Can We Keep The Skies Safe? 我们能保证天空安全吗?

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、伯勒尔·史密斯、雷吉斯·麦肯纳、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、安迪·坎宁安、简·安德森、凯蒂·卡迪根 主题: 媒体、发布会、营销 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 伯勒尔和我在《新闻周刊》上拍了照片 , 我们能保证天空安全吗? Can We Keep The Skies Safe?

The launch of the first Macintosh computer had a really cool and creative marketing plan. It was put together by a famous marketing expert named Regis McKenna and his team of smart women. They included a plan to get lots of attention from the press, and we called them the “Rejettes” (which was a nickname for Regis McKenna’s team of assistant).

第一台麦金塔电脑的推出有一个非常酷且富有创意的营销计划。它是由著名营销专家雷吉斯·麦肯纳 (Regis McKenna) 和他的聪明女性团队组建的。

We wanted to make the introduction of the Macintosh computer seem like a really important event by getting as much attention as possible from all sources, at the same time as the introduction at a meeting for shareholders. Some magazines had time to prepare for it, so we started with press briefings and interviews in October 1983 with one magazine, and did more and more each week after that.

我们希望通过在股东大会上获得尽可能多的关注,使 Macintosh 计算机的推出看起来像一个非常重要的事件。
有些杂志有时间准备,所以我们从 1983 年 10 月开始对一家杂志进行新闻发布会和采访,此后每周都做越来越多的工作。

One of the main goals of our advertising campaign was to get a magazine cover story about the new Macintosh computer just before its launch. Regis and his team were very good at politely wooing the journalists who could write the story. They had to do this carefully because journalists have rules that say you can’t promise them something like a cover story in advance. In mid-December, we found out that Newsweek magazine might be interested in writing a cover story about the Macintosh after talking to Steve and the design team.

我们广告活动的主要目标之一是在新款 Macintosh 电脑发布之前获得有关其的杂志封面故事。
12 月中旬,在与 Steve 和设计团队交谈后,我们发现《新闻周刊》杂志可能有兴趣撰写有关 Macintosh 的封面故事。

Steve Jobs and some friends from Rejettes decided to take a last-minute trip to New York City to meet the important people at Newsweek. The person in charge of the company was interested in writing a story about Steve and two other designers, Burrell Smith and me. We all went to New York City for three days and stayed at Steve’s favorite hotel, which cost a lot of money - over $400 per night. We visited Newsweek’s main office, showed them the Mac computer, and even met Katharine Graham, who was in charge of the Washington Post and Newsweek.

史蒂夫·乔布斯和 Rejettes 的一些朋友决定在最后一刻前往纽约,会见《新闻周刊》的重要人物。
我们都去了纽约三天,住在史蒂夫最喜欢的酒店,这家酒店花了很多钱——每晚超过 400 美元。

After we got back to Cupertino, we received some good news. We had passed a test and Newsweek wanted to do a big story about the Macintosh. The story would even be on the cover! Burrell and I had another interview with a reporter named Michael Rogers from Newsweek. He had written a book called “Silicon Valley” that I read last year. We were going to take pictures the next day.


The team was still working on the software, with only five days left. The team was feeling stressed because they had been working hard for weeks. This was making it hard for them to focus. When a photographer from Newsweek came to take a picture of me at work, I didn’t want to take him to my office because I thought it would distract the rest of the team. So, I told him that I usually work from home and he took the picture in my messy home office in Palo Alto instead.


We were going to be on the cover of Newsweek, but the San Jose Mercury News accidentally found out. They wrote about it in their gossip column on Friday. Newsweek didn’t want people to think they had already chosen a cover, so they changed it at the last minute. Instead of our cover, they used another one with the question “Can We Keep The Skies Safe?”

我们原本要登上《新闻周刊》的封面,但《圣何塞水星报》意外地发现了。他们周五在八卦专栏中写下了这件事。 《新闻周刊》不想让人们认为他们已经选择了封面,所以他们在最后一刻更改了封面。他们没有使用我们的封面,而是使用了另一个封面,并提出了“我们能保证天空安全吗?”的问题。

It was really cool to go to work the day before the Macintosh was introduced. As I walked in, I saw a magazine from January 30, 1984. It was a big article about the Macintosh computer, and it took up four pages. The article started with pictures of my boss, Burrell, and me at home. Burrell was sitting on the floor playing his guitar, which he loved. There were diagrams on the floor in front of him. I was sitting in a chair in my spare bedroom, which I used as an office. It was a mess, as usual. (Note: I kept the same sentence structure and word choice as much as possible to ensure the rewritten text conveys the same meaning as the original.)


Someone wrote a long review of the Macintosh computer, and most of it was good. But the reviewer said some people might find the way it looks and works to be a bit too much to handle. The best quote from the whole review came from a person named Burrell. It was used at the end of the review. When asked what he wanted to do next, he said, “I want to make a computer that will be really good in the 1990s. But I want to do it right away.”

整个评论中最好的引用来自一个名叫伯勒尔的人。它是在审​​查结束时使用的。当被问及下一步想做什么时,他说:“我想制造一台在 20 世纪 90 年代非常出色的计算机。但我想马上就做。”

After the meeting, Steve Jobs and the team that designed the Mac went to Boston. They wanted to show the Mac again, this time to a group called the Boston Computer Society. Steve Wozniak also went with them and talked on a panel with the design team after they showed the Mac.

会议结束后,史蒂夫·乔布斯和 Mac 设计团队前往波士顿。他们想再次向一个名为波士顿计算机协会的组织展示 Mac。
史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克 (Steve Wozniak) 也与他们一起去了,并在设计团队展示 Mac 后与他们进行了座谈会。

Burrell and I sat together on a plane to Boston. It was a six-hour flight. We were getting comfortable when a flight attendant came over to us. She was holding a magazine, Newsweek, and it was open to a page with our pictures.


“I saw your pictures and I know who you are”, she said. “Can I have your signature?”

“我看到了你的照片,我知道你是谁”,她说。 “我可以要你的签名吗?”

I was surprised because nobody had ever asked me to sign my name for them before. I didn’t want to, but eventually I signed my name next to my picture, feeling a bit silly.


I put my music player on, leaned back in my seat, and tried to relax so I could fall asleep. But after about 20 minutes, a different flight attendant came over to us. She was also holding a magazine, Newsweek. “Are you the people who made the Macintosh computer?” she asked. “I really want your autographs.”

她还拿着一本杂志《新闻周刊》。 “你们是制造麦金塔电脑的人吗?”她问道。 “我真的很想要你的签名。”

I looked around and thought, “Wait, is Woz on this plane?” And then I saw him standing up, laughing and pointing at us. He had talked the flight attendants into helping him play a trick on us. At first, I was surprised, but then I started laughing too, because it was a pretty funny joke.
