How to Hire Insanely Great Employees 如何雇用非常优秀的员工

作者: 汤姆·齐托 日期: 1983年9月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 苹果精神、管理、招聘 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫向部队发表鼓舞士气的讲话 , 如何雇用非常优秀的员工 How to Hire Insanely Great Employees

I met Steve Jobs in 1978. I was a reporter for a newspaper called The Washington Post. I went to the Valley to write about technology companies. Steve was very charming and he convinced me to write a big article about him. He even convinced me to buy an Apple computer, the Apple II, for $2,500. At that time, this was a lot of money for me. I didn’t really know what to do with the computer, except to show how good Steve was at selling things. At that time, there were no good programs to use on computers, like word processing or a calculator. So, I learned a basic computer language on my own so I could use the computer a little bit.

我在 1978 年认识了史蒂夫·乔布斯。当时我是《华盛顿邮报》的一名记者。我去硅谷写科技公司的文章。史蒂夫非常有魅力,他说服我写一篇关于他的大文章。他甚至说服我以 2,500 美元购买一台苹果电脑 Apple II。当时,这对我来说是很多钱。我真的不知道该用这台电脑做什么,除了展示史蒂夫在推销东西方面有多出色。当时,计算机上没有好的程序可以使用,例如文字处理或计算器。所以,我自学了一门基本的计算机语言,这样我就可以稍微使用一下计算机了。

By 1983, I was writing a book about how the personal computer industry started. Steve Jobs gave me permission to visit the building where they were making the Mac computer and to stay up-to-date on its development. One day in September, I walked into a room where about 25 people who worked on the Mac were gathered. Steve Jobs was talking to them about how to find and hire good employees.

1983 年,我正在写一本关于个人计算机行业如何起步的书。史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 允许我参观他们制造 Mac 电脑的大楼,并了解其开发的最新动态。 9 月的一天,我走进一间房间,里面聚集了大约 25 名 Mac 开发人员。史蒂夫·乔布斯正在与他们谈论如何寻找和雇用优秀员工。

“He meant that good people hire other good people, but average people hire people who are not very good. Do you understand?”


Someone in the back of the room asked a question: “How do you find more good employees who are not the best but still very good?”
