Black Wednesday 黑色星期三

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年2月 人物: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德、迈克·斯科特、史蒂夫·乔布斯、迪克·休斯顿、唐·丹曼、里克·奥里奇奥、杰夫·拉斯金、伯勒尔·史密斯、布莱恩·霍华德、迈克·马库拉 主题: 起源、Apple II、管理、招聘 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Apple II 工程的一次重组让我能够腾出时间在 Macintosh 上工作

I knew something was wrong as soon as I walked into the office on February 25th, 1981. The normal noise and activity were missing. Instead, there was a sad feeling in the air. People were standing together in small groups, looking serious. I saw my coworker Donn Denman, who was near my desk, and asked him what was wrong.

1981 年 2 月 25 日,当我走进办公室时,我就知道出事了。
人们三五成群地站在一起,表情严肃。我看到我办公桌附近的同事唐·丹曼 (Donn Denman),我问他出了什么事。

“Did you hear? Scotty has let go of almost half of the people who work on the Apple II computer. He called each person into his office one by one and told them they were no longer working here. I think over thirty people have lost their jobs so far. Nobody knows why this happened or who will be let go next. We’re supposed to have a meeting in the back at noon to find out what’s going on.”

“你听到了吗?斯科蒂已经解雇了几乎一半在Apple II电脑上工作的人。他把每个人都一一叫到他的办公室,告诉他们不再在这里工作了。

Apple had only recently become a public company a few months ago, and it was still growing very quickly. Many people were buying its products, and it didn’t need to stop producing them because of money problems. I was curious about why this was happening.


“Who did they fire?” I asked Donn.


“Yes, it’s surprising. Scotty sent home almost all the managers who were in charge of the work. Did you know that Rick Aurrichio was one of them?”


I didn’t think the bosses were very good at their jobs, so it didn’t bother me much. But what really surprised me was when they fired Rick Aurrichio. Rick was an extremely talented programmer in the Apple II team. He could finish a week’s worth of work in just a few days. Then, he would spend the rest of the week playing the latest games that caught his attention. I knew that he could be a challenge for the managers, but it didn’t make sense to fire him. Rick was going to be my partner on the new DOS 4.0 project, which was just starting. He was the only other programmer working on it, besides me. So, it was really upsetting that they fired him suddenly.

我不认为老板们很擅长他们的工作,所以这并没有太困扰我。但真正令我惊讶的是他们解雇了里克·奥里奇奥。 Rick 是 Apple II 团队中一位非常有才华的程序员。
Rick 将成为我新 DOS 4.0 项目的合作伙伴,该项目刚刚开始。除了我之外,他是唯一从事此工作的程序员。所以,他们突然解雇他真是令人沮丧。

I joined the meeting and listened quietly to Scotty explain his plans. He said the company had grown too fast in the past year and made some bad decisions. We hired people who weren’t good for the company, and they hired even worse ones. Scotty thought the Apple II division was getting too comfortable and had lost the drive that made us successful in the first place. He wants to wake us up and get rid of the bad hires so we can start growing in a positive way again.

Scotty 认为 Apple II 部门太过安逸,失去了最初让我们成功的动力。他想唤醒我们并解雇那些糟糕的员工,这样我们就可以再次开始以积极的方式成长。

Scotty looked a bit scared and unsure. Some other important leaders were standing nearby, but they didn’t join the conversation. At the end of the meeting, we had a time to ask questions. A few employees told Scotty that he handled things very badly. Most of us seemed sad and didn’t know what to do. A few days later, everyone started calling the incident “Black Wednesday”.


Later that day, I spoke with Dick Huston about what had happened. Dick was one of the first programmers at Apple, and he knew about the company’s inner workings. He was friends with Scotty. Dick told me that he had known the layoffs were coming and had even helped Scotty make a list of who to let go. He also said that Scotty had asked permission from Apple’s leaders, Mike Markkula and the board of directors, but didn’t get it. Scotty decided to go ahead with the layoffs anyway.

他还表示,斯科蒂已向苹果领导人迈克·马库拉(Mike Markkula)和董事会请求许可,但没有得到。无论如何,斯科蒂决定继续裁员。

I told Dick that I think Apple has made some bad decisions when hiring new people, especially some of the people in charge. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to suddenly fire everyone and start over, like a dictator. I was upset about Rick’s job being taken away and it made me feel like I didn’t belong at the company anymore. I am the kind of programmer who needs to believe in what I’m doing. And I’m not sure if Apple’s values are what I believe in anymore.


The next day, I came to work and found a note on my desk saying Mike Scott wanted to talk to me. I think Dick must have told him something. I called the secretary back and made an appointment to see him in an hour. When I got to his office, Mike Scott seemed stressed and our conversation was interrupted by phone calls. Mike Scott said he knew I was unhappy and thinking of leaving Apple. He wanted me to know that he wanted me to stay. He asked me what he could do to make me excited about working at Apple again. I told him I would like to work on the Macintosh project with Burrell and Bud.

