3rd Party Developers and Macintosh Development 3rd 方开发人员和 Macintosh 开发

作者: 大卫·克雷格 日期: 1984年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、史蒂夫·卡普斯、比尔·阿特金森、布鲁斯·霍恩、汤姆·马洛伊 主题: 3rd 方开发人员,Lisa,软件设计,技术 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 从 20 年的角度来看为 Apple Macintosh 128 计算机开发应用程序的一些评论 , 3rd 方开发人员和 Macintosh 开发 3rd Party Developers and Macintosh Development

“Reflections on Creating Software for the Apple Macintosh 128 Computer from a 20-Year Viewpoint”

“从 20 年的角度思考为 Apple Macintosh 128 计算机创建软件”

This story is about my memories of creating special software for Apple Macintosh computers from 1984 to 1986. I wrote this paper to share my thoughts with others to celebrate the Macintosh’s 20th birthday in 2004.

这个故事讲述了我从 1984 年到 1986 年为 Apple Macintosh 电脑创建特殊软件的记忆。
我写这篇文章是为了与其他人分享我的想法,以庆祝 2004 年 Macintosh 的 20 岁生日。

For a short time, I worked for a small company in Wichita, Kansas called PPP Inc. PPP stands for Programs for Professional People. At PPP, I helped create a new program called The Investor that helps people with the stock market. The program was written in a programming language called Lisa Pascal and had about 50,000 lines of code. I designed the program with another person, and I made it work.

我曾在堪萨斯州威奇托的一家名为 PPP Inc 的小公司工作过一段时间。PPP 代表专业人士计划。
在 PPP,我帮助创建了一个名为“投资者”的新计划,帮助人们了解股票市场。
该程序是用一种名为 Lisa Pascal 的编程语言编写的,约有 50,000 行代码。

The first Macintosh computer (with 128,000 bits of memory) was very exciting to use. I loved the special tools and programs that came built-in, which I could use to make my own software. The computer’s small size and clear screen made it a great platform for creating and testing programs.

第一台 Macintosh 计算机(具有 128,000 位内存)使用起来非常令人兴奋。

“Building Software with the Lisa Workshop Environment” Please provide the original text you’d like me to rewrite.

“使用 Lisa Workshop 环境构建软件”

Between 1983 and 1985, people who worked on Macintosh computers used a special computer called Apple Lisa and its development program, called Lisa Workshop. I first used a Lisa computer called Lisa 2/5. It had 1 million bytes of memory and a special disk drive that could store 400,000 bytes of information. I also had an external hard drive that could store 5 million bytes of information. This was a lot of storage at that time! Later, I switched to a Lisa computer called Lisa 2/10. It came with an internal hard drive that could store 10 million bytes of information. This gave me a total of 15 million bytes of hard drive space.

1983 年至 1985 年间,从事 Macintosh 计算机工作的人们使用了一种名为 Apple Lisa 的特殊计算机及其开发程序,名为 Lisa Workshop。
我首先使用了一台名为 Lisa 2/5 的 Lisa 计算机。它有100万字节的内存和一个可以存储40万字节信息的特殊磁盘驱动器。我还有一个可以存储 500 万字节信息的外部硬盘。这在当时来说是很大的存储量了!
后来,我换了一台名为 Lisa 2/10 的 Lisa 计算机。它配备了一个可以存储 1000 万字节信息的内部硬盘。这给了我总共 1500 万字节的硬盘空间。

The Lisa Workshop had a special way to interact with a computer from a text-based interface. This interface allowed users to access a mouse-based program for editing, a program to compile Pascal code, a program to assemble 68000 code, a program to link object files, a program to make resources for the Lisa computer, and a program to help transfer files from a Lisa computer to a Macintosh computer.

该界面允许用户访问基于鼠标的编辑程序、编译 Pascal 代码的程序、汇编 68000 代码的程序、链接目标文件的程序、为 Lisa 计算机创建资源的程序以及帮助的程序将文件从 Lisa 计算机传输到 Macintosh 计算机。

The Lisa Pascal language was very strong and could turn Pascal code into files that the Motorola 68000 computer could understand. I never had to use the 68000 assembler tool because Lisa Pascal could do everything I needed for my project. On the Macintosh computer, we wrote special information in text files, and then used a special tool called RMaker to turn them into a format the computer could read. When I wanted to move a program from the Lisa to the Macintosh, I used a utility program called MacCom. It copied files from the Lisa’s hard drive to a Macintosh floppy disk. MacCom combined two kinds of files (data and resources) that were on the Lisa’s hard drive and put them into one file on the Macintosh floppy.

