Early Demos 早期演示

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年4月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、巴德·特里布尔、里奇·佩奇、鲍勃·毕肖普、比尔·阿特金森、布鲁斯·霍恩 主题: 硬件设计、原型、软件设计。 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 各种演示展示了硬件的功能

The first program for the early Macintosh computer, which used a 68000 chip, was created by Bud Tribble. It was part of the computer’s built-in program that started up when the computer was turned on. When the computer was turned on, it did some tests to make sure everything was working correctly. Then, it showed a bunch of tiny letters on the screen that said “hello” many times. The “hello”s let us know that the computer was working properly.

早期 Macintosh 计算机使用 68000 芯片的第一个程序是由 Bud Tribble 创建的。
然后,屏幕上出现了一堆小字母,多次说了“你好”。 “你好”让我们知道计算机工作正常。

The special computer program in the Mac helped us transfer new programs from the Lisa to the Mac over a telephone wire. This let us test and show off the new computer prototype. We had a lot to do: creating an operating system, connecting the keyboard and mouse, and getting the graphics and user interface to work. But sometimes, we also did things just for enjoyment.

Mac 中的特殊计算机程序帮助我们通过电话线将新程序从 Lisa 传输到 Mac。

I wrote a slideshow program for the Mac in March 1981. I got it working the same night I figured out how to make it use a disk. It was exciting to see clear images moving quickly on the screen.

1981 年 3 月,我为 Mac 编写了一个幻灯片程序。

By April, I started creating my own graphic designs for the computer to show off its graphic abilities. I had already made some bouncing ball games on the Apple II, and I wanted to see how many balls the Mac could make move smoothly. I wrote some code in 68000 that could quickly draw small images, and I found that I could make over 100 balls move smoothly, which was very impressive. I also created a small drawing program using special bitmaps, and a fun Breakout game where you had to avoid hitting falling bricks.

我已经在 Apple II 上制作了一些弹跳球游戏,我想看看 Mac 可以让多少个球顺利移动。

Bob Bishop experimented with graphics on the Apple II. I thought I’d try some of those ideas on the Mac. I wanted to make a cool image slide onto the screen. I liked an effect where I copied an image on the screen by repeating lines of the picture again and again, making it taller. It looked like the picture was flowing onto the screen like water over a waterfall. It was very interesting to watch. I often used this effect with a picture of the Muppets I had converted from the Apple II. This demo became popular and was known as the “Stretching Muppets” demo.

Bob Bishop 在 Apple II 上进行了图形实验。我想我应该在 Mac 上尝试其中一些想法。
观看起来非常有趣。我经常将这种效果用于从 Apple II 转换而来的布偶图片。

In May 1981, a man named Bud worked all night. He took some code from a computer called Lisa and put it into a different computer called Mac. This was a special moment because it was the first time we could use a computer with a mouse and menus that popped up when you clicked on them. The best part of the demo was when we showed what the menus could do by drawing a whole menu on the screen using pictures.

1981年5月,一位名叫巴德的男子通宵工作。他从一台名为 Lisa 的计算机上获取了一些代码,并将其放入另一台名为 Mac 的计算机中。

In June 1981, we decided it would be a good idea to make a special testing place, where the Macintosh computer could start up and run programs from its own disk, even though we would use it only for a short time. At that point, our own operating system was not ready to use, but a programmer named Rich Page had made a simple operating system called the “Lisa Monitor”. This system was based on a program called UCSD Pascal, which was easy to transfer to the Macintosh. All we had to do was add our own special helpers for input and output. Using the Monitor, a Macintosh computer could start up and run demos without needing help from a Lisa computer.

1981 年 6 月,我们决定建立一个特殊的测试场所,让 Macintosh 计算机可以从自己的磁盘启动并运行程序,即使我们只使用它很短的时间。
那时,我们自己的操作系统还没有准备好使用,但是一位名叫 Rich Page 的程序员制作了一个简单的操作系统,称为“Lisa Monitor”。
该系统基于一个名为 UCSD Pascal 的程序,该程序很容易转移到 Macintosh 上。我们所要做的就是为输入和输出添加我们自己的特殊助手。
使用监视器,Macintosh 计算机可以启动并运行演示,而无需 Lisa 计算机的帮助。

In Lisa Monitor, it was easy to run special programs that use QuickDraw. We made some demos, like a program that shows balls bouncing in different windows. We also made an icon editor and an early version of a drawing program called MacPaint.

在 Lisa Monitor 中,可以轻松运行使用 QuickDraw 的特殊程序。
我们制作了一些演示,例如显示球在不同窗口中弹跳的程序。我们还制作了一个图标编辑器和一个名为 MacPaint 的绘图程序的早期版本。

I think the most interesting early demo was a special version of the Finder that we made in 1982. It had a special window with a picture of a floppy disk. On top of the disk, we had little tabs that represented files. You could move the tabs around to choose which files you wanted to work with. Then, you could click a button to do things with the files, like copying or moving them. Bruce Horn worked on this idea and even made a second version with pictures of folders. This idea influenced how Bill designed the Filer for Lisa, which is another computer. We ended up using a different design, but it’s interesting to see an idea that we considered but didn’t choose. It’s like looking at a different path we could have taken.

我认为最有趣的早期演示是我们在 1982 年制作的 Finder 的特殊版本。
布鲁斯·霍恩(Bruce Horn)研究了这个想法,甚至制作了带有文件夹图片的第二个版本。