Revolution in the Valley 山谷里的革命

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 2004年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、迈克·马库拉、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、蒂姆·奥莱利、艾伦·诺伦、米歇尔·韦瑟比、梅兰妮·王 主题: 评论,本书 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 这个网站如何变成一本书的故事 , 山谷里的革命 Revolution in the Valley

“A new book called “Revolution in the Valley” was published by O’Reilly Media in December 2004. The book is based on funny stories and experiences from our website. This story is about the book and how it was made. It also talks about what it means for our website in the future.”

“O'Reilly Media 于 2004 年 12 月出版了一本名为《山谷里的革命》的新书。这本书是根据我们网站上的有趣故事和经历编写的。这个故事是关于这本书及其制作过程的。它还谈到了关于这对我们网站未来的意义。”

When I started writing stories on this website in June 2003, I didn’t plan to make them into books. I was excited about creating a website where people could work together to tell a story about a interesting event that happened in the past. I decided to write short, connected stories instead of one long story because it seemed like a good fit for the internet and allowed many people to contribute without interrupting each other’s voices.


After I started a website in August 2003 with about 20 stories, I showed it to some people who used to work on the Mac team and others to get their opinions and help them contribute. When I showed it to Tim O’Reilly, he had an idea - he thought his company should publish it as a book! At first, I thought that might change what I wanted the website to be, but then I realized that the way the website is set up with stories could work well as a book. I got really excited about the idea because I love the books that O’Reilly publishes and I would like to be one of their authors. Without showing it to anyone else, I agreed to work with O’Reilly and promised to have a finished book by June 2004.

2003 年 8 月,我创建了一个包含大约 20 个故事的网站后,我将其展示给一些曾经在 Mac 团队工作的人和其他人,以获取他们的意见并帮助他们做出贡献。
当我把它拿给蒂姆·奥莱利看时,他有了一个想法 - 他认为他的公司应该将其作为一本书出版!起初,我认为这可能会改变我想要的网站,但后来我意识到网站用故事设置的方式可以很好地作为一本书。
我对这个想法感到非常兴奋,因为我喜欢奥莱利出版的书籍,并且我想成为其中的作者之一。在没有向其他任何人展示的情况下,我同意与 O'Reilly 合作,并承诺在 2004 年 6 月之前完成一本书。

Tim showed me the team at his company and introduced me to my editor, Allen Noren. Allen is good at helping with books that are about people and not just technology. He previously worked on two books: “We the People” by Dan Gillmor and “Hackers and Painters” by Paul Graham. Allen helped me turn the website Folklore into a book. This was a long and hard process, but he guided me through it and helped me make it look nice and beautiful.

他之前写过两本书:丹·吉尔莫(Dan Gillmor)的《我们人民》和保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)的《黑客与画家》。艾伦帮助我将 Folklore 网站变成了一本书。这是一个漫长而艰难的过程,但他指导我完成了它,并帮助我让它看起来漂亮。

After finishing the writing part in June 2004, we started editing and making the layout look nice. The first step was to fix all the small errors in the stories. We had to do this for all 90 stories, but we did 10 at a time. Most of the changes were just small fixes to grammar, punctuation, and cutting out extra words. Sometimes, we had to add a few more sentences to help explain things better. My editors also thought some parts were too technical and would confuse readers, so they wanted to remove those. After we finished editing a batch, I had to agree or disagree with each change. I agreed with the small grammar changes, but I fought to keep most of the technical details because I thought they were important to the story. We removed a few very technical stories altogether. Sometimes, we disagreed about certain changes, but we usually came to an agreement. I left the original text on the website, so you can compare it with the book if you want to see what changed.

我们必须对所有 90 个故事执行此操作,但我们一次执行了 10 个。大多数更改只是对语法、标点符号和删除多余单词的小修改。有时,我们不得不添加更多句子来帮助更好地解释事情。

The next step was to create a layout. We wanted to keep the main style of the website, but we divided the articles into five parts to make it easier to read. We wanted to give the reader a chance to take a break. We chose a special shape for the magazine, eight inches square. It looks a bit big and small at the same time. I was happy to hear that Allen wanted to print it with full color pictures on high-quality paper, without increasing the price.