Lisa Pascal 语言非常强大,可以将 Pascal 代码转换为 Motorola 68000 计算机可以理解的文件。我从来不需要使用 68000 汇编器工具,因为 Lisa Pascal 可以完成我的项目所需的一切。
在Macintosh计算机上,我们在文本文件中写入特殊信息,然后使用称为RMaker的特殊工具将它们转换为计算机可以读取的格式。当我想将程序从 Lisa 转移到 Macintosh 时,我使用了一个名为 MacCom 的实用程序。
它将文件从 Lisa 的硬盘复制到 Macintosh 软盘上。 MacCom 将 Lisa 硬盘上的两种文件(数据和资源)组合在一起,并将它们放入 Macintosh 软盘上的一个文件中。

The Macintosh computer had a set of programming instructions called “units” that were like a special set of tools. These units were stored on disks and made the Macintosh work in a certain way, following Apple’s instructions. The disks were called “supplements” and came with the Lisa (another computer made by Apple). I remember getting a few of these disks, each with a few programs on them. These programs were useful for learning how to program the Macintosh. For example, there was a desk accessory to help organize your work, a text editor to write words, and a program to show how to use the Macintosh. These programs were created by two people, Andy Hertzfeld and Cary Clark, and were very helpful for learning how to program the Macintosh.

这些磁盘被称为“补充品”,随 Lisa(Apple 制造的另一台计算机)一起提供。我记得我得到了一些这样的磁盘,每个磁盘上都有一些程序。
这些程序对于学习如何对 Macintosh 进行编程很有用。例如,有一个可以帮助组织工作的桌面配件、一个可以书写文字的文本编辑器以及一个演示如何使用 Macintosh 的程序。
这些程序由 Andy Hertzfeld 和 Cary Clark 两个人创建,对于学习如何对 Macintosh 进行编程非常有帮助。

It was also possible to develop Macintosh software on a Lisa 1 computer, although I never did it. The Lisa 1 didn’t have a special floppy drive that could be used with the Macintosh, so you would need to use a special tool to transfer your Macintosh program from the Lisa to the Macintosh. This tool was on the Lisa and would send the file to the Macintosh, which would then receive it using its own special tool.

在 Lisa 1 计算机上开发 Macintosh 软件也是可能的,尽管我从未这样做过。
Lisa 1 没有可与 Macintosh 一起使用的特殊软盘驱动器,因此您需要使用特殊工具将 Macintosh 程序从 Lisa 传输到 Macintosh。
该工具位于 Lisa 上,会将文件发送到 Macintosh,然后 Macintosh 使用自己的特殊工具接收文件。

I helped develop Macintosh software, and I also used the Lisa Monitor development environment, but I didn’t use it as much. The Monitor was an earlier version of the Workshop, which I preferred. The Monitor and Workshop were both command line-based, but the Monitor used a different set of commands. Some people at Apple liked the Monitor better because it was faster to compile and assemble code. I even saw some code in Macintosh software that mentioned “porkshop”, which didn’t seem fair.

我帮助开发了Macintosh软件,也使用了Lisa Monitor开发环境,但我用得不多。 Monitor 是 Workshop 的早期版本,我更喜欢它。
Monitor 和 Workshop 都是基于命令行的,但 Monitor 使用不同的命令集。
Apple 的一些人更喜欢 Monitor,因为它编译和汇编代码的速度更快。我什至在Macintosh软件中看到一些代码提到了“porkshop”,这似乎不公平。

In 1984 or 1985, Apple released the Macintosh Development System. This software could run on the Macintosh 512K computer. It allowed people to write programs in a specific language called 68000 assembly language using the Macintosh. I didn’t use it because I didn’t know how to write in that language and preferred using my Lisa computer with a different program that used a language called Lisa Pascal.

