Five Different Macintoshes 五种不同的 Macintosh

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 未注明日期 人物: 伯勒尔·史密斯、巴德·特里布尔、温德尔·桑德、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金、比尔·阿特金森 主题: 硬件设计、技术、原型 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Burrell 实际上设计了 5 款不同的 Macintoshes , 五种不同的 Macintosh Five Different Macintoshes

The design of the Macintosh computer was very good and helped make the project successful. However, the design wasn’t just created once. A person named Burrell made changes to the design four times as they were working on the project. It took a few tries, but they finally made a design that was good enough to send to customers in the fall of 1982.

一个名叫 Burrell 的人在进行该项目时对设计进行了四次更改。经过几次尝试,他们终于做出了足够好的设计,并于 1982 年秋天发送给客户。

The first Macintosh computer board was created in 1979. It was designed according to Jef Raskin’s ideas. The board had a special brain (called a microprocessor), 64,000 units of memory, and a display that could show black and white images in 256x256 pixels. The person designing the board, Burrell, used special small chips called “PAL” to connect all the parts together. This made the system very simple and efficient.

第一个 Macintosh 电脑板诞生于 1979 年。它是根据 Jef Raskin 的想法设计的。该板有一个特殊的大脑(称为微处理器)、64,000 个内存单元和一个可以显示 256x256 像素黑白图像的显示器。
设计电路板的人 Burrell 使用称为“PAL”的特殊小芯片将所有部件连接在一起。这使得系统非常简单且高效。

The first Macintosh computer was small and cute, but it had a problem because its brain, called a microprocessor, only had a little memory. Bill Atkinson was working on another project called Lisa using a better microprocessor made by Motorola. This microprocessor had more memory and could do more things. Bud Tribble, the only person who made software for the Macintosh, lived with Bill and saw how fast and good the Lisa graphics program was getting. He wondered if the Macintosh could use the same microprocessor as Lisa, so it could do the same nice graphics tasks.

第一台麦金塔电脑小巧可爱,但它有一个问题,因为它的大脑(称为微处理器)只有一点内存。比尔·阿特金森正在开发另一个名为 Lisa 的项目,该项目使用摩托罗拉制造的更好的微处理器。
这个微处理器有更多的内存,可以做更多的事情。巴德·特里布尔 (Bud Tribble) 是唯一为 Macintosh 开发软件的人,他和比尔住在一起,亲眼目睹了 Lisa 图形程序的速度和性能。他想知道 Macintosh 是否可以使用与 Lisa 相同的微处理器,这样它就可以完成同样出色的图形任务。

Bud started talking to Burrell about whether it would be possible to use the 68000 chip in a design that was not very expensive. The 68000 chip itself was already quite expensive, and it needed twice as many RAM chips as the 6809 because it had a 16-bit memory bus. This made the overall cost even higher. However, Burrell thought about the problem and came up with a very clever idea for the second design of his Macintosh computer.

Bud 开始与 Burrell 讨论是否可以在不是很昂贵的设计中使用 68000 芯片。 68000芯片本身已经相当昂贵,而且它需要的RAM芯片是6809的两倍,因为它有16位内存总线。

The person who came up with the idea was named Burrell. He created a special kind of circuit called a “bus transformer” using PAL chips. This circuit helped the 68000 computer work with an 8-bit memory by using a fast way to access RAM. This new computer, designed during the Christmas break in 1980, had a 68000 microprocessor that worked at 8 megahertz, 64 kilobytes of memory, and a display that showed 384 x 256 pixels. This computer was 60% faster than another computer called Lisa, which used a 5 megahertz 68000, but it cost much less money.

提出这个想法的人名叫伯勒尔。他使用 PAL 芯片创建了一种称为“总线变压器”的特殊电路。该电路通过使用快速访问 RAM 的方式帮助 68000 计算机与 8 位内存一起工作。
这台新计算机是在 1980 年圣诞假期期间设计的,具有工作频率为 8 兆赫的 68000 微处理器、64 KB 内存以及显示 384 x 256 像素的显示屏。这台计算机比另一台名为 Lisa 的计算机(使用 5 兆赫 68000)快 60%,但成本却低得多。

When Steve Jobs found out about the new computer that Burrell had created, he was very excited. He thought it could be the future of Apple. Steve became interested in the project and started to take it over. This made Jef unhappy, because he didn’t like some of Steve’s personality and couldn’t handle Steve’s attention towards Burrell and Bud. Steve took control of the project in January 1981, and the Macintosh computer began to become a real product.