我告诉他我想与 Burrell 和 Bud 一起参与 Macintosh 项目。

Later that day, Scotty’s assistant called me and said she arranged for me to talk to Steve Jobs. Steve had been working on the Mac project for over a month. At the time, I didn’t know that he had recently gotten rid of the person who started the project, Jef Raskin. Steve made Jef take a break after Jef complained about Steve’s way of leading the project the day before.

Steve 已经在 Mac 项目上工作了一个多月了。当时,我并不知道他最近摆脱了该项目的发起者杰夫·拉斯金(Jef Raskin)。在杰夫前一天抱怨史蒂夫领导项目的方式后,史蒂夫让杰夫休息了一会儿。

Many people at Apple were scared of Steve Jobs because he would get angry quickly and tell people what he really thought, even if it wasn’t nice. But when I met him, he was always kind to me, even if sometimes he seemed a bit too busy to talk. I was really happy to be talking to him about working on the Mac.

我真的很高兴能和他谈论 Mac 上的工作。

When I came into his office, he asked me right away, “Are you very skilled? We only hire very skilled people to work on Macs, and I’m not sure you’re skilled enough.” I told him that I thought I was pretty good at my job.

当我走进他的办公室时,他立即问我:“你技术熟练吗?我们只雇用技术非常熟练的人在 Mac 上工作,我不确定你是否足够熟练。”我告诉他我认为我很擅长我的工作。

“Hey, I’ve heard you’re good at thinking outside the box”, Steve said. “Do you really come up with new and original ideas?”

“嘿,我听说你很擅长跳出框框思考,”史蒂夫说。 “你真的能想出新的、原创的想法吗?”

I told him I’m not good at judging this, but I’d be happy to work on the Mac. I said I think I would do well with it. He said he will let me know soon if I can do it.

我告诉他我不擅长判断这一点,但我很乐意在 Mac 上工作。我说我想我会做得很好。他说如果我能做到的话他会尽快告诉我。

About 2.5 hours later, I went back to work on a computer program called DOS 4.0 for an Apple II computer. I was writing secret codes for the computer’s operating system when I saw Steve Jobs looking over the wall that separated my workspace from the rest of the area.

大约 2.5 小时后,我回去为 Apple II 计算机开发一个名为 DOS 4.0 的计算机程序。
当我正在为计算机操作系统编写密码时,我看到史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)透过将我的工作空间与其他区域分隔开的墙往外看。

“‘I have some happy news for you!’ he told me. ‘You will be working with the Mac team now. Come with me, and I will show you were your new workstation is.’”

“‘我有一些好消息要告诉你!’他告诉我,“你现在将与 Mac 团队一起工作,我将向你展示你的新工作站。”

“I think that’s good”, I said. “I need a day or two to finish what I’m doing here, and then I can start working on the Mac on Monday.”

“我认为这很好”,我说。 “我需要一两天的时间来完成我在这里所做的事情,然后我可以在周一开始在 Mac 上工作。”

“What are you doing right now? Is there something more important than fixing the Macintosh computer?”


“I’ve just started creating a new operating system for the Apple II computer. It’s called DOS 4.0. I want to make sure it works well so someone else can take over and improve it if they want to.”

“我刚刚开始为 Apple II 计算机创建一个新的操作系统。它被称为 DOS 4.0。我想确保它运行良好,以便其他人可以接管并改进它(如果他们愿意)。”

“No, you’re wasting your time with that. Who cares about an old computer like the Apple II? It will soon be outdated. Your operating system won’t be finished before it becomes obsolete. The future of Apple is the Macintosh, and you should start working on it now!”

“不,你这样做是在浪费时间。谁会在乎像 Apple II 这样的旧电脑呢?它很快就会过时的。
您的操作系统在过时之前不会完成。 Apple 的未来是 Macintosh,你现在就应该开始努力!”

Then, he walked over to my desk and pulled out the plug of my Apple II computer. This made the computer stop working and I lost all my code. He took the plug and the computer to a different place, and said, “Come with me. We will go to your new workspace.”

然后,他走到我的办公桌前,拔掉了我的 Apple II 电脑的插头。这使得计算机停止工作,我丢失了所有代码。

We went outside to Steve’s big, shiny Mercedes and he put my computer in the back. Then we drove to an ordinary-looking office building on the corner of two streets. The building was next to a gas station. Steve was talking a lot about how great the Macintosh computer will be. We went upstairs and into an open door. Steve put my computer on a desk in a quiet office near the back of the building and said, “Here’s your new desk. You’re now part of the Mac team!” Then he left.

史蒂夫把我的电脑放在大楼后面一间安静办公室的桌子上,然后说:“这是你的新桌子。你现在是 Mac 团队的一员了!”然后他就离开了。

I looked around the office and saw my friends Burrell and Brian sitting near the next room, looking at some special equipment and a test board. I told them what happened, and they said Steve had visited them earlier to ask if they thought I was a good worker. They were happy that I joined their team.


After I helped them fix a computer problem, I went back to my new desk. I opened the drawers to put away my things. But I was surprised to see that the drawers were full of someone else’s stuff. One drawer had many strange things, like model airplanes and camera equipment. Later, I learned that someone named Steve had put me at a desk that used to belong to a person named Jef Raskin. Jef had not had time to move his things out yet, so that’s why my desk was still full of his things.