1984年或1985年,Apple发布了Macintosh开发系统。该软件可以在Macintosh 512K计算机上运行。
它允许人们使用 Macintosh 以一种称为 68000 汇编语言的特定语言编写程序。
我没有使用它,因为我不知道如何用该语言编写,并且更喜欢使用我的 Lisa 计算机和另一个使用 Lisa Pascal 语言的程序。

The Macintosh Plus was a special computer that came out in 1986. This was the last Macintosh computer whose operating system was made by Apple using a special way of programming developed from the Lisa computer and the Workshop environment. They used a special tool called the Lisa TLA 68000 assembler. Later, Apple started making Macintosh computers using a different way of programming called MPW.

Macintosh Plus 是 1986 年推出的一款特殊计算机。
这是苹果公司使用从 Lisa 计算机和 Workshop 环境开发的特殊编程方式制作的最后一台 Macintosh 计算机。
他们使用了一种名为 Lisa TLA 68000 汇编器的特殊工具。后来,Apple 开始使用一种称为 MPW 的不同编程方式来制造 Macintosh 计算机。

The Lisa Workshop, which was around 30 years ago, also helped people write programs using a special language called C. However, not many people used this C language to make Macintosh applications.

大约 30 年前的 Lisa Workshop 也帮助人们使用一种名为 C 的特殊语言编写程序。

“I used an early version of the MPW (Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop) program in late 1985 or early 1986 to make software for Macintosh computers. This was a new tool from Apple that replaced the old Lisa Workshop. Apple had been planning to stop using the Lisa Workshop because they had stopped making Lisa computers in 1985.”

“我在 1985 年底或 1986 年初使用了 MPW(Macintosh Programmer's Workshop)程序的早期版本来为 Macintosh 计算机制作软件。这是 Apple 的一个新工具,取代了旧的 Lisa Workshop。Apple 一直计划停止使用Lisa Workshop 因为他们在 1985 年就停止生产 Lisa 电脑了。”

MPW was used on a new Macintosh Plus computer that had a lot of memory (1 million bytes) and a built-in disk drive that could store 800,000 bytes of information on a floppy disk. I remember using an outside disk drive to work on an application I was creating called “The Investor” using MPW. It worked okay, but it took a lot longer to compile the program compared to when I used Lisa Workshop.

MPW 用于一台新的 Macintosh Plus 计算机,该计算机具有大量内存(100 万字节)和内置磁盘驱动器,可以在软盘上存储 800,000 字节的信息。
我记得使用外部磁盘驱动器来处理我使用 MPW 创建的名为“The Investor”的应用程序。
它工作得很好,但与我使用 Lisa Workshop 时相比,编译程序花费的时间要长得多。

I used to use a great software development tool called MPW. It was very good and I still use it today. It has been updated to version 3.4 or 3.5, I think.

我曾经使用过一个很棒的软件开发工具,叫做 MPW。它非常好,我至今仍在使用它。我想它已经更新到3.4或3.5版本了。

The original Macintosh computer’s programming was based on a special set of rules and tools. These rules and tools were called the Macintosh API. At that time, it was also known as the Macintosh Toolbox and Operating System routines. The original Macintosh had around 500 of these rules. To compare, I counted the number of rules in a later version of the Macintosh API, called MPW 3.2 Pascal interfaces, from 1990. It had around 2,300 rules, which is almost 5 times more than the original Macintosh.

最初的麦金塔计算机的编程基于一组特殊的规则和工具。这些规则和工具称为 Macintosh API。当时,它还被称为 Macintosh 工具箱和操作系统例程。最初的 Macintosh 有大约 500 条这样的规则。
为了进行比较,我统计了 1990 年以来 Macintosh API 的更高版本(称为 MPW 3.2 Pascal 接口)中的规则数量。它有大约 2,300 条规则,几乎是原始 Macintosh 的 5 倍。

The Macintosh API taught me about new ways of programming, such as:

  • Writing code that responds to events, like a user clicking a button.
  • Working with different kinds of files and data, called “resources”.
  • Making sure that text, numbers, and dates are used correctly in different languages and countries.
Macintosh API 教会了我新的编程方法,例如:
* 编写响应事件的代码,例如用户单击按钮。
* 使用不同类型的文件和数据,称为“资源”。
* 确保文本、数字和日期在不同语言和国家中正确使用。

The Macintosh API tried to teach developers that the Macintosh is a system made of software, not just hardware. Apple’s earlier computers, like the Apple II and III, focused more on hardware and didn’t provide much information about how to use them. Developers didn’t write data to specific memory locations to display things on the screen. Instead, they used a special graphics library called QuickDraw. Apple wanted developers to use the Macintosh API a lot because it already provided most of what apps need, worked quickly, and was well explained. This made it easier to create apps that looked the same, which wasn’t the case with Apple’s earlier computers, Apple II and III.

