Calculator Construction Set

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年2月 人物: 克里斯·埃斯皮诺萨、史蒂夫·乔布斯、唐·丹曼 主题: 软件设计 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 克里斯尝试制作一款史蒂夫认可的计算器 , Calculator Construction Set

Chris Espinosa was a young person who started working for Apple when he was only 14 years old. He was one of the first people to work for Apple. Chris left Apple in 1978 to go to college at the University of California in Berkeley. But during the school year, he still worked on some projects from home. One of the things he did was write a manual for the Apple II computer.

Chris Espinosa 是一位年轻人,年仅 14 岁就开始为 Apple 工作。他是最早为苹果公司工作的人之一。
Chris 于 1978 年离开 Apple,前往加州大学伯克利分校上大学。
但在学年期间,他仍然在家完成一些项目。他所做的事情之一就是为 Apple II 计算机编写了一本手册。

In the summer of 1981, Steve Jobs talked to Chris and asked him to leave school and join the Mac team full time. Steve said that Chris could always go back to school later, but this was a special chance to help make the Macintosh computer. Chris agreed and stopped going to school. He started working on the Macintosh team in August 1981, and was in charge of making sure the instructions were written correctly.

1981 年夏天,史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 与克里斯交谈,要求他离开学校,全职加入 Mac 团队。
克里斯同意了,并不再去上学。他于 1981 年 8 月开始在 Macintosh 团队工作,负责确保指令编写正确。

We needed to write technical documents quickly because we were going to let other developers use our software soon. The main part of our Macintosh software was the graphics part, called Quickdraw. Chris decided to start by writing the instructions for how to use Quickdraw.

我们的 Macintosh 软件的主要部分是图形部分,称为 Quickdraw。
Chris 决定首先编写如何使用 Quickdraw 的说明。

Chris wanted to learn more about a computer program called Quickdraw. He got very interested in the idea of making special pictures on the computer, called “desk ornaments”. Even though this feature didn’t exist yet, Chris decided to write a Quickdraw program to draw a picture of a calculator.

克里斯想了解有关名为 Quickdraw 的计算机程序的更多信息。
尽管这个功能还不存在,Chris 还是决定编写一个 Quickdraw 程序来绘制计算器的图片。

He spent some time making a calculator and was happy with how it looked. But to really know if it was good, he needed to show it to Steve Jobs, who was like a expert at finding things that looked great, to see what he thought.


Everyone waited together to see Steve’s reaction when Chris showed him his calculator. Steve looked at it and said, “It’s okay, but there are some problems. The background is too dark, some lines are not the right thickness, and the buttons are too big.” Chris said he would keep changing it until Steve thought it was perfect.


For a few days, Chris would make changes to what he was making after hearing Steve’s suggestions from the day before. But Steve would still find new problems every time Chris showed it to him. One day, Chris had an idea suddenly.


The next day, Chris showed something new instead of a new calculator. He called it “the Steve Jobs’ Calculator Building Kit”. It’s a special tool that lets you make your own calculator. You can choose many things about how it looks using menus. You can pick the thickness of the lines, the size of the buttons, the pattern on the background, and more.


Steve looked at the new program and started changing some details. After trying a few different options, he decided on one that he liked. Later, I helped add the user interface to the calculator, and I took Steve’s design. We used it for many years - even up to OS 9 on Macintosh computers.

我们使用它很多年了 - 甚至在 Macintosh 计算机上使用了 OS 9。