Do It 去做吧

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年6月 人物: 拉里·特斯勒 主题: 用户界面,软件设计,丽莎 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 用户测试有时会产生令人惊讶的结果 , 去做吧 Do It

Many smart people who helped create the first graphical user interface for computers at Xerox and universities thought the first personal computers were not much good when they came out in the mid-1970s. The first personal computers were much weaker than the computers they were used to working with. You couldn’t do many things with only 4 kilobytes of memory and no disk drive.

许多在 Xerox 和大学帮助创建第一个计算机图形用户界面的聪明人认为,第一台个人计算机在 20 世纪 70 年代中期问世时并没有多大用处。
仅用 4 KB 内存且没有磁盘驱动器,您无法完成许多操作。

Larry Tesler was part of a team that worked on the Smalltalk project at Xerox PARC. However, he had a different opinion. He was very excited about personal computers and bought one as soon as it came out in 1977. He even helped demonstrate Apple’s computers at Xerox PARC in 1979. He was so impressed with Apple that he quit his job at Xerox PARC and started working at Apple in 1980. He became the manager of a team that worked on the Lisa computer.

Larry Tesler 是 Xerox PARC 的 Smalltalk 项目团队的一员。
不过,他却有不同的看法。他对个人电脑非常感兴趣,并在 1977 年个人电脑一推出就买了一台。
1979 年,他甚至在施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心 (Xerox PARC) 帮助演示了苹果电脑。
他对苹果公司印象深刻,因此辞去了施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心的工作,并于 1980 年开始在苹果公司工作。
他成为了 Lisa 计算机团队的经理。

Larry made sure that different computer programs looked and worked the same way. He helped create the way that computers look and work today. He also made sure that people from Apple tested the software on real users to see how they reacted. They watched as people used the computer for the first time and wrote down what they thought. In 1981, Larry did this with the Lisa computer. He got friends and family to try it out for the first time. Apple designers watched and recorded how they reacted.

他们观察人们第一次使用计算机并写下他们的想法。 1981 年,Larry 在 Lisa 计算机上做到了这一点。

The tests were done in a special room with a one-way mirror. This way, people watching could observe without disturbing the users. A moderator led the tests. They made sure the users felt comfortable and showed them how to use a mouse. Then, without telling them what to do, the users were asked to complete specific tasks, like editing text and saving it, on their own. The moderator encouraged the users to talk to themselves out loud while doing the tasks, so their thoughts could be heard. Each test was recorded so that later on, experts could study it.


When the computer program asked the user for permission, it showed a small window with a question and two buttons. The buttons said “Agree” and “Cancel”. The designers noticed that some users had trouble with this window. They would click “Cancel” by mistake, even though they should have clicked “Agree”. However, it was not clear what was causing the problem.


After a while, the team saw one user who was very confused by the dialog box. He was even getting a little upset. The person running the test stopped the test and asked him what was wrong. He said, “I’m not stupid! Why is the software calling me stupid?”


He didn’t realize there was a small space between the letters “o” and “i” in the words “Do It”. The font we were using made the capital letter “I” look very similar to the lowercase letter “L”. So, when he read “Do It”, he thought it said “Dolt”, which made him feel upset and offended.

他没有意识到“Do It”一词中字母“o”和“i”之间有一个小空格。
我们使用的字体使大写字母“I”看起来与小写字母“L”非常相似。所以,当他读到“Do It”时,他认为它说的是“Dolt”,这让他感到不安和被冒犯。

After thinking about it, we changed the word on the “yes” button to “OK”. We had avoided using “OK” at first because we thought it sounded too casual. But after we made the change, people had fewer problems.
