Apple II Mouse Card Apple II 鼠标卡

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年6月 人物: 安迪·赫兹菲尔德、伯勒尔·史密斯、丹·科特克、比尔·巴奇、史蒂夫·乔布斯、巴德·特里布尔、比尔·阿特金森 主题: 软件设计、Apple Spirit、原型、技术、Apple II、薪酬 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们将鼠标连接到 Apple II

Burrell’s design for the Macintosh computer was very good and creative. He made sure it used only the necessary computer parts to get the most out of it. For example, the computer mouse used a very small part of the computer chip, called the 6522 VIA chip. This chip was used to make the mouse move smoothly and to detect when the user clicked the mouse button. The rest of the work was done using computer programs.

例如,电脑鼠标使用了电脑芯片中很小的一部分,称为6522 VIA芯片。

My friend Bill Budge, who was very good at writing games for the Apple II, found a way to make the font on the screen look good and be very fast. He also wrote a program that could move things around on the screen very quickly. This was very important for making a good-looking computer program. The problem was that this program didn’t work with the mouse. He wanted to make it so that people could use the mouse to interact with the program and make it look like a real computer.

我的朋友 Bill Budge 非常擅长为 Apple II 编写游戏,他找到了一种方法,可以使屏幕上的字体看起来漂亮并且速度非常快。

Bud Tribble originally wrote the code to make the mouse work on the Macintosh. But I had to keep it working, so I knew how it worked well. Last year, I used a 6522 chip to make a printer work, which is why I had experience with it. I realized that to connect a mouse to the Apple III, I just needed to make a simple plug that would send the right signals to the right places.

Bud Tribble 最初编写的代码是为了让鼠标在 Macintosh 上工作。
我意识到要将鼠标连接到 Apple III,我只需要制作一个简单的插头即可将正确的信号发送到正确的位置。

I asked Dan Kottke to fix a electrical connection. After that was done, it only took a few hours to write special computer commands and a program that makes it work. We were able to make a full graphical user interface for the Apple III, without needing any additional hardware parts.

我们能够为 Apple III 制作完整的图形用户界面,而不需要任何额外的硬件部件。

I was really excited to help Bill Budge make the program better. I made sure to work on it only after my regular work hours. Soon, we had menus that dropped down when you clicked on them, and then we created a simple word processor that looked like regular text. The only problem was that the Apple IIIs weren’t selling well, so we really needed to make the program work on the Apple II instead.

我真的很高兴能帮助 Bill Budge 改进这个项目。
唯一的问题是 Apple III 销量不佳,因此我们确实需要让该程序在 Apple II 上运行。

I had a conversation with Burrell about a problem. The problem was about making a special card for the Apple II computer. This card had to have a special computer chip called a 6522 VIA chip. Burrell came back the next day with a great idea. He wanted to use two small computer chips: one was the VIA chip, and the other was a tiny chip that helps two things happen at the same time.

我和伯勒尔就一个问题进行了交谈。问题是为 Apple II 计算机制作一张特殊的卡。
该卡必须有一个特殊的计算机芯片,称为 6522 VIA 芯片。第二天,伯勒尔带着一个好主意回来了。

To make the mouse pointer move smoothly without flickering, both the Mac and Apple III computers used a special trick. They used a special signal to draw the cursor when the computer wasn’t showing the picture. This helped the cursor move smoothly. The Apple II didn’t have this special signal. Instead, Burrell figured out a way to make the cursor move smoothly without needing this special signal. He did it by carefully matching the cursor’s movement with the way the computer showed the picture, without using a physical connection to the picture. This was a very smart part of Burrell’s design.

为了让鼠标指针移动流畅而不闪烁,Mac和Apple III电脑都使用了特殊的技巧。当计算机没有显示图片时,他们使用特殊信号来绘制光标。这有助于光标顺利移动。
Apple II 没有这种特殊信号。相反,伯勒尔找到了一种无需这种特殊信号即可使光标平滑移动的方法。他通过仔细地将光标的移动与计算机显示图片的方式相匹配来做到这一点,而不使用与图片的物理连接。这是伯勒尔设计中非常聪明的部分。

The 6522 chip had a special timer that could send a signal to the processor at a specific interval. The problem was making sure the signal matched the video display, but the video wasn’t under the processor’s control. Burrell found a solution by connecting a spare part (called a flip flop) to the data bus, so that the processor could read what was currently being displayed on the video.

Burrell 找到了一个解决方案,将一个备用部件(称为触发器)连接到数据总线,以便处理器可以读取视频上当前显示的内容。

I needed to make the Apple II’s frame buffer work with the video. I wrote a computer program that kept reading the latch (a special control) until the screen was almost at the end of the line. Then, when the latch changed, I knew that the time between screen lines had started.

我需要让 Apple II 的帧缓冲区与视频一起工作。

The Apple II computer was too slow to keep up with the changing images on the screen. Each new piece of image data came every one-millionth of a second, which was almost as fast as the computer could process it. It took at least 10 times as long as that for the computer to go through one process. This meant we might never see the changes we wanted. But our friend Burrell had an idea to get around this problem. If we made the loop (a series of steps) take a certain amount of time, and that time was related to the frequency of the changing images, eventually it would match the screen and we would see the changes. I created a loop that took 17 million-ths of a second, which worked perfectly.

Apple II 计算机速度太慢,无法跟上屏幕上不断变化的图像。
我创建了一个耗时 1700 万分之一秒的循环,效果非常好。

Bill Atkinson told Steve that it would be very hard to make a good graphical user interface for the Apple II because the computer’s processor and the way it stored pictures were limited. But, after working more on the computer program, we made a simple and cool graphical user interface for the Apple II. It had a word processor that could show text in different sizes and fonts. We were happy with what we made in the summer of 1981. We thought we had something valuable.

比尔·阿特金森 (Bill Atkinson) 告诉史蒂夫,为 Apple II 制作良好的图形用户界面非常困难,因为计算机的处理器及其存储图片的方式受到限制。
但是,在对计算机程序进行了更多研究之后,我们为 Apple II 制作了一个简单而酷的图形用户界面。
我们对 1981 年夏天所做的事情感到满意。

We didn’t want to show our project to Steve because we knew he would take it for himself. But he found out about it somehow and asked to see it. We showed it to him, but sadly, he really liked it. He also said that Apple owned the project, even though we had worked on it in our free time.


Steve couldn’t say that Apple owned everything, because the person who helped him, Bill Budge, was not working for Apple at that time. But Steve could say that he owns the whole interface card, which he said was created using Apple’s resources. Burrell and I were very upset, because we did it on our free time and thought we should be paid for it. But it’s really hard to argue with Steve, especially about money.


We gave the design to Apple II, but they didn’t think it could handle certain parts properly (even though we showed it could). They added lots of new parts and ended up with many more than they needed. Steve made a deal with someone named Bill Budge, which led to a program called MousePaint, which was like a copy of a program called MacPaint, but for the Apple II. It came with the computer’s mouse card. Burrell and I got over our disappointment, but we were a bit upset for a while. This experience made us want to work on our own project in the future.

我们将设计提供给 Apple II,但他们认为它无法正确处理某些部件(尽管我们展示了它可以)。
史蒂夫与一个名叫 Bill Budge 的人达成了一项协议,从而开发了一个名为 MousePaint 的程序,该程序类似于 MacPaint 程序的副本,但适用于 Apple II。