Macintosh API 试图告诉开发人员 Macintosh 是一个由软件组成的系统,而不仅仅是硬件。
Apple 早期的计算机,如 Apple II 和 III,更多地关注硬件,并没有提供太多有关如何使用它们的信息。
开发人员没有将数据写入特定的内存位置来在屏幕上显示内容。相反,他们使用了一个名为 QuickDraw 的特殊图形库。
Apple 希望开发人员大量使用 Macintosh API,因为它已经提供了应用程序所需的大部分内容,工作速度快,并且解释得很好。
这使得创建看起来相同的应用程序变得更加容易,而苹果早期的电脑 Apple II 和 III 则不然。

The Macintosh Print Manager was very easy to use. It allowed people to print pretty text and pictures without worrying about the type of printer they were using. In the past, people had to send special codes to the printer and hope it worked correctly. But with the Print Manager, that was not necessary anymore.

Macintosh 打印管理器非常易于使用。它允许人们打印漂亮的文本和图片,而不必担心他们使用的打印机类型。

The way the Macintosh computer handles memory, using special names called handles, was very exciting. This system of handles made it easy to use the Macintosh’s limited memory space, especially when we need to change the size of memory blocks. We should thank Tom Malloy, from the team that made the LisaWrite word processor, for coming up with this idea.

Macintosh 计算机使用称为句柄的特殊名称来处理内存的方式非常令人兴奋。
我们应该感谢 LisaWrite 文字处理器团队的 Tom Malloy 提出了这个想法。

The Macintosh computer’s special tools (called the Macintosh API) were explained in a set of notes called “Inside Macintosh”. These notes were written in small parts at first, but later were combined into several books. Each book talked about a specific tool, like the one that helps make menus. The first three books, published between 1984 and 1985, explained the original Macintosh tools. The fourth book, published in 1986, explained the new tools added for the Macintosh Plus computer. The fifth book, published in 1988, explained the new tools added for the Macintosh II computer, which had many new features, such as being able to use colors.

Macintosh 计算机的特殊工具(称为 Macintosh API)在一组名为“Inside Macintosh”的注释中进行了解释。
前三本书于 1984 年至 1985 年间出版,解释了最初的 Macintosh 工具。第四本书于 1986 年出版,解释了为 Macintosh Plus 计算机添加的新工具。
第五本书于 1988 年出版,解释了为 Macintosh II 计算机添加的新工具,该计算机具有许多新功能,例如能够使用颜色。

The early guides to using Macintosh computers described some features that Apple later took away. An example is a tool called Core Edit. It helped with styled text and was more powerful than another tool called TextEdit. Core Edit was written about in an early guide, but later it was removed from that guide. The Core Edit tool was used in the original word processor called MacWrite.

早期的 Macintosh 电脑使用指南描述了苹果公司后来取消的一些功能。一个例子是名为 Core Edit 的工具。
它有助于处理文本样式,并且比另一个名为 TextEdit 的工具更强大。核心编辑在早期指南中有所提及,但后来从该指南中删除。
Core Edit 工具用于名为 MacWrite 的原始文字处理器中。

Inside Macintosh was very well-written and easy to understand. The way it was organized made it easy for me to learn about the Macintosh API. The structure of Inside Macintosh was planned from the start, and every chapter looked the same and was easy to read. Even though many different people wrote the chapters, it all looked the same and was easy to follow. Caroline Rose was the main person who wrote the original chapters of Inside Macintosh, and she had help from about six other writers.

