90 Hours A Week And Loving It! 每周 90 小时并且热爱它!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年10月 人物: 布勒尔·史密斯、黛比·科尔曼、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: T 恤,个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 伯勒尔修改了他的运动衫 , 每周 90 小时并且热爱它! 90 Hours A Week And Loving It!

The people who worked on the Macintosh computer had a very important job. They were young, mostly between 20 and 30 years old, and didn’t have many responsibilities, like family or kids. This meant they could work very long hours. They were very excited about the project and were willing to give up other things in their lives for a little while. As the deadline came closer, we started working even more hours. By the fall of 1983, it was normal to see most of the team still working at their desks late at night, even on weekdays, until 11pm or later.

随着截止日期的临近,我们开始工作更多的时间。到 1983 年秋天,团队中的大多数人仍然在办公桌前工作至深夜(即使是在工作日),直到晚上 11 点或更晚,这已成为常态。

The rest of the Macintosh team, which now had about 100 people, worked regular hours. But as the deadline got closer, many of them started working late too. They wanted to help us test the software during long testing sessions at night. To keep them going, food was brought in. Most of the team stayed late to test the software and see who could find the most mistakes (there were still a lot!). Even as the weeks went by, there were still many problems to fix.

Macintosh 团队的其他成员现在大约有 100 人,他们都正常工作。但随着截止日期的临近,他们中的许多人也开始工作到很晚。

Debi Coleman’s finance team was working very hard, just like everyone else on their team. To celebrate their effort, they decided to make a special T-shirt. But instead of a regular T-shirt, they chose a high-quality gray hooded sweatshirt. Steve Jobs had recently said in the news that his team was working 90 hours a week. To joke about this, they came up with a tagline for the sweatshirt: “90 Hours a Week and Loving It”. This was a fun way to poke fun at Steve’s claim.

黛比·科尔曼的财务团队工作非常努力,就像团队中的其他人一样。为了庆祝他们的努力,他们决定制作一件特别的 T 恤。
但他们没有选择普通的 T 恤,而是选择了一件高品质的灰色连帽运动衫。史蒂夫·乔布斯最近在新闻中表示,他的团队每周工作 90 小时。
为了开玩笑,他们为这件运动衫起了一个口号:“每周 90 小时,热爱它”。这是一种有趣的方式来嘲笑史蒂夫的说法。

The sweatshirt had a special name, “Macintosh”, misspelled on it with a squiggly line through the mistaken letter “k”. The words “90 Hours” were written across the back in black. These sweatshirts were made as a reward for people who took part in a testing marathon. The software team didn’t like it that much because they worked very hard, but most of the other people who got sweatshirts weren’t working as hard. But the sweatshirts were nice, and many engineers, including Burrell Smith, liked to wear them often.

这件运动衫有一个特殊的名字“Macintosh”,拼写错误,字母“k”上有一条波浪线。背面用黑色写着“90 小时”字样。

When Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985, he still wore his favorite sweatshirt almost every day. But, as soon as he got home after quitting, he used masking tape to draw a big ‘X’ over the “9” on the sweatshirt. He was very happy about this and showed it off to others. The new saying on his sweatshirt was “0 Hours A Week And Loving It”, which meant he was really enjoying his freedom.

当史蒂夫·乔布斯 1985 年离开苹果公司时,他几乎每天仍然穿着他最喜欢的运动衫。
他的运动衫上写着“0 Hours A Week And Loving It”,这意味着他真的很享受自由。