Busy Being Born, Part 2 忙碌的出生,第 2 部分

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 未注明日期 人物: 巴德·特里布尔、比尔·阿特金森、布鲁斯·霍恩、史蒂夫·卡普斯、苏珊·卡雷 主题: 以下是一些重要的 Macintosh 屏幕截图,以及 Lisa 宝丽来照片 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: , 忙碌的出生,第 2 部分 Busy Being Born, Part 2

Bill Atkinson was clever and took pictures of the important stages of creating the Lisa User Interface using a Polaroid camera. He took a picture every time something big happened. Although we didn’t keep track of important Mac milestones by taking pictures, I was able to find and put together some important Macintosh screens for you to see.

Bill Atkinson 很聪明,他用宝丽莱相机拍摄了创建 Lisa 用户界面的重要阶段的照片。每次有大事发生,他都会拍一张照片。
虽然我们没有通过拍照来记录重要的 Mac 里程碑,但我还是找到了一些重要的 Macintosh 屏幕并将其放在一起供您查看。

You can click on a picture to make it bigger, and then click the back button to go back to the story.


Bud Tribble often stayed late at night. Because I usually came to work at Texaco Towers around 10:30 am, if Bud was still there when I arrived, it meant he had been there all night. One morning in May 1981, when I arrived at work, Bud was very excited to show me something as soon as I took off my backpack.

巴德·特里布尔经常熬夜。因为我通常上午 10:30 左右到德士古大厦上班,所以如果我到的时候巴德还在那儿,就意味着他已经在那儿呆了一整夜了。 1981 年 5 月的一天早上,当我到达工作地点时,我一脱下背包,巴德就非常兴奋地向我展示一些东西。

I knew that Bud was working to move QuickDraw from the Lisa to the Macintosh. I thought it would take at least a week before it was working. Right now, we had some basic things working, like moving the mouse cursor and downloading programs from a Lisa to the Mac using a cable. However, we still needed some important pieces to make it fully work. We didn’t have a way to manage memory, handle events, or work with files. Bud had to find temporary solutions to these problems. He took a program that Bill wrote for the Lisa, in a language called Pascal, and made it work with other important parts. Then, he started to fix any mistakes that popped up as he tested it.

我知道巴德正在努力将 QuickDraw 从 Lisa 转移到 Macintosh。我认为至少需要一周时间才能发挥作用。现在,我们已经完成了一些基本操作,例如移动鼠标光标以及使用电缆将程序从 Lisa 下载到 Mac。
然而,我们仍然需要一些重要的部分才能使其充分发挥作用。我们没有办法管理内存、处理事件或处理文件。巴德必须找到临时解决方案来解决这些问题。他采用了比尔用 Pascal 语言为 Lisa 编写的程序,并使其与其他重要部分一起工作。

The night before, Bud made a lot of progress with the computer program. Now, the demo was working well. It was very exciting to see a computer program that looked like the one on a Macintosh computer working on a Macintosh computer for the first time. The demo showed working menus that drop down, and a fancy menu with a cool pattern, which is shown in the picture above.

第一次看到一个看起来像 Macintosh 计算机上的程序在 Macintosh 计算机上运行的计算机程序非常令人兴奋。

People who like Xerox might notice that we used a font called Cream 12 for our first computer font. This font was originally used by a system called SmallTalk, and our friend Bill changed it to work with our special font format. The title of the window looked like a folder tab, because we were still trying to figure out the difference between folders and documents. Our demo already had scroll bars and a box that made the window bigger or smaller, but you couldn’t use them yet. The only part of the program that actually worked was the “Quit” command.

喜欢 Xerox 的人可能会注意到,我们的第一个计算机字体使用了名为 Cream 12 的字体。这种字体最初由一个名为 SmallTalk 的系统使用,我们的朋友 Bill 对其进行了更改以适用于我们的特殊字体格式。

I wrote some computer code in April that took what was on the screen and sent it to a printer using the serial port. The Mac’s screen was small, so I added a feature to make the printout bigger, so it would almost fill a page. I used this code to print the display of a demo done by someone named Bud. It was impressive because it showed a graphical menu that looked really cool. I took a picture of it on the first day it worked, and that’s what you see above.

我在四月份编写了一些计算机代码,将屏幕上的内容通过串行端口发送到打印机。 Mac 的屏幕很小,所以我添加了一个功能来使打印输出更大,这样它几乎可以填满一页。
我使用这段代码来打印由一个名叫 Bud 的人完成的演示的显示。它令人印象深刻,因为它显示了一个看起来非常酷的图形菜单。我在它工作的第一天拍了一张照片,这就是你在上面看到的。

Bruce Horn joined the Mac team in 1981. His main job was to create a special window on the computer screen that would help people find and use programs and documents. The team was inspired by an idea from a group at MIT called the Architecture Machine. They had created a program called DataLand that let people move and arrange pictures on a screen. Bruce was very interested in managing data in this way, so his first task was to make a prototype to see if it could work on the Mac.

