A Mac For Mick 米克的 Mac

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 鲍勃·贝尔维尔、史蒂夫·乔布斯、林恩·高桥、帕蒂·金、比尔·阿特金森、迈克·默里、安迪·赫茨菲尔德 主题: 营销、名人、发布会 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们向 Mick Jagger 赠送一台 Mac , 米克的 Mac A Mac For Mick

The two weeks before the Macintosh was shown on January 24th were very busy. The computer’s software was still not ready, and it wasn’t clear if there was enough time to make it good enough. At the same time, Apple’s team that deals with the media was working very hard, so I was also busy doing interviews and taking pictures for newspapers and magazines around the country.

1 月 24 日 Macintosh 发布之前的两周非常忙碌。

The final day to finish the software was Monday, January 16th, at 6am, which was 8 days before it would be shown to the public. When I went to work on Friday, January 13th, I knew I would likely stay until the weekend, along with my team, to work extra hard and find and fix any remaining problems before Monday. Since Steve Jobs, Mike Murray, Bob Belleville, and others were in New York for a press tour, I thought we would have fewer distractions and could focus on fixing bugs.

完成该软件的最后一天是 1 月 16 日星期一早上 6 点,距离向公众展示还有 8 天。
当我 1 月 13 日周五上班时,我知道我可能会和我的团队一起待到周末,加倍努力工作,在周一之前找到并解决任何剩余问题。

I came to work a little late, around noon. I had been at Apple until 3am the day before and wanted a good night’s sleep before finishing our work. When I sat down, I saw a note on my chair. It was from Patti King, our software librarian. She had gotten a message from Lynn Takahashi, Steve Jobs’ secretary.

我上班的时候来得有点晚,大约中午了。前一天我在 Apple 工作到凌晨 3 点,想在完成工作之前睡个好觉。
当我坐下时,我看到椅子上有一张纸条。这是我们的软件图书馆员帕蒂·金 (Patti King) 发来的。她收到了史蒂夫·乔布斯的秘书林恩·高桥发来的消息。

“Andy, Steve called. We can bring a Mac to Mick Jagger tomorrow. You can fly out to meet them tomorrow and bring some cool software. If you can come, plan your trip through Lynn. Steve will call back later, and he will be at the Carlyle Hotel tomorrow.”

“安迪,史蒂夫打来电话。明天我们可以带一台 Mac 给米克·贾格尔。你明天可以飞出去见他们,并带一些很酷的软件。

It was really exciting to have a chance to meet Mick Jagger. But, I would have to leave for New York, which would take 30 hours, and when I get back, I wouldn’t be able to do much because of all the travel. I decided not to go. I called Lynn and asked her to tell Steve that I couldn’t go. I was also curious about how Mick would react to my decision.

但是,我必须前往纽约,这将需要 30 个小时,当我回来时,我将无法做太多事情,因为所有的旅行。我决定不去了。

I learned some new information from Bill Atkinson on Sunday afternoon. Later, Steve and Mike Murray told me more about what happened. Steve went to a party on Thursday and met Andy Warhol. Steve showed Andy the new computer, Macintosh, and Andy was very excited. Andy said Steve should show it to Mick Jagger, and arranged for Steve and the Apple team to visit Mick’s home on Saturday afternoon to give him a Macintosh to see.


Steve Jobs, Mike Murray, and Bill Atkinson got out of a taxi in front of a two-story brown house belonging to a man named Mick. They were carrying a special computer called Macintosh in a big bag. They knocked on the door, but nobody answered for a few minutes. Finally, two very big and strong men who were guarding the house opened the door. These bodyguards didn’t seem very happy to meet Steve Jobs, who was an important person at Apple Computer, and his friends.

他们在一个大包里携带了一台名为 Macintosh 的特殊计算机。他们敲了敲门,但几分钟后没有人回应。

The people from Apple went upstairs to a fancy room to wait for Mick Jagger. Bill got the Mac computer working and started playing with a drawing program. But then, suddenly, Mick Jagger walked in. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and didn’t seem to be dressed up at all.

比尔让 Mac 电脑工作起来并开始玩绘图程序。

Mick was nice, but he didn’t seem to know anything about Apple Computers, Steve Jobs, or the Macintosh computer. Steve tried to talk to him, but it didn’t go well. Steve said that Mick’s speech was slow and hard to understand, like he was mumbling. Steve even thought maybe Mick was taking drugs or had a brain injury. After a little while, it was clear that Mick didn’t care at all about Apple or Macintosh, and it got really awkward.


Mick’s 12-year-old daughter Jade came into the room with him. When she saw MacPaint, she got very excited. Bill started teaching her how to use it, and soon she was happily using the mouse. She was amazed at what she could do with MacPaint. Even when Mick went away, the people from Apple stayed with Jade for another half hour, showing her the Macintosh computer and answering her questions. They ended up leaving the computer with Jade because she didn’t want to give it up.

米克 12 岁的女儿杰德和他一起走进房间。当她看到 MacPaint 时,她非常兴奋。
她对 MacPaint 的功能感到惊讶。