Credit Where Due 到期信用

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年1月 人物: 比尔·阿特金森、史蒂夫·乔布斯、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、布鲁斯·丹尼尔斯、拉里·特斯勒、韦恩·罗辛、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、里奇·佩奇、罗德·霍尔特、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、约翰·库奇 主题: 营销、发布会、媒体、静修 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 为什么 Mac 设计团队的工作获得赞誉 , 到期信用 Credit Where Due

The Macintosh team had meetings outside of the office every six months, starting in January 1982. These meetings lasted for two full days and one night. We would take a bus to a beautiful resort near our office, like a beach near Monterey Bay. Everyone on the team was invited, as well as other people from Apple who were helping with the project. These meetings were a combination of important team communications, inspiration from famous people, and a fun party. We would hear talks from people like Robert Noyce, who invented the integrated circuit, or Ben Rosen, who helped fund companies like Compaq and Lotus. We would also listen to music from famous musicians like Liz Story.

从 1982 年 1 月开始,Macintosh 团队每六个月举行一次办公室外会议。这些会议持续了整整两天一夜。我们会乘坐巴士前往办公室附近的一个美丽的度假胜地,例如蒙特利湾附近的海滩。团队中的每个人以及为该项目提供帮助的其他 Apple 人员都受到了邀请。这些会议结合了重要的团队沟通、名人的灵感和有趣的聚会。我们会听到像发明集成电路的罗伯特·诺伊斯(Robert Noyce)或为康柏和莲花等公司提供资金的本·罗森(Ben Rosen)等人的演讲。我们还会听 Liz Story 等著名音乐家的音乐。

The third meeting, or retreat, was planned for January 27th and 28th, 1983, at a hotel in Carmel. This meeting was important because something big happened around that time. A new product called Lisa was announced on January 19th, after four years of work. Although it wouldn’t be available for a while longer, we realized that our team, responsible for the Mac, needed to change direction and focus on getting the Mac ready to be sold.

第三次会议或务虚会原定于 1983 年 1 月 27 日至 28 日在卡梅尔的一家酒店举行。这次会议很重要,因为当时发生了一件大事。经过四年的努力,一款名为 Lisa 的新产品于 1 月 19 日发布。尽管它在一段时间内不会上市,但我们意识到负责 Mac 的团队需要改变方向并专注于让 Mac 做好销售准备。

We took a two-hour bus ride from Cupertino and then went to a big meeting room. Steve Jobs was there to talk to us and tell us what we would be doing during the retreat. Steve liked to make important points with short, powerful sayings. He called them “Things Steve Says”. Last time, he said “It’s only finished when it’s actually done”, “Don’t compromise”, and “The journey is what’s important”. This time, he said “Real artists finish their work”, “It’s better to be brave and take risks than to follow the crowd”, and “We will have a Mac computer in every home by 1986”.


Bill Atkinson was part of the Lisa team, but he also went to Macintosh meetings. This was because Lisa was finished, and Bill wanted to work full-time on Mac to make a special graphics program that would come with every computer. We were all excited to see what he would create.

Bill Atkinson 是 Lisa 团队的一员,但他也参加了 Macintosh 会议。这是因为 Lisa 已经完成了,而 Bill 想全职在 Mac 上工作,制作一个每台电脑都附带的特殊图形程序。我们都很高兴看到他会创造什么。

The first day of the meeting was about technology. It went by fast because each engineer talked about their current and future work. They had discussions and were led by a manager named Bob Belleville. After 4 pm, the meeting part of the day was over, and we had a few hours free until dinner. I was going to join some friends who were going for a walk on the nearby beach, but then Bill Atkinson stopped me. He looked worried, so I could tell something was wrong.

第一天的会议是关于技术的。时间过得很快,因为每个工程师都谈论了他们当前和未来的工作。他们进行了讨论,并由一位名叫鲍勃·贝尔维尔的经理领导。下午 4 点后,一天的会议部分结束,我们有几个小时的空闲时间,直到晚餐。我本来打算和一些朋友一起去附近的海滩散步,但比尔·阿特金森阻止了我。他看起来很担心,所以我知道出了什么问题。

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”, Bill asked me, looking serious. “I need to show you something, but let’s go somewhere private.” We chose a small room, went in and shut the door.

