What's A Megaflop? 什么是百万翻牌?

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1983年1月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、乔安娜·霍夫曼、迈克·博伊奇、安迪·赫茨菲尔德、迈克·默里、丹·勒文、安迪·范·达姆 主题: 营销、教育、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 我们拜访我的母校,尝试向他们推销 Mac 电脑 , 什么是百万翻牌? What’s A Megaflop?

Apple has always liked helping with education. From early on, the Apple II computer did well in schools for kids in grades K-12. In the late 1970s, Steve Jobs started a plan to help schools by marketing and promoting it. He even went to the US Congress in Washington for three weeks to ask for laws that would give tax breaks to people who give computers to schools. Although this national law didn’t happen because of politics, the state of California passed a similar law. Apple then gave almost 9,000 computers - one to each school in California.

苹果一直热衷于为教育提供帮助。从很早开始,Apple II 计算机就在 K-12 年级的学校中表现良好。 20 世纪 70 年代末,史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 启动了一项通过营销和推广来帮助学校的计划。他甚至在华盛顿的美国国会呆了三个星期,要求制定法律,为向学校提供计算机的人提供税收减免。尽管这项全国性法律并不是因为政治而制定的,但加利福尼亚州也通过了类似的法律。随后,苹果公司向加州每所学校捐赠了近 9,000 台电脑。

In 1982, Joanna Hoffman was the only person in charge of marketing for the Mac team. She was trying to figure out which groups of people might be the first to use the Macintosh. She thought about this and decided that college students would be a good market for the Mac. She thought it would be a good idea to make a plan to sell Macs to colleges.

1982年,乔安娜·霍夫曼(Joanna Hoffman)是Mac团队唯一负责营销的人。她试图找出哪些人群可能最先使用麦金塔电脑。她思考了这一点,认为大学生将是 Mac 的一个很好的市场。她认为制定向大学出售 Mac 的计划是个好主意。

A few months went by, and we talked to many experts who knew about college business. Then, a plan started to come together. Many of these experts kept saying “consortium”. They told us that colleges really like to join together and form groups. We knew that when we first launched the software, there might not be enough to make colleges want to use it. But, what if we could get colleges to join a special group called the Macintosh consortium? This group would get discounts on Mac computers for students and teachers. We thought that if we got some of the most well-known colleges to join, many others would follow.

几个月过去了,我们采访了很多了解大学商业的专家。然后,一个计划开始形成。其中不少专家口口声声说“财团”。他们告诉我们,大学非常喜欢联合起来并形成团体。我们知道,当我们第一次推出该软件时,可能不足以让大学想要使用它。但是,如果我们能让大学加入一个名为 Macintosh 联盟的特殊团体呢?该群体的学生和教师可以享受 Mac 电脑折扣。我们认为,如果我们让一些最著名的大学加入,那么许多其他大学也会效仿。

Mike Murray and Joanna decided they needed someone who could do a great job of finding customers for their new group. Joanna knew a good salesperson who worked for Apple’s Lisa team. His name was Dan’l Lewin. He was a charismatic and knowledgeable person who used to be a competitive swimmer. He was bored with his job of selling the Lisa computer to big companies. Dan’l was interested in the new job offer and, after some discussion, started traveling around the country with Mike Boich. They visited famous universities to convince them to work with Apple and buy lots of Mac computers at a lower price.


Some universities, like Drexel University in Philadelphia, were easy to agree with because they were already planning to buy a computer for each new student. The Macintosh consortium was the perfect solution for them. But some other universities were not as excited and needed a lot of help and convincing before they would join. However, Dan’l was able to gradually build a list of around 20 universities that joined the consortium.

一些大学,例如费城的德雷克塞尔大学,很容易同意,因为他们已经计划为每个新生购买一台电脑。 Macintosh 联盟对他们来说是完美的解决方案。但其他一些大学则没有那么兴奋,需要大量帮助和说服才能加入。不过,Dan'l 逐渐列出了加入该联盟的约 20 所大学的名单。

At the end of January in 1983, I was asked to go with Dan’l and Mike on a special trip to Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. This is because Brown is my old university, and I hadn’t been back there since I graduated in 1975. Brown is known for its good computer science program, especially its computer graphics. The school is also very important in the world of higher education. Lately, they spent a lot of money buying powerful computers called Apollo workstations. We were worried that they might think the Macintosh computer was not powerful enough. We thought this meeting was so important that even Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, agreed to come with us.

