Resource Manager Countdown 资源管理器倒计时

作者: 安迪·赫茨菲尔德 日期: 1982年8月 人物: 布鲁斯·霍恩、鲍勃·贝尔维尔 主题: 软件设计、管理 概要: 关于苹果第一代Macintosh的开发以及制造它的人的轶事: 鲍勃给布鲁斯三十天的时间来完成资源管理器 , 资源管理器倒计时 Resource Manager Countdown

The Resource Manager was an important part of the Macintosh Toolbox. It helped developers store and manage pieces of data, so they could be easily used by the code. This made it easier to store and edit the data separately from the code. For example, it made it possible to translate text strings in an application without changing the code and rebuilding the whole app. This was important for localization, as it allowed developers to make their apps work in different languages.

资源管理器是Macintosh 工具箱的重要组成部分。它帮助开发人员存储和管理数据片段,以便代码可以轻松使用它们。这使得与代码分开存储和编辑数据变得更加容易。例如,它可以在应用程序中翻译文本字符串,而无需更改代码和重建整个应用程序。这对于本地化非常重要,因为它允许开发人员让他们的应用程序以不同的语言运行。

Bruce Horn created the Resources. They came too late in the design process, so we had to change some other parts of the toolbox to use them. At first, we didn’t understand the Resources very well, but by the summer of 1982, they were a big risk in the design process.

布鲁斯·霍恩创建了资源。它们在设计过程中来得太晚了,因此我们必须更改工具箱的其他一些部分才能使用它们。起初,我们对这些资源并不是很了解,但到了 1982 年夏天,它们就成为了设计过程中的一个很大的风险。

Our new software manager, Bob Belleville, looked at the situation and decided that a certain tool (resource manager) was too great of a risk. He tried to convince us to not use it in our project. Bruce was very upset and angry. Bob then agreed to give Bruce 30 days to make the tool work. Bruce said that if it’s not working within 30 days, we will stop using it in the project.

我们的新软件经理 Bob Belleville 查看了情况并认为某种工具(资源管理器)风险太大。他试图说服我们不要在我们的项目中使用它。布鲁斯非常沮丧和愤怒。然后 Bob 同意给 Bruce 30 天的时间让该工具正常工作。 Bruce 表示,如果 30 天内不起作用,我们将停止在项目中使用它。

The next day, Bruce brought some yellow sticky notes to work. He took one note at a time, wrote a number on it, and stuck it on the wall of the big cubicle we shared. Slowly, the cubicle was filled with many small yellow notes, each with a number from 1 to 30.


Bruce said, “This tells me how many days I have left until something is finished. I’ll remove one piece every day, and it will help me remember how much time I have left.”


For the next month, Bruce did the same thing every morning. He would take off the note with the smallest number left. As time went by, he was making progress, but it wasn’t certain that he would finish what he started.


When only three important things were left, I started to worry about what would happen if Bruce didn’t finish on time. The person in charge of resources was working hard now, but it didn’t look like they would finish soon because they were still making small changes to the plan.


At the end, only one note was left on the wall. But when Bruce came in the next morning, he brought a new pad of yellow notes. Instead of taking down the last note, he wrote 10 more numbers and put them up on the wall. Then, he took down the previous last note. I started to laugh.

最后,墙上只留下一张纸条。但第二天早上布鲁斯进来时,他带来了一叠新的黄色便条。他没有记下最后一张纸条,而是又写了 10 个数字,并将它们贴在墙上。然后,他记下了之前的最后一张纸条。我开始笑。

“I’m running late”, he said. “I promise I’ll finish in another 10 days.”

“我要迟到了”,他说。 “我保证再过10天就能完成。”

I was waiting for Bob Belleville to talk to him about the deadline being missed. But Bob thoughtfully saw that the person in charge of resources was close enough to completion that they could keep going. And Bruce actually finished the work in the next 10 days, kind of.

我正在等待鲍勃·贝尔维尔与他谈论错过最后期限的事情。但鲍勃深思熟虑地看到资源负责人已经足够接近完成,他们可以继续前进。布鲁斯实际上在接下来的 10 天内完成了这项工作。