“我可以和你谈谈吗?”比尔问我,表情严肃。 “我需要给你看一些东西,但是我们去一个私密的地方吧。”我们选了一个小房间,进去关上了门。

Bill was holding three magazines and put them on the table in front of me. Two of the magazines were recent issues about computers, like Byte and Popular Computing. The other magazine was more about business. All the magazines had articles about something new called Lisa. Bill took one of the magazines and showed me an article with a section called “An Interview with the People Who Designed Lisa”.

比尔拿着三本杂志,把它们放在我面前的桌子上。其中两本杂志是有关计算机的最新期刊,例如《Byte》和《Popular Computers》。另一本杂志更多的是关于商业的。所有杂志上都有关于“丽莎”的新事物的文章。比尔拿出一本杂志,给我看了一篇文章,其中有一个部分叫做“对设计丽莎的人的采访”。

“I think that’s great,” I said to Bill, “You were chosen to be in Byte.”

“我认为这很棒,”我对比尔说,“你被选中加入 Byte。”

“Look again”, Bill said to me, looking worried.


I started reading an article and saw that it talked to three important people: Wayne Rosing, who was in charge of engineers; Bruce Daniels, who managed software; and Larry Tesler, who led a group that makes apps. Then I understood why Bill looked so upset - he wasn’t mentioned as one of Lisa’s creators, which was strange because he did most of the design work by himself.

我开始读一篇文章,发现它谈到了三个重要人物:韦恩·罗辛(Wayne Rosing),负责工程师;布鲁斯·丹尼尔斯 (Bruce Daniels),负责软件管理;拉里·特斯勒 (Larry Tesler) 领导了一个应用程序开发团队。然后我明白了为什么比尔看起来如此沮丧 - 没有提到他是丽莎的创作者之一,这很奇怪,因为他自己完成了大部分设计工作。

The three magazine articles talked to important people like Wayne, Bruce, Larry, Steve Jobs, and John Couch. But even though Bill did many important things for Lisa almost by himself, nobody thought to ask him for his thoughts. This makes him very sad because something similar happened to him before.


Bill told me that he had a similar experience to one that happened 6-7 years ago. He made a big discovery while working on a 3D animation of the human brain. He took many photos of brain slices and then wrote special computer code to put them together into an animated movie. It was a really impressive movie that showed the brain’s important parts very clearly. The movie won many awards, and even a picture from it was on the cover of a science magazine. But then, a professor Bill was working with took most of the credit for the work, only giving Bill a small mention in the papers. Now it’s happening again and it’s making Bill upset.

比尔告诉我,他有过与六七年前类似的经历。他在研究人脑 3D 动画时取得了重大发现。他拍摄了许多脑切片照片,然后编写特殊的计算机代码将它们组合成一部动画电影。这是一部非常令人印象深刻的电影,非常清楚地展示了大脑的重要部分。这部电影赢得了许多奖项,甚至其中的一张照片还登上了科学杂志的封面。但随后,与比尔一起工作的一位教授获得了这项工作的大部分功劳,只在论文中稍微提及了比尔。现在这种事又发生了,这让比尔很不高兴。

I tried to make him feel better by saying that the newspapers usually make mistakes and that everyone at Apple knew how important his work was. I told him that there would be other chances to talk to the news in the future. He said he was so mad that he was thinking about leaving Apple unless they fixed the problem. We knew he needed to talk to Steve Jobs about it, but he was scared to bring it up. I told him I thought he was right to be upset and that Apple should apologize to him.


Later that evening, Bill told me that he would meet Steve alone the next morning, before he went to his meetings. But then he surprised me by asking me to come with him. I said it wasn’t my problem, and that it didn’t feel right for me to be there, but Bill said he needed me to come because he wanted someone else there to help keep Steve calm. I knew it would be weird, but I agreed to go.


We were both feeling a bit anxious as Bill knocked on the door of Steve’s small office. The office was at the back of a big meeting room where the team was having breakfast. Bill knocked at the right time. Steve opened the door and looked unhappy when he saw that I was with Bill.


He asked Bill, “Why is he here?” Then he turned to face me. “Go away. This doesn’t concern you!”

他问比尔:“他为什么在这里?”然后他转身面对我。 “走开,这不关你的事!”

“No, Andy needs to be here,” Bill said. “He didn’t want to come, but I asked him to support me.”

“不,安迪需要在这里,”比尔说。 “他不想来,但我请他支持我。”

Steve shrugged and ignored me. “Okay, let’s get started. We need to hurry because we have to start the meeting soon. What’s the main issue?”

史蒂夫耸耸肩,不理我。 “好吧,我们开始吧。我们得抓紧时间,因为我们很快就要开始会议了,主要问题是什么?”

