An Early 'Switch' Campaign 早期的“转换”活动

作者: 汤姆·齐托 日期: 1985年9月 人物: 博·德里克、史蒂夫·乔布斯 主题: 个性、名人 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 试图让博·德里克 (Bo Derek) 放弃 PC,转而使用 Mac , 早期的“转换”活动 An Early ‘Switch’ Campaign

My ex-wife, Laura, used to be a book editor in New York and worked with a famous actress named Bo Derek. One evening, we were having dinner with Steve and we talked about Bo. Steve learned that Bo uses an IBM computer, but Steve wanted to use a Mac computer and thought he could convince Bo to switch too. Steve asked Laura to help him make an appointment with Bo, hoping that talking to her about computers would be a good way to start building a relationship.

我的前妻劳拉(Laura)曾是纽约的一名图书编辑,曾与一位名叫博·德里克(Bo Derek)的著名女演员合作。
一天晚上,我们和史蒂夫一起吃晚饭,我们谈论了博。 Steve 了解到 Bo 使用 IBM 计算机,但 Steve 想使用 Mac 计算机,并认为他可以说服 Bo 也换用。

One day, Steve drove to Bo’s ranch in Santa Barbara, California. He brought his Mac computer and got out of his Mercedes car. Bo, who lived with her husband John, was friendly, but not very excited to see Steve. She liked the computer, but she already used a different kind of computer called a PC. It seemed like Bo didn’t find Steve as charming as Steve had hoped she would.

有一天,史蒂夫开车前往博位于加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉的牧场。他带着他的 Mac 电脑,下了他的奔驰车。波和她的丈夫约翰住在一起,她很友善,但见到史蒂夫并不是很兴奋。
她喜欢计算机,但她已经使用了另一种称为 PC 的计算机。看来Bo并不觉得Steve像Steve希望的那样有魅力。

A few weeks after, Steve was talking to Laura about how he didn’t make a good impression on someone he liked. Laura said, “Listen, she’s already married. And honestly, I don’t know any woman who would want her name to be Jobs.”
