First Day in the Mac Group 加入 Mac 小组的第一天

作者: 斯科特·纳斯特 日期: 1984年4月 人物: 黛比·科尔曼、史蒂夫·乔布斯、加里·克拉克 主题: 3rd 方开发人员、Lisa、文档、个性 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 在第一天,我收集了新硬件,参观了大楼,并见证了难忘的事件。 , 加入 Mac 小组的第一天 First Day in the Mac Group

I moved to California in March 1983 to work at Apple. My first job was helping people who had problems with their Lisa computers. The Lisa was a new and cool computer in 1983, and I was glad to be working on it. But, many people didn’t buy the Lisa, so I didn’t have much to do. This gave me time to learn about other things, like how to make programs for the Lisa, which was the same way we would make programs for a new computer called the Macintosh. The Macintosh was going to come out in 1984.

1983 年 3 月,我搬到加利福尼亚州,在苹果公司工作。我的第一份工作是帮助 Lisa 电脑出现问题的人们。 Lisa 是 1983 年推出的一款很酷的新型计算机,我很高兴能够参与其中。
但是,很多人不买Lisa,所以我没什么可做的。这让我有时间学习其他东西,比如如何为 Lisa 编写程序,这与我们为名为 Macintosh 的新计算机编写程序的方式相同。 Macintosh 将于 1984 年问世。

I had a friend named Cary Clark. He worked with a team that helped other developers make software for Mac computers. In 1983, Cary gave me a big stack of papers called “Inside Macintosh”. I was really excited to learn that with just a few simple commands in a programming language, anyone could make windows, buttons, and menus on the screen and draw pretty pictures. When Cary told me there was a job opening in his team, I quickly applied for it.

我有一个朋友,名叫卡里·克拉克。他与一个帮助其他开发人员为 Mac 电脑开发软件的团队合作。 1983 年,卡里给了我一大叠名为《Inside Macintosh》的论文。

My first day in the Macintosh team was in April 1984. Cary helped me get the basic things I needed to make software: I got a Mac computer, a Lisa computer to help me edit and fix my code, an Apple III computer to help me test my code on the Mac, and a special drive to put my floppy disks on. I got something very special: an extra floppy disk drive that didn’t come with a case. This was so popular that I was told to lock it in my desk drawer at night because people might try to steal it.

我在 Macintosh 团队的第一天是 1984 年 4 月。Cary 帮助我获得了制作软件所需的基本东西:我有一台 Mac 计算机、一台 Lisa 计算机来帮助我编辑和修复我的代码、一台 Apple III 计算机来帮助我在 Mac 上测试我的代码,并在一个特殊的驱动器上放置我的软盘。

After I set up my computer equipment, Cary took me on a tour of the Mac building, called Bandley 3. We visited different parts of the building, like the area where the people who make software work, the area where the people who make the computer hardware work, and the areas where other teams, like marketing and finance, work. I saw that the person in charge of money, Debi Coleman, would often call out loudly to others across the building, which is a small building. I saw this on my first day there.

在我安装好计算机设备后,卡里带我参观了 Mac 大楼,称为 Bandley 3。

The building had a big open area with a few arcade games, a fancy sound system with a new CD player (the first I had ever seen), and some strange things like a grand piano and a motorcycle. Steve Jobs put them there to show how well-designed they were.

该建筑有一个很大的开放区域,里面有一些街机游戏,一个带有新 CD 播放器的精美音响系统(我见过的第一个),还有一些奇怪的东西,例如三角钢琴和摩托车。史蒂夫·乔布斯把它们放在那里是为了展示它们的设计有多精良。

As Cary and I almost finished our small visit, we came to one of the few offices that was not divided into small areas. This office belonged to Steve Jobs. As we walked by, I looked inside and saw that the carpet had an Apple logo on it. Steve was talking to two men from the part of the company that makes printers, keyboards, and other accessories.


Steve was worried because there weren’t enough ImageWriter dot matrix printers available. Apple had predicted that about 70% of people buying Macs would also want an ImageWriter, but many more people (over 90%) actually wanted one. This caused a shortage. To make it worse, the ImageWriter used a small part called a microcontroller, which was also hard to find. Steve’s team in charge of printers was working on a new special printer called the Wide Carriage ImageWriter. Big accounting companies bought this printer mainly with an Apple II, not a Mac. The Wide Carriage ImageWriter used the same hard-to-find microcontroller, which meant fewer regular ImageWriters were available. Steve was upset because some customers were refusing to buy a Mac unless they could also get an ImageWriter at the same time.

史蒂夫很担心,因为没有足够的 ImageWriter 点阵打印机。 Apple 曾预测,大约 70% 购买 Mac 的人也会想要一台 ImageWriter,但更多的人(超过 90%)实际上想要一台。这导致了短缺。
更糟糕的是,ImageWriter 使用了一个称为微控制器的小部件,这也很难找到。史蒂夫负责打印机的团队正在开发一种名为 Wide Carriage ImageWriter 的新型特殊打印机。
大型会计公司购买这台打印机主要是用 Apple II,而不是 Mac。 Wide Carriage ImageWriter 使用相同的难以找到的微控制器,这意味着可用的常规 ImageWriter 较少。
史蒂夫很沮丧,因为一些客户拒绝购买 Mac,除非他们同时也能购买 ImageWriter。

As Cary and I walked by Steve’s office, we heard him talking loudly to the people fixing the printers. He was reminding them that if they built a special kind of printer with a hard-to-get part, it could cost Apple a sale of one of its computers, called Macs. He told them that if they did this, a part of their bodies would “get cut off”. The people fixing the printers looked like they wanted to be anywhere else. Later, Apple did start making the special printer, and the part shortage was fixed. I felt lucky to have seen so much of the Mac division on my first day.

当卡里和我走过史蒂夫的办公室时,我们听到他对修理打印机的人大声说话。他提醒他们,如果他们制造一种带有难以获得的零件的特殊打印机,可能会导致苹果公司出售其一款名为 Mac 的电脑。
他告诉他们,如果他们这样做,他们身体的一部分就会“被砍掉”。修理打印机的人看起来想去其他地方。后来,苹果确实开始生产专用打印机,零件短缺的问题得到了解决。我很幸运能够在第一天看到 Mac 部门的这么多内容。