Inside Macintosh 写得非常好并且易​​于理解。它的组织方式让我很容易了解 Macintosh API。
《Inside Macintosh》的结构从一开始就已规划好,每一章看起来都一样并且易于阅读。
卡罗琳·罗斯 (Caroline Rose) 是《Inside Macintosh》原著章节的主要作者,她得到了大约六位其他作家的帮助。

The early versions of “Inside Macintosh” also included technical notes. I remember a note from Bill Atkinson about the internal structure of MacPaint files (he made the great drawing program MacPaint, the graphics library QuickDraw, and the easy-to-use software tool HyperCard).

《Inside Macintosh》的早期版本还包括技术说明。
我记得 Bill Atkinson 关于 MacPaint 文件内部结构的注释(他制作了出色的绘图程序 MacPaint、图形库 QuickDraw 和易于使用的软件工具 HyperCard)。

The original code for the Macintosh operating system was also shared as examples. This included all the codes that made the Macintosh look and feel a certain way, such as how windows and menus appear on the screen. The person who wrote these codes was Andy Hertzfeld. Unfortunately, the code for some of the more exciting parts of the system, like how windows and menus work, was not shared. Maybe one day, it will be, but for now, it’s not available.

Macintosh 操作系统的原始代码也作为示例进行了分享。
这包括使 Macintosh 具有某种特定外观和感觉的所有代码,例如窗口和菜单如何在屏幕上显示。

I think the section on User Interface Guidelines in Inside Macintosh was the most groundbreaking part. It explained what the ideal user interface for the Macintosh computer should be like, and gave reasons behind the choices made.

我认为《Inside Macintosh》中有关用户界面指南的部分是最具开创性的部分。
它解释了 Macintosh 计算机的理想用户界面应该是什么样的,并给出了所做选择背后的原因。

I liked reading the original chapter-based “Inside Macintosh” book better than the later one. The new one is too long and plain.

与后来的一本相比,我更喜欢阅读基于章节的《Inside Macintosh》一书。新的太长太平淡了。

In 1984 and 1985, Apple helped make the Macintosh computer system work on the Lisa. They did this by creating a special program called MacWorks. MacWorks allowed most Macintosh programs to run on the Lisa 2 computer. You could use a single floppy disk to start up the Macintosh system, and it would show the same “happy Macintosh” logo that Macintosh computers have. I remember MacWorks working well, as long as the programs I used were good and didn’t cause problems (my program called The Investor worked fine).

1984 年和 1985 年,Apple 帮助 Macintosh 计算机系统在 Lisa 上运行。
他们通过创建一个名为 MacWorks 的特殊程序来做到这一点。
MacWorks 允许大多数 Macintosh 程序在 Lisa 2 计算机上运行。
我记得 MacWorks 工作得很好,只要我使用的程序很好并且不会引起问题(我的名为 The Investor 的程序工作得很好)。

In the early days of the Macintosh computer development, there were some disappointing events. At first, the project was behind schedule, and the team was working too slowly. This meant that the computer would not be ready for release as the company, Apple, had planned. Also, some of the important members of the team left the project, which made it harder to complete on time. These people were essential to making the computer work properly, and their departure caused a lot of problems. To make things worse, the leader of the project, Steve Jobs, had a lot of conflicting ideas about what the computer should be like. This led to disagreements within the team and slowed down progress. Despite these setbacks, the Macintosh team eventually got back on track and created a computer that was very popular with the public. However, the delays and problems during development had already caused a lot of stress and tension within the company.


The first Macintosh computer was very innovative and made it easy to use and create new programs. However, in my opinion, it didn’t live up to all my expectations.

第一台 Macintosh 计算机非常具有创新性,使其易于使用和创建新程序。然而,在我看来,它并没有达到我所有的期望。

It took a lot of time to make a program work on a Macintosh computer. Unlike some computers that only use text commands, the Macintosh required creating menus, multiple windows, storing information and reacting to actions.

使程序在 Macintosh 计算机上运行需要花费大量时间。

Apple could have made some programming tools simpler and easier to use. This would have helped third-party developers when building software for the Macintosh. For example, the Macintosh could have come with a special tool that could manage multiple text windows instead of just text editing. This would have taken more time and resources from Apple and maybe needed more space in the computer’s memory (ROM). This problem was later solved in part with Apple’s later software tool called MacApp. But this was many years after the first Macintosh in 1984.

