A Big Scare! 一个大恐慌!

作者: 丹·科克伦 日期: 1983年4月 人物: 杰里·布朗、丹·科克伦、史蒂夫·乔布斯、约翰·斯卡利、阿尔·曼德尔 主题: 名人, 丽莎 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 前州长杰里·布朗参观丽莎办公室 , 一个大恐慌! A Big Scare!

On April 8th, 1983, Steve Jobs came to the Lisa office at Bandley Drive with the former governor of California, Jerry Brown. I had just gotten to the office and was supposed to work all day, but I had to stop everything and help Steve. He wanted me to tell Jerry Brown about the Lisa computer and take him around the office to show him things.

1983 年 4 月 8 日,史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 与加州前州长杰里·布朗 (Jerry Brown) 一起来到丽莎位于班德利大道 (Bandley Drive) 的办公室。我刚到办公室,本来应该工作一整天,但我不得不停下一切来帮助史蒂夫。他想让我告诉杰里·布朗关于丽莎电脑的事,并带他参观办公室并向他展示一些东西。

Al Mandel and I spent some time with Jerry in a special room called the Lisa “Sneak Room”. This room is very good at showing many things at the same time and is used for important meetings. We showed Jerry some things and asked him to try them out himself. We even took apart a Lisa computer to show him how it works inside. Jerry seemed interested, but his mind was elsewhere. This often happened when Jerry was the governor.


After showing Jerry Brown around the Lisa facilities, I took him on a tour of the different departments, such as engineering and marketing. I had done this with other famous people before, and usually, Apple employees were not surprised or excited. But this time, people reacted strangely. They seemed nervous and worried when Jerry was talking to the engineers. One person even pulled me aside and looked at Jerry with a sad face. I didn’t understand what he was trying to say, so I just said “Yeah, that’s Jerry Brown” in a calm way. After a while, Jerry got bored and we left the office. I was still confused about why the employees reacted that way.


When I went back to the Bandley Lobby, I figured out what was confusing everyone. Apple’s rumor mill was always very active, and that morning, people were saying that Apple might announce a new CEO. I didn’t know about this because I was with the former Governor. Then, Jerry arrived at the Lisa office, and it almost caused a big panic on Wall Street, something that hadn’t happened since the huge stock market crash on Black Monday. Some people thought Jerry was going to be named the new CEO of Apple!


At that time in Apple’s history, this situation was really possible.


It seems that what people were predicting about Apple was true. Later that day, John Sculley was named the new leader of Apple. But we’ll talk about that another time.