I found that it’s much harder to put pictures in a book than on the internet. On my website, I didn’t have to worry about getting permission to use pictures because I could easily remove them if someone had a problem. But a book can’t be changed once it’s printed, and my contract said I needed to get official permission to use every picture in the book. Some pictures need permission from many different people, which was hard to do. It’s not my job to do that kind of work, but luckily, my friend Allen introduced me to someone who could get permission for $50 per picture. To make things even more complicated, the pictures need to be high-quality ones that are better than the ones on the computer.

做这种工作不是我的工作,但幸运的是,我的朋友艾伦向我介绍了一个人,他可以以每张照片 50 美元的价格获得许可。让事情变得更复杂的是,图片需要是比计算机上的图片更好的高质量图片。

Before sharing my website with the public in January 2004, I mustered up my courage and showed it to Steve Jobs. He was pleased with it, but as usual, he had some things he didn’t like. He said, “I like what you’ve done, but some of the pictures you’re using are very poor quality.” He asked if I could find better ones. I said it was hard to find good pictures from a long time ago, and he suggested I look in Apple’s special archive for marketing materials to find better pictures.

2004 年 1 月,在与公众分享我的网站之前,我鼓起勇气向史蒂夫·乔布斯展示了它。他对此很满意,但和往常一样,他也有一些不喜欢的地方。

I didn’t know that Apple had a special place to keep old marketing materials. It took some time to find the right person to talk to, so I didn’t want to bother Steve with the details. I eventually met Sue, who works on permissions at Apple, and she introduced me to Del, who takes care of the marketing archive part-time. The archive is a small room in a building near Apple’s main office, filled with 40 big file cabinets and many boxes on top. Del told me that these boxes came from Mike Markkula’s garage and contain marketing materials from Apple’s first four years, which nobody had time to look at yet.

我不知道苹果有一个专门的地方来保存旧的营销材料。找到合适的谈话对象花了一些时间,所以我不想用细节来打扰史蒂夫。我最终遇到了 Sue,她在 Apple 负责权限工作,她把我介绍给了 Del,他兼职负责营销档案。
档案室是苹果公司主办公室附近一栋大楼内的一个小房间,里面装满了 40 个大文件柜,顶部有许多盒子。德尔告诉我,这些盒子来自迈克·马库拉的车库,里面装着苹果公司前四年的营销材料,但还没有人有时间看。

Some of the old documents were organized using a special computer program on an old Mac. But many others were not organized because Del was very busy and didn’t have time to keep up with the new documents coming in. Despite this, Del was willing to help me find what I was looking for. After searching together, we found a big collection of around 30 good-quality photos that were useful for our project. We also found a very old video tape showing a group of people who designed the Mac computer, making TV commercials in 1983, but these commercials were never shown on TV.

一些旧文档是使用旧 Mac 上的特殊计算机程序组织的。但其他许多人没有组织起来,因为德尔非常忙碌,没有时间跟上新收到的文件。
尽管如此,德尔还是愿意帮助我找到我想要的东西。经过共同搜索,我们发现了大约 30 张对我们的项目有用的高质量照片。
我们还发现了一盘非常古老的录像带,显示一群设计 Mac 电脑的人在 1983 年制作电视广告,但这些广告从未在电视上播放过。

Allen introduced me to Michelle Weatherbee, a great book designer who got a new job at O’Reilly as the art director. My book was her first project at O’Reilly. Michelle wanted me to bring some old things from my Macintosh to O’Reilly’s office in Sebastopol, including some notebooks I used for design. She borrowed the notebooks for a few weeks to copy them. Then, I worked with Michelle and Melanie Wang, a layout artist, to match the pictures with the right stories. Michelle and some other people at O’Reilly helped find more pictures from a special picture library called Corbis that we needed for the book.