苹果本可以让一些编程工具变得更简单、更容易使用。这将有助于第三方开发人员为 Macintosh 构建软件。
这会花费 Apple 更多的时间和资源,并且可能需要更多的计算机内存 (ROM) 空间。
这个问题后来通过苹果公司后来推出的名为 MacApp 的软件工具得到了部分解决。但这距离 1984 年第一台 Macintosh 诞生已经过去很多年了。

The Macintosh computer was not good enough for complex applications because it didn’t have enough memory and storage space. The original Macintosh had 128 kilobytes of memory and a 400 kilobyte disk drive, which was small compared to what was needed for complex applications. Even Apple, the company that made the Macintosh, knew this was a problem. In reality, the original Macintosh only had about 90 kilobytes of memory available because some memory was used by the screen and other important parts of the computer. I built an application called Investor that was about 200 kilobytes in size, and it ran on the original Macintosh, but it was slow because the computer kept switching between different parts of the program. Installing the Macintosh 512’s upgrade fixed this problem. It’s a shame that the original Macintosh didn’t have more memory and storage space. Some people even thought that a version of the Macintosh with 256 kilobytes of memory would have been a good idea. The original Macintosh used a floppy disk drive that could only hold 860 kilobytes, but Apple later changed to a drive that could hold 400 kilobytes.

Macintosh 计算机对于复杂的应用程序来说不够好,因为它没有足够的内存和存储空间。
最初的 Macintosh 具有 128 KB 内存和 400 KB 磁盘驱动器,与复杂应用程序所需的容量相比,这很小。
事实上,最初的 Macintosh 只有大约 90 KB 的可用内存,因为一些内存被屏幕和计算机的其他重要部分使用。
我构建了一个名为 Investor 的应用程序,大小约为 200 KB,它在原始 Macintosh 上运行,但速度很慢,因为计算机不断在程序的不同部分之间切换。安装 Macintosh 512 的升级解决了这个问题。
遗憾的是最初的 Macintosh 没有更多的内存和存储空间。
有些人甚至认为配备 256 KB 内存的 Macintosh 版本是个好主意。
最初的 Macintosh 使用只能容纳 860 KB 的软盘驱动器,但 Apple 后来改为可容纳 400 KB 的驱动器。

The Lisa Pascal language was good for programming, but it had some problems. For example, names for routines and variables had to be only 8 characters long. This meant that names like “FlushBuffersNow” and “FlushBuffersSoon” were treated by the Pascal compiler as the same name, “FlushBuf”. Apple should have made the compiler support longer names, like 16 or even 32 characters. It was frustrating for me and reminded me of Apple’s Pascal compilers for the Apple II and III. This limitation also meant that routine names in the Macintosh API were sometimes very short.

Lisa Pascal 语言非常适合编程,但也存在一些问题。例如,例程和变量的名称必须只有 8 个字符长。
这意味着 Pascal 编译器将“FlushBuffersNow”和“FlushBuffersSoon”等名称视为相同的名称“FlushBuf”。
Apple 应该让编译器支持更长的名称,例如 16 甚至 32 个字符。这让我很沮丧,让我想起了 Apple II 和 III 的 Pascal 编译器。
此限制还意味着 Macintosh API 中的例程名称有时非常短。

I think the names of the Macintosh API routines should have told us where they came from. For example, the names of the Event Manager routines should have started with EM or EM_ like EMGetNextEvent or EM_GetNextEvent. This would have helped us quickly see in our code which routines came from our own app and which came from the Macintosh itself. The Lisa API did a better job of this than the Macintosh API, and they even used the same compiler!

我认为 Macintosh API 例程的名称应该告诉我们它们来自哪里。
例如,事件管理器例程的名称应以 EM 或 EM_ 开头,如 EMGetNextEvent 或 EM_GetNextEvent。
这将帮助我们在代码中快速查看哪些例程来自我们自己的应用程序,哪些来自 Macintosh 本身。
Lisa API 在这方面比 Macintosh API 做得更好,而且它们甚至使用相同的编译器!

Using the MacsBug 68000 debugger to fix problems with the Macintosh was too complicated. I wanted a debugger that showed me where the mistake was in the code, not just the instructions that the computer was following.

