A Rose by Any Other Name 任何其他名字的玫瑰

作者: 卡罗琳·罗斯 日期: 1985年12月 人物: 卡罗琳·罗斯、鲍勃·安德斯、布拉德·哈克、丹·科克伦、卢埃拉·皮祖蒂 主题: 文件、信用 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 《Inside Macintosh》中的复活节彩蛋 , 任何其他名字的玫瑰 A Rose by Any Other Name

When the guide for Macintosh developers was finally published, it showed the hard work I did with other people. I helped decide how it would be written, wrote most of it, and fixed all the mistakes. Later, I supervised a young woman named Louella who helped move old files from an Apple III to a Macintosh. It’s worth noting that my life was all about Inside Macintosh for three and a half years.

当 Macintosh 开发者指南最终出版时,它展示了我与其他人一起所做的辛勤工作。我帮助决定如何编写它,编写了大部分内容,并修复了所有错误。
后来,我监督了一位名叫 Louella 的年轻女士,她帮助将旧文件从 Apple III 转移到了 Macintosh 上。值得注意的是,在三年半的时间里,我的生活全部都是围绕《Inside Macintosh》展开的。

Dan Cochran, the product manager, was in charge of making sure Inside Mac was printed. He had to make some tough choices about how to publish the first edition. In the end, they decided to make a big hardcover book that combined all three volumes. We joked that it was so big, you could use it as a coffee table! Before this, a smaller version of the book with thin paper had been sent out to people, but I was excited to see the final printed version.

产品经理丹·科克伦 (Dan Cochran) 负责确保《Inside Mac》的印刷。他必须就如何出版第一版做出一些艰难的选择。最后,他们决定制作一本包含所有三卷的大型精装书。

By November 1985, I had the hardcover book in my hands, but I wasn’t allowed to look at it until a special event on December 4. Apple is usually a casual and informal place, but they wanted to make this special occasion a big deal. I was happy to see that one of the pictures of Mac on the invitation showed a red rose on the screen. People at work called me “C. Rose” because I loved roses, so seeing the rose on the invitation made me really happy.

到了 1985 年 11 月,我手里有了这本精装书,但直到 12 月 4 日的一个特殊活动我才被允许看它。苹果通常是一个休闲和非正式的地方,但他们想让这个特殊的场合成为一个盛大的活动。交易。
我很高兴地看到邀请函上的一张Mac照片在屏幕上显示了一朵红玫瑰。同事们都叫我“C. Rose”,因为我很喜欢玫瑰,所以看到请柬上的玫瑰让我很开心。

The event began with a short speech about the Inside Mac project. Then, the team members got special awards, which were book-shaped and had a picture of the Mac on them. The awards also had a personal message. But the best part of the ceremony for me was receiving the actual book itself. Everyone else seemed very excited, and I think it’s because they knew how special this moment was for me.

活动以有关 Inside Mac 项目的简短演讲开始。然后,团队成员获得了特别奖品,奖品是书本形状的,上面有Mac的图片。该奖项还传达了个人信息。

When I opened the book, I saw that a row of Macs, just like the one on the plaque, was printed on the back of the cover, along the bottom and on both sides of a special sheet before the title page. As I started to flip through the book, the others around me seemed in a hurry, so they asked me to turn to the inside of the back cover. There, I saw the same row of Macs again, and on the sheet before it. They then asked me to lift up the cover to see the last few Macs, and that’s when I saw something special: a tiny rose in the last Mac! Seeing that rose made me very emotional and I will always remember this special day and tribute.

在那里,我再次看到了同一排 Mac,并且在它前面的床单上。
然后他们让我打开盖子看看最后几台 Mac,就在那时我看到了一些特别的东西:最后一台 Mac 上有一朵小玫瑰!