Bouncing Pepsis 弹跳百事可乐

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年3月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、苏珊·凯尔、比尔·阿特金森、迈克·默里 主题: 软件设计、招聘、早期项目 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们为约翰·斯卡利准备了一个特别的演示 , 弹跳百事可乐 Bouncing Pepsis

The part of the computer interface that helps to control windows is very important. This part of the interface uses a technology called “region clipping” to make sure that what is shown on the screen looks right. When a window is created, moved, or made bigger or smaller, the window manager calculates what needs to be done to make sure everything looks good. It also makes sure that objects inside the window are not shown outside of the window’s boundaries.


I had to rewrite a program called the “window manager” that was written by Bill Atkinson for a computer called Lisa. It was written in a language called Pascal, and I had to change it so it worked on a different computer called Macintosh that uses a different language called “assembly language”. First, I had to move Bill’s version of the program to the new computer. To test the program, I wrote a small test program called “Window Manager Demo” that showed some windows on the screen and did some tests to make sure everything worked correctly.

我必须重写一个名为“窗口管理器”的程序,该程序是由比尔·阿特金森为名为 Lisa 的计算机编写的。它是用一种名为 Pascal 的语言编写的,我必须对其进行更改,以便它可以在另一台名为 Macintosh 的计算机上运行,​​该计算机使用另一种称为“汇编语言”的语言。首先,我必须将比尔版本的程序移至新计算机上。为了测试该程序,我编写了一个名为“Window Manager Demo”的小型测试程序,它在屏幕上显示了一些窗口,并进行了一些测试以确保一切正常工作。

A year ago, I created a fun animation where many small balls bounced around on the screen. I used my own special graphics code to make it happen. It was impressive because it could show hundreds of balls moving at the same time. For my latest project, I thought it would be a good idea to add a few dozen balls to each window in the window manager demo. I used a tool called Quickdraw to make it happen. The balls will keep moving and eventually fill the whole window. This will help me catch any mistakes or problems with the way the window manager is working.

对于我最新的项目,我认为向窗口管理器演示中的每个窗口添加几十个球是个好主意。我使用了一个名为 Quickdraw 的工具来实现它。球将继续移动并最终填满整个窗口。这将帮助我发现窗口管理器工作方式中的任何错误或问题。

After Susan started working in January 1983, I asked her to create simple 16x16 pixel pictures to use in the Window Manager Demo instead of the same old ball shapes. Soon, we had lots of different small objects moving around in the windows, like tiny Macintosh computers, apples, bugs, and alligators. I thought the Window Manager Demo was complete, but it wasn’t finished after all.

Susan 于 1983 年 1 月开始工作后,我要求她创建简单的 16x16 像素图片以在窗口管理器演示中使用,而不是相同的旧球形。很快,我们的窗户里就有了许多不同的小物体在移动,比如微型麦金塔电脑、苹果、虫子和鳄鱼。我以为窗口管理器演示已经完成,但它毕竟还没有完成。

One evening, Steve Jobs came to the software area a few months later. He was excited about someone he had met in New York City. “Hey, I need something special for next week. I met a man named John Sculley, who is the president of Pepsi. He is very intelligent. If we impress him, Pepsi might buy many Mac computers. Maybe even 5,000. Can you come up with something amazing to show him?”

几个月后的一天晚上,史蒂夫·乔布斯来到了软件领域。他对在纽约遇到的一个人感到很兴奋。 “嘿,我下周需要一些特别的东西。我遇到了一个叫约翰·斯卡利的人,他是百事可乐的总裁。他非常聪明。如果我们给他留下深刻印象,百事可乐可能会购买很多 Mac 电脑。甚至可能 5,000 台。你能来吗?有什么惊人的东西要给他看吗?”

I thought something was strange because we rarely showed our work to potential customers at that time. But I asked Susan to draw some pictures of Pepsi, and she came up with small Pepsi caps and cans. I then added these pictures to the demo of the Window Manager program.


Last week, Mike Murray took John Sculley on a tour of the engineering area while Steve was away. Mike stopped at my desk to show John the new window manager demo. I showed him each window separately and saved the Pepsi-themed parts for last. John seemed happy to see the Pepsi stuff, but he didn’t seem very excited or interested in most of the demo. He asked a few questions, but didn’t seem to care about the answers.

上周,史蒂夫不在时,迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 带着约翰·斯卡利 (John Sculley) 参观了工程区域。迈克在我的办公桌前停下来向约翰展示新的窗口管理器演示。我分别向他展示了每个窗口,并将百事可乐主题的部分留到了最后。约翰似乎很高兴看到百事可乐的东西,但他似乎对大部分演示并不是很兴奋或感兴趣。他问了几个问题,但似乎并不关心答案。

A short time later, we learned the truth. John’s visit was not just a social call. He was actually interviewing to become the boss of a big computer company called Apple. And guess what? He got the job! Steve convinced him to take it by saying, “Would you rather spend your life making sweet drinks for kids, or do you want to have the chance to make a big difference in the world?”