艾伦向我介绍了米歇尔·韦瑟比 (Michelle Weatherbee),她是一位出色的图书设计师,在 O'Reilly 找到了一份新工作,担任艺术总监。我的书是她在 O'Reilly 的第一个项目。
然后,我与 Michelle 和布局艺术家 Melanie Wang 合作,将图片与正确的故事相匹配。米歇尔和 O'Reilly 的其他一些人帮助我们从一个名为 Corbis 的特殊图片库中找到了我们本书所需的更多图片。

Allen said I should ask someone to write a introduction for my book. He thought I should ask Steve Jobs, but I was too scared to ask him. Instead, I asked Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple. Wozniak liked my website and had even left comments on some of the stories. He was happy to write the introduction and thought it would take a few weeks. We needed it by the end of June, so he agreed to do it.


I told Allen that even though Woz always meant well, he often put things off until later. If he didn’t do something right away, it might never get done. I warned Allen that it could take a long time to finish. So, by the end of July, the foreword wasn’t done. Allen sent Woz emails to remind him to finish it. Woz always replied quickly, saying he would make time to do it soon.


Later, in September, I was meeting with Allen and his team in Sebastopol to finish the book’s layout. Allen told me some bad news. He gave up on getting a foreword from Steve Wozniak because Woz hadn’t replied to an email about the deadline. But I was happy about this because if Woz didn’t reply, it meant he was probably writing the foreword. And that’s what happened. A few days later, Woz sent Allen a great and inspiring foreword that was perfect for the book.


I thought the book title would be “Macintosh Folklore” like the website. But when I was working with Michelle and Melanie on the design, they kept calling it “Revolutionaries”. I asked Allen what was going on and he told me that the sales team didn’t like my original title and had changed it to “Revolutionaries in the Valley”. They didn’t want to tell me until the cover design was finished. I didn’t like the new title because it seemed too big and boastful. But Allen said I would like it once I saw the cover.

我认为书名应该是“Macintosh Folklore”,就像网站一样。但当我与米歇尔和梅兰妮一起设计时,他们一直称其为“革命者”。

The next time I visited Sebastopol to work on the book cover, Michelle showed me a version she made. She used a black and white picture taken by Norman Seeff for Rolling Stone magazine in 1984. The picture didn’t have a smile in it, which was funny. They added color to the Macintosh computer and a bright red background. I liked the picture, but I didn’t like the red color. I was surprised to learn that my opinion didn’t matter much. The O’Reilly team was determined, saying that I wasn’t the right person to judge because the cover was supposed to appeal to young people, and I’m an adult now. They eventually changed my mind, and now I kind of like the cover. At least I was able to change one word from “Revolutionaries” to “Revolution”, which I thought sounded more humble.

当我下次去塞瓦斯托波尔制作书籍封面时,米歇尔向我展示了她制作的版本。她使用了诺曼·西夫 (Norman Seeff) 1984 年为《滚石》杂志拍摄的一张黑白照片。照片中没有笑容,这很有趣。

I was really disappointed with the book because of the way it deals with story links. We included these links in the book, but you can’t click on them. We tried to make it better by adding the page number of the related story. But, unfortunately, this caused problems for the book’s layout system. The page numbers kept changing as the book was being edited, and the system couldn’t handle this. I hope we can fix this problem in future printings of the book.


The book is now finished. Comparing it to the website is interesting. When I finally had the book, I was surprised that it was easier and more fun to read than the website. Many parts of the book came from the website, but it was still better. Computers have a long way to go before they can be as easy to use as books. However, the website has some good points too. It is better than the book when you only want to read about one character or topic.


One good thing about the website compared to the book is that it can change and grow forever. It can fix mistakes and add new things. This might seem strange, because the website hasn’t been updated much since I finished working on it in 2004. But the reason it hasn’t been updated is that I didn’t want to add new stories while the book was being made. I knew I would want to put those stories in the book, and I didn’t want to delay its release. Hopefully, this essay will help me get back into the habit of adding new stories, and I plan to add one new story every month.

与书籍相比,网站的一个好处是它可以永远改变和成长。它可以修复错误并添加新内容。这可能看起来很奇怪,因为自从我 2004 年完成该网站以来,该网站就没有进行过太多更新。

You can buy “Revolution in the Valley” from Amazon. Just click on this link to go to Amazon’s website.
