Good Earth 美好地球

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1980年10月 人物: 巴德·特里布尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金、比尔·阿特金森、罗德·霍尔特、伯勒尔·史密斯、乔安娜·霍夫曼、布莱恩·霍华德、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、迈克·斯科特、迈克·马库拉 主题: 苹果精神、起源、管理、建筑 概括: 原Mac团队原来的办公室

In 1979 and 1980, Jef Raskin’s Macintosh project was a four person research effort with a tenuous existence. It wasn’t considered to be very important within Apple, and was almost cancelled a couple of times. When Apple had another major reorganization in the fall of 1980, it was terminated again, but Jef pleaded with Mike Scott and Mike Markkula for more time, and was granted three more months to show that he was really onto something. As part of the re-org, the four person Macintosh team (Jef Raskin, Brian Howard, Burrell Smith, Bud Tribble, soon to be joined by Joanna Hoffman) relocated to a small office building a few blocks from the main Apple campus.

1979 年和 1980 年,杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin) 的 Macintosh 项目是一个四人研究项目,但存在的意义很渺茫。
当苹果公司在 1980 年秋天进行另一次重大重组时,它再次被终止,但杰夫恳求迈克·斯科特和迈克·马库拉给予更多时间,并获得了再三个月的时间,以表明他确实在做某事。
作为重组的一部分,四人 Macintosh 团队(杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin)、布莱恩·霍华德 (Brian Howard)、伯勒尔·史密斯 (Burrell Smith)、巴德·特里布尔 (Bud Tribble),乔安娜·霍夫曼 (Joanna Hoffman) 很快也将加入)搬迁到距离苹果主园区几个街区的一座小型办公楼。

The new office, located at 20863 Stevens Creek Boulevard, was called the “Good Earth” building, because it was adjacent to a Good Earth restaurant. In fact, the office used to be Apple’s very first office in Cupertino, after they moved out of Steve Jobs’ parents’ house, and was later used as the first office of the Lisa project, when the Lisa team had fewer than ten employees. The Mac team moved in, outfitting it with lots of bean bag chairs and all kinds of interesting toys.

新办公室位于史蒂文斯溪大道 20863 号,被称为“Good Earth”大楼,因为它毗邻一家 Good Earth 餐厅。
Mac 团队搬进来了,配备了很多豆袋椅和各种有趣的玩具。

Jef was very playful and always encouraged his team to express themselves creatively, so the office quickly began to look more like a day care center than an engineering lab, overflowing with playthings. Periodically, work would cease and the entire team, plus any visitors who might be on the premises, would play some organized game, usually led by Jef and Brian.


The favorite game, which was usually played at least once a day, just after lunch, was a form of tag played with Nerf balls. There were dozens of brightly colored Nerf balls scattered around the office. The rules would be improvised, but usually the person who was “it” had to confer it-hood on someone else by hitting them with a Nerf ball. This inspired everyone to surround their work area with barricades made out of cardboard, to provide cover during the game, making part of the office look like a cardboard maze.

最喜欢的游戏是用 Nerf 球玩的捉人游戏,通常每天至少玩一次,就在午饭后。 办公室周围散落着几十个颜色鲜艳的 Nerf 球。
规则是临时制定的,但通常“它”的人必须通过用 Nerf 球击打其他人来将其授予。

Jef and Brian were both serious musicians, so the office was also littered with a variety of musical instruments, sometimes erupting in spontaneous concerts. Another one of Jef’s interests was model airplanes and automobiles, especially radio controlled ones. It wasn’t unusual to see a radio controlled car dart underneath your desk, and occasionally everyone would go outside to see the maiden voyage of the latest plane.


Jef was writing his “Book of Macintosh” during much of 1979 and all of 1980, articulating his vision in ever finer detail. Burrell’s 6809-based prototype came alive in the early part of 1980, but then he went off to work on the low cost Apple II project. Jef hired Marc Lebrun to write software in early 1980, but Marc was more interested in Lisp machines than a limited memory microcomputer like the Mac, so nothing much happened until he was replaced by Bud Tribble in September 1980.

Jef 在 1979 年的大部分时间和 1980 年期间一直在撰写他的《Macintosh 之书》,以更加细致的细节阐明了他的愿景。
Burrell 基于 6809 的原型机于 1980 年初问世,但随后他开始致力于低成本的 Apple II 项目。
Jef 在 1980 年初聘请了 Marc Lebrun 来编写软件,但 Marc 对 Lisp 机器更感兴趣,而不是像 Mac 这样的有限内存微型计算机,所以直到 1980 年 9 月他被 Bud Tribble 取代之前,什么也没发生。

Bud knew Jef from UCSD, and was also good friends with Bill Atkinson. They had a part time, two person consulting company together in Seattle called Synaptic Systems while they were both graduate students. Bill and Jef convinced Bud to take a one year leave of absence from the M.D/Ph.D. program he was pursuing at University of Washington at Seattle. Bud was in the fifth year of a seven M.D/Ph.D. program. Instead of returning to med school, Bud moved into a spare room at Bill Atkinson’s house, and started work on the Mac project at Apple. He quickly began to breathe life into Burrell’s languishing prototype, writing some graphics routines for the 6809.

巴德认识加州大学圣地亚哥分校的杰夫,也是比尔·阿特金森的好朋友。 当他们都是研究生时,他们在西雅图有一家兼职的两人咨询公司,名为 Synaptic Systems。
巴德没有回到医学院,而是搬进了比尔·阿特金森家里的一间空房间,开始在苹果公司从事 Mac 项目。 他很快开始为 Burrell 陷入困境的原型注入活力,为 6809 编写了一些图形例程。

So even though the Mac project had been going for more than a year, the move to Good Earth in October 1980 came at an interesting time, with a new but limited lease on life, and software finally starting to happen. But the Good Earth era was rather short lived.

因此,尽管 Mac 项目已经进行了一年多,但 1980 年 10 月向 Good Earth 的迁移恰逢一个有趣的时刻,它获得了新的但有限的生命力,软件终于开始出现。

Around two months after the move, Bud convinced Burrell to consider using the 68000 processor instead of the 6809. Burrell came up with a brilliant design, catching the attention of Steve Jobs. Steve took over the project and quickly recruited most of the early Apple II crew that he trusted, including Steve Wozniak and Rod Holt, and moved the project to larger offices a half mile away, in Texaco Towers (see Texaco Towers).

搬迁后大约两个月,巴德说服伯勒尔考虑使用 68000 处理器而不是 6809。伯勒尔提出了一个出色的设计,引起了史蒂夫·乔布斯的注意。
史蒂夫接手了这个项目,并迅速招募了他信任的大部分早期 Apple II 团队成员,包括史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗德·霍尔特,并将该项目转移到半英里外的德士古大厦 (Texaco Towers) 更大的办公室(参见德士古大厦)。