Bouncing Balls 弹跳球

作者: 卡罗琳·罗斯 日期: 1982年5月 人物: 克里斯·埃斯皮诺萨、卡罗琳·罗斯 主题: 人才招聘 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我对克里斯·埃斯皮诺萨的采访 , 弹跳球 Bouncing Balls

When I interviewed for a job in May 1982, I was working at a company called Tymshare, which is close by. I had been working in the computer industry for a long time, but I didn’t know much about personal computers. However, I was a fast learner, so I didn’t worry when I went to talk to Chris Espinosa about writing a book about Macintosh computers.

1982 年 5 月,当我面试工作时,我正在附近一家名为 Tymshare 的公司工作。
不过,我学东西很快,所以当我去和 Chris Espinosa 讨论写一本关于 Macintosh 计算机的书时,我并不担心。

I worked at a company called Tymshare, which bought a group from another company called SRI. At SRI, I worked with a man named Doug Engelbart who invented a special mouse device. I thought it was a cool idea, but a bit unnecessary. I also played a game called Hangman on a computer at another company called Xerox PARC with a friend. The graphics looked great, but I thought it was just a game and not meant for real work. Before that, I used a system called ARPAnet to send messages to people in my building. At first, I thought it was silly because I could just walk down the hall to talk to them instead. It took me a while to understand how useful these new technologies could be.

我在一家名为 Tymshare 的公司工作,该公司从另一家名为 SRI 的公司收购了一个集团。在 SRI,我和一位名叫 Doug Engelbart 的人一起工作,他发明了一种特殊的鼠标设备。
我认为这是一个很酷的想法,但有点不必要。我还和朋友在另一家名为 Xerox PARC 的公司的电脑上玩了一款名为 Hangman 的游戏。
图形看起来很棒,但我认为这只是一个游戏,并不适合真正的工作。在此之前,我使用一个名为 ARPAnet 的系统向我所在大楼中的人员发送消息。

At Apple, Chris interviewed me really well. He was very excited about my skills and what the Mac team was working on. He showed me a test version of the menu system on the Mac, and he was even more excited about a demo of balls bouncing around on the screen. This was another sign that this little computer might change the world. Chris didn’t explain everything to me, but the demo was quite cute and fun, good for games and stuff. But I couldn’t see what else it was good for beyond that.

在苹果,克里斯对我的采访非常好。他对我的技能以及 Mac 团队正在开展的工作感到非常兴奋。
他向我展示了 Mac 上菜单系统的测试版本,他对屏幕上弹跳的球的演示感到更加兴奋。

Later that day, I told a friend at Tymshare about my interview. When I mentioned the balls bouncing on the screen, my friend got very excited. He took me to a meeting room, closed the door, and showed me how important what I saw was. I don’t remember all the details, but I remember he helped me see the possibilities for computers beyond just playing games like Hangman. I felt like I was getting a glimpse of the future!

那天晚些时候,我向 Tymshare 的一位朋友讲述了我的面试经历。