这让杰夫不高兴,因为他不喜欢史蒂夫的某些性格,也无法处理史蒂夫对伯勒尔和巴德的关注。 1981 年 1 月,史蒂夫接管了该项目,麦金塔电脑开始成为真正的产品。

In June 1981, Burrell created a new design for the Macintosh computer. He was very excited about a special chip called the SCC. This chip allowed Apple to create a network that could connect multiple computers together, without needing any extra hardware. It also had other useful features like fast serial ports and interrupt signals. Around this time, it became clear that the computer needed at least 128,000 bytes of memory to run the user interface smoothly, so Burrell added more RAM chips to the design.

1981 年 6 月,Burrell 为 Macintosh 计算机创造了新的设计。他对一种名为 SCC 的特殊芯片感到非常兴奋。该芯片使苹果能够创建一个可以将多台计算机连接在一起的网络,而无需任何额外的硬件。
它还具有其他有用的功能,例如快速串行端口和中断信号。大约在这个时候,人们发现计算机至少需要 128,000 字节的内存才能顺利运行用户界面,因此 Burrell 在设计中添加了更多 RAM 芯片。

In late 1981, Burrell met some engineers who were making special computer chips. These chips were very good at what they did, but took a long time to design because the computers used to make them were not very good. Burrell thought it would be a good idea to try to make the Macintosh computer using just one of these special chips. He convinced Steve that he could do it. Instead of waiting for the software team to finish, Burrell decided to work with some experienced designers to make a new Macintosh using something he called the “Integrated Burrell Machine”.

1981 年末,伯勒尔遇到了一些正在制造特殊计算机芯片的工程师。这些芯片非常擅长它们的功能,但设计花费了很长时间,因为用于制造它们的计算机不是很好。

In the beginning of the year, Wendell Sander, a skilled engineer who designed the Apple III, created a special chip that combined all the parts of another chip designed by Woz into one small chip. This chip was called the “IWM” chip, which stands for “Woz’s Machine” or “Wendell’s Machine”. Later, another engineer named Burrell created a similar chip for the Macintosh computer. He named it the “IBM” chip, which also means “Burrell’s Machine”, hoping it would be confusing.

今年年初,设计 Apple III 的熟练工程师温德尔·桑德 (Wendell Sander) 创造了一种特殊芯片,将沃兹设计的另一颗芯片的所有部件组合到一个小芯片中。
这种芯片被称为“IWM”芯片,代表“Woz's Machine”或“Wendell's Machine”。后来,另一位名叫 Burrell 的工程师为 Macintosh 计算机创建了类似的芯片。他将其命名为“IBM”芯片,这也意味着“Burrell's Machine”,希望这样会引起混淆。

At the start of 1982, the original plan for the 68000 chip was over a year old and the software was still not complete. This made Burrell worried that some of the original choices might not be good anymore. He took advantage of the extra space on a custom chip to make some changes to the design. The biggest decision was admitting that the software needed more space than the original 64K of memory. He decided to go with a 16-bit memory bus, which needed 16 RAM chips instead of 8. This gave him more memory and allowed him to double the screen resolution to 512x342 pixels instead of 384x256. Burrell also added some extra features like a sound system that could produce four different sounds at the same time, which was controlled by a special machine. This was the fourth version of the Macintosh design.

最大的决定是承认软件需要比原来的 64K 内存更多的空间。他决定使用 16 位内存总线,这需要 16 个 RAM 芯片,而不是 8 个。这给了他更多的内存,并使他能够将屏幕分辨率加倍,达到 512x342 像素,而不是 384x256。

But Burrell had never made a special chip for a computer before. He was counting on experts at VLSI Design, including Doug Fairbairn and Martin Haeberli, who had previously made a special chip for an optical mouse. However, they had never worked on a project with a deadline, and things started to get stressful as the deadline got closer and they fell behind schedule.

但伯勒尔以前从未为计算机制造过特殊芯片。他指望 VLSI Design 的专家,包括 Doug Fairbairn 和 Martin Haeberli,他们之前曾为光电鼠标制造过特殊芯片。然而,他们从来没有参与过有截止日期的项目,随着截止日期的临近,事情开始变得有压力,他们落后于计划。

The details of the Integrated Burrell Machine project are discussed elsewhere, but the main idea is this: the project didn’t go as planned. The first version of the project didn’t work well, so the person in charge, Burrell, got frustrated and decided it was too risky to continue. He then thought, “Why not just design something similar using standard parts instead of a special chip?” So, he quickly designed the Macintosh 5, the one that was released in 1984. This design still had some of the same good features as the original project, but didn’t need the special chip.

该项目的第一个版本效果不佳,因此负责人 Burrell 感到沮丧,并认为继续下去风险太大。然后他想,“为什么不直接使用标准零件而不是特殊芯片来设计类似的东西呢?”
因此,他很快设计了 Macintosh 5,并于 1984 年发布。这一设计仍然具有一些与原始项目相同的良好功能,但不需要特殊的芯片。