I Don't Have a Computer! 我没有电脑!

作者: 布鲁斯·霍恩 日期: 1981年12月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、布鲁斯·霍恩、史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·库奇 主题: 苹果精神,丽莎,丽莎竞争,建筑,管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 布鲁斯需要找到一台电脑,而且要快。 , 我没有电脑! I Don’t Have a Computer!

When I started working at Mac, the company was very small. At that time, we were in a small office building that was not very special. The building was behind a gas station for the company Texaco at a corner in a place called Cupertino. This building is not there anymore.

当我开始在 Mac 工作时,公司规模很小。

The software team was on one side of the office building, and the hardware team was on the other side. Our office was simple. One room near the front of the building had a big and noisy printer that was connected to an Apple II computer. To print your documents, you had to write them on a special disk for the Apple II, fix some things with the bytes, and then use the Apple II to print the documents using the big printer.

大楼前部附近的一个房间有一台又大又吵的打印机,连接到一台 Apple II 电脑。
要打印文档,您必须将它们写入 Apple II 的专用磁盘上,用字节修复一些内容,然后使用 Apple II 使用大型打印机打印文档。

To print the sources, I had to write some code. I was ready to start, but I didn’t have a Lisa machine. The Lisa was still being made, and it was hard to get one even to try. I was getting a bit annoyed, so I told Andy Hertzfeld that maybe I should work for a company that can give me the tools I need as a software developer.

要打印源代码,我必须编写一些代码。我准备开始了,但我没有 Lisa 机器。

Andy told Steve Jobs about something. Steve answered, “Should we get rid of him?” Andy said, “No, just give him a computer.” (Note: This text seems to be referring to a story about someone who needed help with typing or using a computer. Steve Jobs, the famous co-founder of Apple, is often shown as being decisive and abrupt. Andy, likely Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original Macintosh team members, is suggesting a more helpful solution.)

(注:本文似乎指的是一个关于某人在打字或使用计算机方面需要帮助的故事。苹果公司著名的联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯经常表现得果断而唐突。安迪,很可能是安迪·赫茨菲尔德,最初的 Macintosh 团队成员之一提出了一个更有用的解决方案。)

Later that day, I got a message from Steve saying I should go to a specific office in another Apple building. He said I would find a Lisa computer on the desk, and I could take that one to use. I went to the other building and found the office.


The sign on the office door said “John Couch”. John was in charge of a group making a new computer called the Lisa. I wasn’t sure if taking the computer was allowed, but I had a note from Steve that said it was OK if anyone asked. So, I went into John’s office, turned off the computer, and took it away.

办公室门上的牌子上写着“约翰·库奇”。约翰负责一个团队制造一台名为 Lisa 的新计算机。

I’m still not sure if Steve planned this beforehand or if John showed up to find an empty desk. However, I used that machine a lot and possibly even more than John did.