Bill said he was very unhappy because nobody thanked him for his work on the project Lisa. When he started talking, he was a bit quiet at first, but then became more certain and emotional. He told Steve that he was thinking about quitting Apple because he didn’t think it was fair.


Steve really liked Bill, but he was starting to feel annoyed. He didn’t want to show it, though.


“Hey, I’m sorry, but you’re being too upset about this. It’s not a huge deal that you weren’t included in the magazines. Someone made a mistake, but it’s not the end of the world. You should calm down.”


Bill said angrily, “It’s easy for you to say that, but you don’t understand how I feel.” He spoke loudly, showing how upset he was. “If you don’t treat me kindly and appreciate what I’ve done, I won’t work here anymore.”

比尔生气地说:“你说这话很容易,但你不明白我的感受。”他说话声音很大,可见他有多不高兴。 “如果你不善待我,不欣赏我所做的事情,我就不会再在这里工作了。”

Steve walked towards the door. He looked like he was in a hurry. “I don’t have time to talk about this right now. We’ll fix it when we get back. I have many people waiting for me to start a big meeting about the Macintosh computer. They are very excited and I need to start on time.” He opened the door and left the room without saying anything else.

史蒂夫朝门口走去。他看起来很着急。 “我现在没有时间谈论这个。我们回来后会修复它。我有很多人在等我开始一个关于 Macintosh 计算机的大型会议。他们非常兴奋,我需要开始准时。”他打开门,没有再说什么就离开了房间。

Bill and I were in a small office, too tired to talk, after a very emotional meeting. We just sat there for a few minutes. Then we heard a loud cheer outside. Steve made some announcements to start the second day of the retreat. Bill let out a big sigh, and we left the office to go to the rest of the meeting.


The next week, Steve arranged a meeting between Bill and Apple’s HR team. Bill talked again about his main problem, which was that he didn’t get enough recognition for his work. After talking to Steve more, they came up with a solution that everyone agreed on.


The answer was to give Bill a special title called Apple Fellow, as a way to say thank you for his work on the Lisa. Being an Apple Fellow was the highest honor at Apple, and only a few people had received it before, like Steve Wozniak and Rod Holt. Now, Bill Atkinson and Rich Page would join them, since they also did very important work on the Lisa. One good thing about being an Apple Fellow was getting more stock options, which could become very valuable if Apple’s stock price kept going up.

答案是给比尔一个特殊的头衔,称为“苹果院士”,以表达对他在 Lisa 上所做工作的感谢。成为苹果院士是苹果公司的最高荣誉,之前只有少数人获得过这一荣誉,比如史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗德·霍尔特。现在,比尔·阿特金森和里奇·佩奇将加入他们,因为他们也在丽莎号上做了非常重要的工作。成为苹果院士的一个好处是获得更多的股票期权,如果苹果股价持续上涨,这可能会变得非常有价值。

Steve promised Bill that he would get recognition for his work on Macintosh. On the computer, there is an “About Box” that appears when you click on a certain option. This box tells you who made the program. Bill’s program can also show his name on the top of the screen each time it is opened. Steve also promised that when they introduced the Macintosh, they would give credit to the people who actually made the design, not just the people who were in charge of them.

史蒂夫向比尔承诺,他在 Macintosh 上的工作将会得到认可。

Steve kept his promise and included the seven people he chose as the “design team” in different ways during the Macintosh launch. The advertising company, Chiat-Day, even made videos featuring us for TV commercials, but they didn’t show them because they thought they were too focused on how great we were. It was nice to see our pictures in newspapers across the country, but it also caused some problems. There was no fair way to decide who to include and who to leave out. Because many people helped design the Macintosh, some people who didn’t get mentioned felt left out and unhappy.

史蒂夫兑现了他的承诺,在麦金塔电脑发布期间以不同的方式将他选择的七个人纳入“设计团队”。广告公司 Chiat-Day 甚至制作了以我们为主角的电视广告视频,但他们没有播放,因为他们认为他们太关注我们有多棒了。很高兴在全国各地的报纸上看到我们的照片,但这也引起了一些问题。没有公平的方法来决定包括谁和排除谁。因为许多人帮助设计了麦金塔电脑,所以一些没有被提及的人感到被忽视和不高兴。

Actually, Steve later thought that giving credit to the designers was a bad idea. Now, Apple doesn’t show programmer names on the “About Box” and keeps the designers’ names a secret. Only a few special employees are allowed to talk to the press.
