\""}]]}