1983年1月底,我受邀与丹和迈克专程前往位于罗德岛州普罗维登斯的布朗大学。这是因为布朗大学是我以前的大学,自从 1975 年毕业以来我就没有再回到过那里。布朗大学以其优秀的计算机科学项目而闻名,尤其是计算机图形学。学校在高等教育界也非常重要。最近,他们花了很多钱购买了强大的计算机,称为阿波罗工作站。我们担心他们可能认为麦金塔电脑不够强大。我们认为这次会议非常重要,甚至连苹果公司的老板史蒂夫·乔布斯也同意和我们一起去。

The most important person on the Brown faculty was a computer science professor named Andy van Dam. I worked for him as a teaching assistant during my senior year, so I got to know him well. He was a perfectionist and a hard worker, and a bit like Steve, in that he often thought he was the most important person in the room. I thought it would be interesting to see how they interacted.

布朗大学教员中最重要的人物是一位名叫安迪·范·达姆(Andy van Dam)的计算机科学教授。大四时我在他手下担任助教,所以我对他很了解。他是一个完美主义者,工作努力,有点像史蒂夫,他经常认为自己是房间里最重要的人。我认为看看他们如何互动会很有趣。

First, we talked and met each other. Then, we went to a special room called the Brown Computing Lab. They showed us some new computers called Apollo workstations. After that, we went to a meeting room where Dan’l talked about a group called the consortium. While he was talking, we set up a Mac computer. We used it to show it off to a few professors and graduate students. The person in charge, Steve, talked about its features and people “oohed” and “aahed” in a good way. Finally, the demonstration was over and Steve asked what everyone thought.

首先,我们交谈并见面。然后,我们去了一个叫做布朗计算实验室的特殊房间。他们向我们展示了一些称为阿波罗工作站的新计算机。之后,我们去了一间会议室,丹尔在那里谈论了一个名为“财团”的组织。当他说话的时候,我们架设了一台 Mac 电脑。我们用它向一些教授和研究生展示了它。负责人史蒂夫讲述了它的特点,人们好声“哦”“啊”。最后,演示结束了,史蒂夫询问大家的想法。

Andy van Dam took a deep breath and looked directly at Steve. “Steve, what you’ve shown us is very impressive and we want to join your program. However, it’s not exactly what we were hoping for.”

安迪·范·达姆深吸了一口气,直视史蒂夫。 “史蒂夫,你向我们展示的内容非常令人印象深刻,我们想加入你的计划。然而,这并不完全是我们所希望的。”

Steve looked upset. “Why are you still waiting? It will take you a long time to find something that’s better than the Mac.”

史蒂夫看起来很沮丧。 “你为什么还在等待?你需要很长时间才能找到比 Mac 更好的东西。”

“We don’t have enough memory in our computers, not even close. And the screens are too small. We’re waiting for a new type of computer with more memory, and many other colleges are too.”


I apologize, but it seems that you didn’t provide any text for me to rewrite. Please provide the text you’d like me to simplify, and I’ll be happy to help!


“A special computer made by 3M. There was a new study that gave a name to this type of computer. You know, a computer workstation with a big enough memory, a high-quality screen, and fast computing power. We think that this type of computer is necessary for good educational work.”


A long time ago, a “megaflop” meant that a computer could do 1 million calculations that involve numbers with decimal points every second. The Mac computer didn’t have special parts to help it do these types of calculations, so it was much slower than others. In fact, the Mac was about 10 times slower in all three areas where this type of calculation was important.

很久以前,“兆浮点”意味着计算机每秒可以进行 100 万次涉及小数点数字的计算。 Mac 计算机没有特殊的部件来帮助它进行这些类型的计算,因此它比其他计算机慢得多。事实上,在此类计算很重要的所有三个领域,Mac 的速度都慢了大约 10 倍。

“Of course we agree with that,” Steve said quickly. “Apple will make a cheap 3M machine before anyone else. But I still have one question: What is a megaflop?”

“我们当然同意这一点,”史蒂夫很快说道。 “苹果会先于其他人制造出一台廉价的 3M 机器。但我仍然有一个问题:什么是 megaflop?”