使用 MacsBug 68000 调试器来修复 Macintosh 的问题太复杂了。我想要一个调试器,它可以向我显示代码中的错误所在,而不仅仅是计算机所遵循的指令。

Apple should not have shared internal information about the Macintosh computer with developers. This information could change, which means it could make some applications stop working with new versions of the operating system. Apple knew this might happen and should not have tempted developers to use this information. When new operating systems are released, it can cause problems for the applications that use this information. It would have been hard to do this the right way, but Apple could have changed the special tool used to write code for the Macintosh to make it easier to share information in a way that wouldn’t cause problems.

Apple 不应该与开发人员共享有关 Macintosh 计算机的内部信息。

The way Apple used global variables in the Macintosh operating system was not very good. These variables were stored in a central place and could be changed by any part of the system. This made the Macintosh seem like it was a single process, but this made it hard for Apple to improve the system later on. They wanted to add real processes, but the stored variables were in the way. Additionally, these global variables made it difficult for tasks that relied on interrupting other tasks to work properly.

Apple 在 Macintosh 操作系统中使用全局变量的方式并不是很好。

I worked on the Macintosh while it was being developed and was sad that it didn’t use more of the same ideas from the Lisa’s computer system. The Macintosh took the Lisa’s visual parts, like how things looked, but missed other important parts that would have made it a better system. It’s too bad Apple didn’t use more of the best features from the Lisa to make a Macintosh that was like a new version of the Lisa. I know the Macintosh team might not like this idea, but I think the Lisa team would agree that using more of the Lisa’s features would have been good for Apple’s long-term success.

在 Macintosh 的开发过程中,我一直在研究它,但遗憾的是它没有使用更多与 Lisa 计算机系统相同的想法。
Macintosh 继承了 Lisa 的视觉部分,比如事物的外观,但错过了其他可以使其成为更好系统的重要部分。遗憾的是,苹果公司没有更多地利用 Lisa 的最佳功能来制造一款像新版 Lisa 一样的 Macintosh。
我知道 Macintosh 团队可能不喜欢这个想法,但我认为 Lisa 团队会同意,使用更多 Lisa 的功能将有利于苹果的长期成功。

The original Macintosh computer should have had a different way of naming files. Instead of names that are directly connected to the computer’s file system, it could have used virtual names that aren’t tied to the system. The Lisa computer, which came before the Macintosh, already did this with names that could be up to 63 characters long, even though the actual file system only supported names up to 31 characters. The Lisa also allowed multiple documents with the same name to be in the same folder. The Macintosh should have focused on organizing documents, rather than making it about specific applications. On the Lisa, users never worked directly with applications, but instead used “stationery pads” that produced documents.

最初的 Macintosh 计算机应该有不同的文件命名方式。它可以使用不与系统绑定的虚拟名称,而不是直接连接到计算机文件系统的名称。
在 Macintosh 之前出现的 Lisa 计算机已经做到了这一点,名称长度可达 63 个字符,尽管实际的文件系统仅支持最多 31 个字符的名称。 Lisa 还允许同一个文件夹中存在多个同名文档。
Macintosh 应该专注于组织文档,而不是使其成为特定的应用程序。在 Lisa 上,用户从不直接使用应用程序,而是使用生成文档的“文具垫”。

In late 1984, I went to a great seminar about Macintosh programming called MacCollege. It took place at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California. The seminar had special benefits, like using Lisa computers to work on projects and getting help from Apple’s original Macintosh technical team.

1984 年底,我参加了一个名为 MacCollege 的关于 Macintosh 编程的大型研讨会。会议在位于加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺的苹果总部举行。
这次研讨会有一些特殊的好处,比如使用 Lisa 计算机来开展项目,并获得 Apple 最初的 Macintosh 技术团队的帮助。

Expert helpers like Scott Knaster, Cary Clark, and Russ Daniels were available to share Macintosh information, answer questions about programming, and solve problems with your software application.

Scott Knaster、Cary Clark 和 Russ Daniels 等专家助手可以分享 Macintosh 信息、回答有关编程的问题以及解决软件应用程序的问题。

I remember signing a big piece of cardboard near the end of my time at college. It had the names of around 100 graduates from MacCollege (I wonder what happened to it now?).

我记得在大学快要结束时,我在一张大纸板上签名。它有大约 100 名 MacCollege 毕业生的名字(我想知道它现在怎么样了?)。