Bruce Horn 于 1981 年加入 Mac 团队。他的主要工作是在计算机屏幕上创建一个特殊的窗口,帮助人们查找和使用程序和文档。该团队的灵感来自于麻省理工学院一个名为“建筑机器”的小组的想法。
他们创建了一个名为 DataLand 的程序,可以让人们在屏幕上移动和排列图片。 Bruce 对以这种方式管理数据非常感兴趣,因此他的第一个任务是制作一个原型,看看它是否可以在 Mac 上运行。

Bruce came up with an idea to show files as small buttons on a picture of a floppy disk. He made a test version called “Micro-Finder”, which is shown above. I started helping him make it work, and soon it was actually helpful. You could move the file buttons around and click on the big buttons on the right to open programs, rename files, or delete them. We used Micro-Finder most of 1982 to show off the Mac before the real Finder was ready at the end of the year.

Bruce 提出了一个想法,将文件显示为软盘图片上的小按钮。他制作了一个名为“Micro-Finder”的测试版本,如上图所示。我开始帮助他让它发挥作用,很快就真的很有帮助。
您可以移动文件按钮,然后单击右侧的大按钮来打开程序、重命名文件或删除它们。 1982 年的大部分时间里,我们都在使用 Micro-Finder 来展示 Mac,直到年底真正的 Finder 才面世。

After the mini computer, Bruce also worked on another idea. This design had two parts that showed folders. Bruce thinks he can find a picture of it, and if he does, he will add it here. At the same time, Bill Atkinson was making a new way to manage files on the Lisa computer using icons. We decided to use this idea for the Macintosh.

与此同时,比尔·阿特金森正在开发一种使用图标来管理 Lisa 计算机上文件的新方法。我们决定在 Macintosh 上使用这个想法。

This is an old version of MacPaint. It’s from March 1983, when Bill had been working on it for about a month. The first thing you notice is that it wasn’t called MacPaint yet. It still had its original name, MacSketch. This name came from an earlier program called LisaSketch.

这是 MacPaint 的旧版本。这是 1983 年 3 月的事情,当时比尔已经为此工作了大约一个月。您注意到的第一件事是它还没有被称为 MacPaint。它仍然保留原来的名称,MacSketch。这个名字来自一个名为 LisaSketch 的早期程序。

This first version of something was made using icons created by the person who made it, Bill. Even Sue Kare hadn’t had a chance to change them yet. The most important tools in MacPaint, like the paint bucket and the lasso, weren’t even ready to use yet and would take a few months to be finished.

该产品的第一个版本是使用其制作者 Bil​​l 创建的图标制作的。就连苏·卡雷也没有机会改变它们。 MacPaint 中最重要的工具,如油漆桶和套索,甚至还没有准备好使用,需要几个月的时间才能完成。

MacPaint had a menu with extra tools, like Fat Bits. This menu was once called “Aids” but in the summer of 1983, it was renamed “Goodies” because people were starting to learn more about the disease AIDS.

MacPaint 有一个包含额外工具的菜单,例如 Fat Bits。这个菜单曾经被称为“Aids”,但在 1983 年夏天,它更名为“Goodies”,因为人们开始更多地了解艾滋病这种疾病。

“It’s worth mentioning that we experimented with many different ways to decorate the windows. After trying many different ideas, we finally ended up with horizontal lines in August 1983.”


Steve Capps drew a picture late at night to celebrate one of our computer software releases. He also saved and took a picture of it to put it on this page.


In 1983, I made a special program to create icons for the Mac computer. I used a way of editing pixels, similar to how someone named Susan Kare created early Mac icons. My program showed icons in two sizes: big and small. It also allowed me to edit many icons at the same time. But I needed a way to add these icons to the Mac’s memory (ROM). So, I added a special window called the “Hex Window”. This window showed the icon in a way that is easy to read in hexadecimal numbers, which I needed to add the icons to the Mac’s code. The pictures on the left are the actual ones I used to put famous Mac icons into the ROM, like the bomb and the happy Mac.

1983年,我制作了一个专门的程序来为Mac电脑创建图标。我使用了一种编辑像素的方法,类似于一个名叫 Susan Kare 的人创建早期 Mac 图标的方法。我的程序显示两种尺寸的图标:大和小。它还允许我同时编辑许多图标。
但我需要一种方法将这些图标添加到 Mac 内存 (ROM) 中。因此,我添加了一个名为“十六进制窗口”的特殊窗口。该窗口以易于阅读的十六进制数字方式显示图标,我需要将图标添加到 Mac 的代码中。
左边的图片是我用来将著名的 Mac 图标放入 ROM 中的实际图片,例如炸弹和快乐的 Mac。

The name on the window is “Deep”. This is the first part of the original name of the software. The original name was a bit rude and had “DS” before some commands. Jerome came up with some polite names for the software, like the “Deep Sauce” manager became the “Dire Straights” manager, and finally it was just called the “System Error” manager.

杰罗姆为该软件想出了一些客气的名字,比如“Deep Sauce”管理器变成了“Dire Straights”管理器,最后它只是被称为“系统错误”管理器。