And Another Thing... 还有一件事...

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年3月 人物: 里奇·佩奇、史蒂夫·乔布斯、比尔·阿特金森、伯勒尔·史密斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、拉里·特斯勒 主题: 丽莎,管理,性格,性格冲突,丽莎的竞争 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Mac 和 Lisa 团队之间存在一些摩擦 , 还有一件事… And Another Thing…

By 1982, people at Apple were starting to realize that the Macintosh was a very important project. It was no longer just a weird idea, but it was still causing some problems. Some people thought the Mac was competition to both the Lisa and the Apple II. This was because the Mac was like a Lisa but was priced like an Apple II. Additionally, our boss Steve Jobs liked to brag about how great the Mac team was, which made many people unhappy and feel left out.

到 1982 年,苹果公司的员工开始意识到 Macintosh 是一个非常重要的项目。
这不再只是一个奇怪的想法,但它仍然引起了一些问题。有些人认为 Mac 是 Lisa 和 Apple II 的竞争对手。
这是因为 Mac 就像 Lisa,但定价却像 Apple II。
此外,我们的老板史蒂夫·乔布斯喜欢吹嘘 Mac 团队有多么出色,这让很多人不高兴并感到被排斥。

Larry Tesler, a very important person, came to Apple from Xerox in 1980. He was in charge of the Lisa team. He thought the Macintosh was cool and wanted to help make it happen. He was worried that some of the people on the Lisa team didn’t feel the same way, so he asked us to show them the Mac and talk about our plans. He planned for Burrell Smith and me to give a presentation during lunch one day.

拉里·特斯勒(Larry Tesler)是一位非常重要的人物,他于 1980 年从施乐来到苹果,负责 Lisa 团队。
他担心 Lisa 团队中的一些人没有同感,因此他要求我们向他们展示 Mac 并讨论我们的计划。

By this time, we had made separate Macintosh prototypes that didn’t need to be connected to a hosting Lisa computer. We didn’t have the actual outer cases yet, but we put the prototypes in plastic boxes that were similar in size and looked okay. We set up a demo software environment based on “Lisa Monitor”, a simple operating system. This operating system was created by Rich Page, one of the main Lisa architects. We got it to work on the Macintosh. The “Lisa Monitor” system was based on UCSD Pascal and had a simple menu-based interface. We were able to start the Macintosh from an Apple II floppy disk and then use it to run demo programs.

此时,我们已经制作了单独的 Macintosh 原型,不需要连接到托管 Lisa 计算机。
我们建立了一个基于“Lisa Monitor”这个简单操作系统的演示软件环境。
该操作系统由 Lisa 主要架构师之一 Rich Page 创建。我们让它在 Macintosh 上运行。
“Lisa Monitor”系统基于 UCSD Pascal,具有简单的基于菜单的界面。
我们能够从 Apple II 软盘启动 Macintosh,然后用它来运行演示程序。

Burrell and I set up a new computer in a big meeting room at the Lisa building. A team of people who make Lisa applications were sitting around the table, and many more people from the Lisa team came to watch, making it so crowded that people had to stand up. There were about 25 people in total. Larry Tesler gave us a nice welcome, and then we turned on the computer and showed off its features. Everything seemed to be going well, but then someone started knocking loudly on the door of the meeting room.

拉里·特斯勒(Larry Tesler)热情地欢迎了我们,然后我们打开电脑并展示了它的功能。

Before anyone could say anything, the door burst open and Rich Page, a very important person who helped design the Lisa, walked in. Rich is a tall, bearded man with a strong build, who is good at both hardware and software. He made it possible for the Lisa to use a special computer chip and helped create many tools that were used by both the Macintosh and Lisa teams. But I had never seen him look as upset as he did that day.

还没等大家开口说话,门就突然打开了,里奇·佩奇(Rich Page)走了进来,他是帮助设计“丽莎”号的一位非常重要的人物。
他使 Lisa 能够使用特殊的计算机芯片,并帮助创建了许多供 Macintosh 和 Lisa 团队使用的工具。

“He was very angry and upset,” he started to shout. “You don’t understand what’s happening! The Macintosh computer is going to hurt the Lisa computer, and it will also hurt Apple very badly.”

“他非常生气和不安,”他开始喊道。 “你不明白发生了什么!Macintosh电脑将会伤害Lisa电脑,而且它也会对Apple造成非常严重的伤害。”

Burrell and I didn’t know what to say, and nobody else in the room did either. Larry looked at me with a shy face, trying to think what to do. But Rich didn’t really care about our response. He just wanted to talk about how angry he was.


“Steve Jobs says he wants to get rid of Lisa because we won’t let him control it,” Rich said, his voice getting emotional. “It’s easy to make a rough version, but it’s hard to make a real product. You don’t understand what you’re getting into. The Mac computer can’t use Lisa software, and the Lisa computer can’t use Mac software. You don’t even care about this. People won’t buy a Lisa because they know the Mac is coming. But you don’t care!”

“史蒂夫·乔布斯说他想摆脱丽莎,因为我们不会让他控制它,”里奇说道,他的声音变得情绪化。 “做一个粗版很容易,但做一个真正的产品很难。你不明白自己在做什么。Mac电脑不能使用Lisa软件,Lisa电脑也不能使用Mac软件. 你甚至不关心这个。人们不会买 Lisa,因为他们知道 Mac 即将到来。”

He walked out of the room as fast as he came in. He made the door shut loudly, and the noise echoed quietly. Everyone was quiet and felt scared. Some people chuckled nervously, but nobody knew what to say. Larry tried to say sorry, saying Rich didn’t speak for most of the team working on Lisa, when suddenly the door opened again and Rich came back in, still very angry.


Then he said, “And another thing…” and looked at us. “I’m not angry with you. I know you didn’t do anything wrong. Steve Jobs is the one who is causing trouble. Tell Steve that I think he is bad for Apple!” He left again, slamming the door a second time. We got ready, wondering if he would come back again.

然后他说:“还有一件事……”然后看着我们。 “我没有生你的气,我知道你没有做错任何事。

This time, Larry was able to finish saying sorry, and then we finished showing the demo quickly. After that, we had a short time for people to ask questions. Everyone was still a bit shocked from what happened suddenly. We told Steve Jobs about Rich Page’s speech after that, and he just shrugged and said, “That’s what Rich Page is like. He will get better.”

这一次,Larry 能够说完抱歉,然后我们很快就完成了演示。

The next day, Bill called me and said that Rich felt bad about what happened and wanted to take Burrell and me to lunch to say sorry. So we all went out for lunch that afternoon. Bill said that Rich was just trying to do what he thought was right, and didn’t mean to get so upset. Rich said he likes the hard work that Burrell and I are doing for the company, but he’s frustrated that Steve is very unpredictable and not working together with us to be successful. We left after lunch, and things were okay, but I was still worried that Rich’s strong feelings might cause problems for us in the future.
