And Then He Discovered Loops! 然后他发现了循环!

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年4月 人物: 鲍勃·贝尔维尔,里奇·威廉姆斯 主题: 软件设计、管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Bob 写了很多行代码 , 然后他发现了循环! And Then He Discovered Loops!

We talked to many people to find a new person to manage the software team after Bud left. Then we met Bob Belleville. He was one of the main people who helped design the Xerox Star, which was the first computer that people could use with a visual interface. He was smart and calm, and he often joked about how people behave. One thing he would say often was “The Law of Conservation of Misery” which means that no matter what we do, people will still be unhappy or frustrated in a given situation. This idea seemed to fit well with how big computer companies work.

他是帮助设计 Xerox Star 的主要人物之一,Xerox Star 是第一台人们可以使用可视化界面的计算机。

Bob’s past experience was mostly in hardware, not software. So, we weren’t sure if he was good at software. But he said he was just as good at both. His latest project was an unusual and secret effort to make a low-cost version of Star called “Cub”. It used an ordinary Intel computer chip, which was not what the experts at PARC thought was necessary. They believed you needed a special type of processor to make a Star-type machine work well. Bob had written most of the Cub software himself.

但他说他在这两方面都同样出色。他的最新项目是一项不同寻常的秘密努力,旨在制作名为“Cub”的低成本 Star 版本。
Bob 自己编写了 Cub 的大部分软件。

“I have a lot of experience with software,” he said. “In fact, I have written over 350,000 lines of code myself.”

“我在软件方面拥有丰富的经验,”他说。 “事实上,我自己已经编写了超过 350,000 行代码。”

I was very impressed with that fact. But I also wanted to know how it was done. I tried to think about how much code I have written, but it’s hard for me to estimate because there are many ways to look at it.


I went to dinner with my friend Rich Williams. We both started working at Apple at the same time. Rich is a funny person. I told him about an interview I did earlier that day. The person I was talking to, Bob Belleville, said he wrote more than 350,000 lines of code.

与我交谈的人 Bob Belleville 说他编写了超过 350,000 行代码。

“I think he did,” said Rich, “but then he found a shortcut!”
