More Like A Porsche 更像保时捷

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1981年3月 人物: 特里·奥山、杰里·马诺克、史蒂夫·乔布斯、杰夫·拉斯金 主题: 工业设计、硬件、原型 概括: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: Macintosh 机壳的设计

In March 1981, I had just started working on the Mac team for a month. Usually, I would go home for dinner and come back to work a few hours later. Many of my colleagues on the Mac team would also stay late and sometimes we would go out to eat together. One evening when I came back to the office around 8pm, I was alone. As I entered the building, I heard loud voices coming from Bud’s office, which was next to mine. They seemed to be having a lively discussion.

1981 年 3 月,我刚刚开始在 Mac 团队工作一个月。
Mac 团队的很多同事也会熬夜,有时我们会一起出去吃饭。

“I want it to be unique, unlike anything else.” I knew Steve Jobs’ voice even before I saw him standing near the door. He was talking to a person I didn’t know, by our only working model. That person, Steve told me, was James Ferris, who was in charge of creating things at Apple. Steve was trying to find ideas with James about what the new computer, called Mac, should look like.

史蒂夫告诉我,那个人是詹姆斯·费里斯 (James Ferris),他在苹果公司负责创造产品。
史蒂夫正试图与詹姆斯一起寻找关于名为 Mac 的新计算机应该是什么样子的想法。

The original plan for the Macintosh computer’s design was created by Jef Raskin. He thought the computer should be long and flat, like a lunchbox. The keyboard would fold up into the top when you’re not using it, making it easy to carry. This idea was similar to the Osborne I computer, but no one knew about that one back then. Steve Jobs, the person in charge, really loved designing things and didn’t seriously consider Jef’s ideas.

Macintosh 计算机的最初设计计划是由杰夫·拉斯金 (Jef Raskin) 制定的。他认为电脑应该是长而平的,就像午餐盒一样。

I went to my office and started working on some code to help the computer talk to another computer. My boss, Bud, asked me to do this. While I was working, I could hear two people, Steve and James Ferris, talking loudly and strongly from the next room. They were talking about cars, but I’m not sure why.


“I want it to look timeless and not become old fashioned, like a classic Volkswagen Beetle”, Steve told James.


“No, that’s not correct.”, James said. “The lines of the car should be curvy, like a sports car, like a Ferrari.”

“不,那是不正确的。”詹姆斯说。 “汽车的线条应该是弯曲的,像跑车,像法拉利。”

Steve said, “It’s not okay to compare it to a Ferrari, nor to a Ferrari”. He seemed happy when talking about the car comparison. “It should be more like a Porsche!” That’s because at that time, Steve was driving a Porsche 928.

史蒂夫说,“不能把它与法拉利相比,也不能与法拉利相比”。当谈到汽车比较时,他看起来很高兴。 “它应该更像保时捷!”那是因为当时史蒂夫开的是一辆保时捷 928。

I didn’t think it was a good idea to compare computers to sports cars, not even as a figure of speech. However, I was really impressed with Steve’s love for making things look good and his ability to make good choices as the design came together.


Steve asked Jerry Manock to help design the Macintosh computer. Jerry was one of the first employees at Apple and had designed the special cover for the Apple II computer. For the Macintosh, Jerry hired a good designer named Terry Oyama to do most of the detailed drawings. The special mold-making tools for the plastic cover took the longest time to make, so we had to start working on it right away.

Jerry 是 Apple 的第一批员工之一,为 Apple II 电脑设计了特殊的外壳。
对于麦金塔电脑,杰里聘请了一位名叫特里·欧亚玛(Terry Oyama)的优秀设计师来完成大部分详细图纸。

After talking about computers, Steve and Jerry had an idea. They thought the Macintosh computer should be different from other computers. It should be tall and have the screen on top of the disk drive, not next to it. This would make the computer take up less space on the desk. It also meant that the keyboard could be removed. This idea was enough for Terry to create a rough design and build a model of the computer. The model was made of plaster and painted.


We all stood together when the new product was shown for the first time. Steve asked each of us to share our thoughts about it. I thought it was nice-looking, a bit like an Apple II, but with a special character of its own. After everyone had said what they thought, Steve gave his strong, honest opinion and pointed out some not-so-good things about it.

我觉得它看起来很漂亮,有点像Apple II,但有自己的特色。

“It looks too square and not smooth enough. The curved part at the edge should be bigger, and I don’t like the ring around it. But this is a good beginning.”


I didn’t know what a chamfer was, but Steve knew a lot about industrial design and wanted it done just right. Over a few months, Jerry and Terry kept making changes to the design. Every month or so, they made a new version and showed it to us. Before they showed the new one, Jerry would put all the old ones side by side so we could see how it changed. One improvement was adding a handle on top, making it easier to carry. By the fourth version, it almost looked the same as the third one, but Steve always had an opinion, even about small details that I couldn’t see.


When we were almost done, Steve called Jerry on the weekend and said we had to change everything. He saw a nice new kitchen machine at Macy’s on Saturday and thought the Mac’s design should look like that. So, we created a new plan based on the machine’s design, but it didn’t work out. We went back to our original idea after just a week of trying something new.

周六,他在梅西百货看到了一款漂亮的新厨房机器,并认为 Mac 的设计应该是这样的。

After making five or six versions of the design, Steve was happy with it, and the team of experts who design products took over to do the hard work of making the design real. They had to change the design into a version that can be used to make a plastic case. Finally, in February 1982, it was time to make a special set of tools to make the design. We had a small celebration to celebrate sending the design out into the world, which was an important step in making the Macintosh computer.

最后,在 1982 年 2 月,是时候制作一套特殊的工具来进行设计了。