Signing Party 签约方

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年2月 人物: 史蒂夫·乔布斯、鲍勃·贝尔维尔、杰瑞·马诺克、Mac Team、巴德·特里布尔、杰夫·拉斯金、迈克·博伊奇、罗德·霍尔特、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克、迈克·默里 主题: 管理学、苹果精神、工业设计 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 艺术家们在自己的作品上签名 , 签约方 Signing Party

The part of the Macintosh computer that took the longest time to make was the machine that shapes the special plastic cover. It took more than six months to design the cover and make a small group of 50 working models with a soft cover. Then, in February 1982, we were ready to make the final design into the hard-cover shape. We wanted to do this so we could deliver the Macintosh computer on time, which was January 1983.

设计封面并制作一小批 50 个带有软封面的工作模型花了六个多月的时间。
我们这样做是为了能够按时(即 1983 年 1 月)交付 Macintosh 计算机。

The people who worked on Mac had different reasons for doing what they did, but the most special part was a strong focus on art. Steve Jobs saw himself as an artist, and he wanted the design team to think of themselves that way too. The goal was never to just win or make a lot of money, but to do the best thing possible. Steve often reminded us of this artistic focus. For example, in 1982, he took the whole team to a museum to learn about the artist Louis Comfort Tiffany. Tiffany was an artist who was able to make art for many people.

从事 Mac 工作的人们从事这些工作的原因各有不同,但最特别的部分是对艺术的强烈关注。
例如,1982年,他带着整个团队去博物馆了解艺术家Louis Comfort Tiffany。

The Macintosh team thought of themselves as artists. They thought it was important to sign their work. Steve came up with a great idea. He suggested that each team member’s signature be engraved on a special tool that shapes the plastic Macintosh case. This way, every Mac produced would have our names inside. People might not see them, but we would know they were there.

Macintosh 团队认为自己是艺术家。
这样,每台生产的 Mac 上都会有我们的名字。

We had a special celebration after a meeting on February 10, 1982. Jerry, the boss of the design team, put a big piece of paper on the table for us to sign. Steve gave a short speech about artists signing their work. We then had cake and champagne. Steve called each team member to come forward and sign their name. This was a special moment to remember. Burrell was the first one to sign, followed by the software team. It took about forty minutes for all 35 team members to sign. Steve waited until last and signed his name with a big flourish.

1982 年 2 月 10 日会议结束后,我们举行了一次特别的庆祝活动。

We knew the team was still getting bigger, and soon there would be new important people who should also sign the book. So, we decided to stop taking signatures after a certain date, instead of letting new people sign later. This was hard for us to do, because we knew it would be hard to stick to. We also wanted to add the signatures of three important people who had left the project. But we thought that would be it.


Later, some new people who were not part of the team when the contract was signed found their way onto the case. At first, Rod Holt refused to let them in, but later Bob Belleville, who became the engineering manager after Rod Holt retired, decided to add his own name. Bob also allowed a few important people to join, like Mike Murray, the marketing manager, and Mike Boich, the original person who spread the word about the project. These people would have missed the deadline if Bob hadn’t added them.

鲍勃还允许一些重要人士加入,比如营销经理迈克·默里 (Mike Murray) 和最初传播该项目的人迈克·博伊奇 (Mike Boich)。

Over time, the names on the Apple computer cases started to disappear. This was because the company changed the design to make it simpler to make. Some of the names were covered up or erased before the first computers were sent out. Every time the design was changed, fewer names were included, until many of them were gone. I don’t know exactly which computer model was the last one with names, but I’m pretty sure that the Macintosh Classic from the 1990s didn’t have any names left.

我不知道最后一台有名字的电脑型号是哪一款,但我很确定 20 世纪 90 年代的 Macintosh Classic 已经没有任何名字了。