Boot Beep 开机蜂鸣声

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年9月 人物: 查理·凯尔纳、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、特里·奥山、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 软件设计、技术、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 开机声音是如何演变的 , 开机蜂鸣声 Boot Beep

When you turned on an old Apple computer called the Apple II, it would make a quick beeping sound to show that it was working. We thought the new Mac computer should also do something like that when it is ready to use, like a baby’s first cry, to let people know that it has turned on and is ready to use.

当你打开一台名为 Apple II 的旧苹果电脑时,它会发出快速的蜂鸣声,表明它正在工作。我们认为新的 Mac 电脑在准备使用时也应该做类似的事情,就像婴儿的第一声哭声一样,让人们知道它已经打开并准备使用。

The first Macintosh computer, made in 1981, had a special way to make sounds. The sound was controlled by the computer’s software, which told the sound chip what frequency to use by changing a value. I made a special program that made the sound go up in frequency quickly at first, and then even faster. This made the sound have a funny “whooshing” sound. People seemed to like it, but we knew we needed a better sound for the real product.

第一台 Macintosh 电脑于 1981 年制造,有一种特殊的发声方式。声音是由计算机软件控制的,它通过改变一个值来告诉声音芯片使用什么频率。我制作了一个特殊的程序,使声音的频率首先快速上升,然后甚至更快。这使得声音带有一种有趣的“嘶嘶”声。人们似乎很喜欢它,但我们知道我们需要为真正的产品提供更好的声音。

In August 1982, the Mac computer was improved with better sound quality. This meant we could use better sounds, like short sounds made up of computer bits. I tried to make some sounds using these bits.


At this time, Charlie Kellner decided to switch from working on the Apple II to the Mac team. Charlie was very good at programming the Apple II and had written a popular hockey game for it. He was also very talented and made sure everything was perfect. As a side project, he made a music machine called alphaSyntauri for the Apple II, which was the idea for a small company. But for some reason, he got tired of working on the Apple II and wanted to try working with the Mac team instead.

此时,Charlie Kellner 决定从 Apple II 的工作转到 Mac 团队。查理非常擅长对 Apple II 进行编程,并为其编写了一款流行的曲棍球游戏。他也非常有才华,并确保一切都很完美。作为一个业余项目,他为 Apple II 制作了一台名为 alphaSyntauri 的音乐机,这是一家小公司的想法。但由于某种原因,他厌倦了 Apple II 的工作,转而想尝试与 Mac 团队合作。

Charlie saw me playing with sounds for a new car alarm. He told me he knew a simple way to make it sound good. He asked me to fill a special container with a simple sound wave, and then go through it many times, mixing together nearby sounds until they were all the same.


I wrote the code and tested it, and it sounded good! It had a happy, ringing sound. With a few small changes, it became the sound that Mac computers made when they started up, from the beginning until the Mac II, which had even better sound capabilities, until 1987. For people who are interested in technical details, I’ve linked the original code, which is written in a language called 68000 assembly language.

我编写了代码并进行了测试,听起来不错!它发出一种快乐的、清脆的声音。经过一些小改动,它就变成了 Mac 电脑启动时发出的声音,从一开始,一直到 1987 年,Mac II 的声音能力更加出色。对于对技术细节感兴趣的人,我链接了原始代码是用一种叫做 68000 汇编语言的语言编写的。

Charlie was happy because he did a good job on the project in his first week. This made him excited, so he asked if he could take a test version of the project home to play with it over the weekend. On Monday, he came to work very happy.


“He said, ‘I know something is wrong! The sound is being blocked completely by the case. But I know what to do to fix it.’”


He did some tests with a Mac computer he took home over the weekend. He found that the computer’s case was making the sound bad and jumpy. He even made pictures to show what he measured. After looking at the numbers, he made a small hole in a special place and that made the sound much better.

他用周末带回家的一台 Mac 电脑做了一些测试。他发现电脑外壳使声音变得糟糕且不稳定。他甚至还制作了图片来展示他的测量结果。看完数字后,他在一个特殊的地方打了一个小洞,这样声音就好多了。

He showed his improved prototype and explained how the hole made the sound better. I didn’t think the difference was huge, but it was still an improvement. He then showed it to Terry, who designed the container, and asked if Terry could add the hole.


The next day, Steve Jobs came to visit Charlie in the afternoon. He asked to see Charlie’s new product. Steve listened to what Charlie showed him, but then he said, “This isn’t good enough! We can’t make something that looks messy and has a hole in it. Let’s just forget about it!”


Charlie was very unhappy, and didn’t get excited about the Mac anymore. Two weeks later, he moved back to the team that worked on the Apple II, and the only thing he left behind was a special sound the Mac makes when it starts up.

查理非常不高兴,并且不再对 Mac 感到兴奋。两周后,他回到了 Apple II 的团队,他留下的唯一的东西就是 Mac 启动时发出的特殊声音。